Mag. (FH) Florian Sexl, BA MSc MBA

Mag. (FH) Florian Sexl, BA MSc MBA
Doctoral Student
+ 43 512 2070 - 7142

Mag. (FH) Florian Sexl, BA MSc MBA

2020 - 2022
Head of Tourism - -Led a team of 7 to generate revenue for the digital training business SaaS, resulted in the first 150 customers -Developed a strategy and implemented digital tourism services, which led to an increase in total tourism-related revenues during the worst tourism crisis in Austria -Prepared an international market expansion strategy including presenting digital services to the C-Level of different companies and organizations - Duftner Digital

Area Lead - - Sold digital channel management services SaaS in DACH, which led to a 20% increase in revenue - Established and presented digital services to managing directors in DACH, which led to increased employer branding and revenue - Interviewed prospective applicants for the future office in Austria - Holidu

2015 - 2017
Management Consultant - - Co-led an organisation review project of a UK based, global manufacturing company and a FTSE 250 insurance service provider including conducting and analysing C-level interviews, which led to improved efficiency and provided a solution in terms of succession planning - Managed a digital, career and capability work stream (supervising +10 team members) within a digital transformation programme of a FTSE 100 financial institution in London - Stewarded key culture change management activities (e.g. design, roll-out preparation and coordination) in a KYC work stream of a global Northern European financial institution - Managed key digital activities (e.g. stakeholder mapping, communication channel assessment, branding) in a marketing work stream (supervising +3 team members) of a global tech company - Deloitte UK

2012 - heute
Founder/ Management Consultant - - Sale of various consulting services to medium-sized companies with a focus on their health and safety strategy, resulting in increased awareness and health investments in those companies - Analysis and implementation of an organizational review project at a small company, which resulted in efficiency gains of 10-15% year-on-year - Creation of digitization strategies for medium-sized companies in DACH - SC Services

2010 - 2012
Management Consultant - - Conceptualized and implemented communication strategies for projects within the energy, agricultural and mechanical industries as well as in the public sector - Created personal management workshops aiming to implement a long-term organisational change development process for a major Austrian mechanical company - Initiated and implemented strategic activities for a hydroelectric power plant project - Conducted, analysed and presented quantitative and qualitative research for a variety of projects - SVWP (now Clavis)

2021 - 2022
ESCP Europe (MBA)

2013 - 2015
ESCP Europe (MS)

Universtität Innsbruck (BA)

2006 - 2010
MCI (Mag.)

1999 - 2004
Villa Blanka (Tourismuskaufmann)

  • Sexl, F., & Zehrer, A. (2024). Artificial intelligence in family-owned tourism businesses. Marketing Review St. Gallen (4), 888-893.

    Sexl, F., & Zehrer, A. (2024). Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within Tirolean family firms from the perspective of owners, C-level or high-level executives. 13. Konferenz der deutschsprachigen Forschungszentren und Institute für Familienunternehmen (FIFU). March 13, 2024, München.

    Sexl, F., & Zehrer, A. (2024). Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within Tirolean family firms. 2nd International Family Business Research Day. January 30, 2024, Online.