Prof. MMag. Raphaela Stadler, PhD

Business Administration | Tourism & Eventmanagement +43 512 2070 - 3332
Prof. MMag. Raphaela Stadler, PhD

Berufliche Erfahrung
  • 05/2024 - heute
    FH-Professorin (Tourismus und Event Management) - MCI - Management Center Innsbruck
  • 02/2022 - 04/2024
    Assoziierte FH-Professorin (Tourismus und Event Management) - MCI - Management Center Innsbruck
  • 09/2015 - 01/2022
    Senior Lecturer in Event Management - Hertfordshire Business School, University of Hertfordshire, U.K.
  • 09/2013 - 08/2015
    Lecturer in Event Management - Hertfordshire Business School, University of Hertfordshire, U.K.
  • 07/2011 - 07/2013
    Sessional Tutor - Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management, Griffith University, Australia
  • 10/2009 - 07/2011
    Studentische Mitarbeiterin in Forschung und Verwaltung - Institut für Strategisches Management, Marketing und Tourismus und Institut für Musikwissenschaft an der Universität Innsbruck
  • 07/2009 - 08/2009
    Künstlerbetreuung - Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik
  • 07/2008 - 08/2008
    Büroassistenz - Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik
  • 12/2007 - 03/2010
    Skilehrerin - Skischule Olympic, Axamer Lizum
  • 05/2006 - 08/2006
    Marketing Intern - Colorado Music Festival, Boulder CO, USA
  • 07/2010 - 08/2013
    PhD - Griffith University
    Tourism, Events, Sport and Hotel Management
  • 10/2003 - 07/2008
    Mag.rer.soc.oec. - Universität Innsbruck
    Internationale Wirtschaftswissenschaften
  • 10/2003 - 07/2010
    Mag.phil. - Universität Innsbruck
Lehr- und Vortragstätigkeit
  • 03/2022 - heute
    MCI - Management Center Innsbruck
    Academic Research I (BA) Academic Research II (BA) Introduction to Marketing (BA) Tourism Marketing (BA) Sociology of Tourism and Leisure (BA) Tourismus- und Freizeitsoziologie (BA) Intercultural Management (BA) Interdisciplinary Elective: Social and cultural aspects of events and festivals (BA) Produktentwicklung und Innovation (MA) International Marketing (MA) Marketing Management Case Studies (MA)
  • 09/2013 - 01/2022
    University of Hertfordshire
    The Event Industry (BA) The Event Experience (BA) Policy, Politics and Events (BA) Live Event Project (BA) Impacts of Events and Festivals (BA) Strategic Business Management for Tourism, Hospitality and Events (BA) Event Marketing, Sponsorship and PR (BA) Contemporary Research Themes in Events (BA) Crisis and Risk Management in Events (MA)
  • 08/2010 - 06/2013
    Griffith University
    Foundation studies (BA) Introduction to Event Management (BA) Community Events and Festivals (BA) Introduction to Research (BA) Event Evaluation and Impact Assessment (BA)
Praxisrelevantes Forschungsprojekt
  • 04/2021 - heute
    Co-Investigator - Stress Matters, U.K.
    Stress, Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Events Industry
  • 01/2021 - heute
    Co-Investigator - Family Fund, U.K.
    Neurodiversity and Tourism
  • 02/2017 - 10/2019
    Co-Investigator - AgeUK
    Participatory Arts Events for the Over 70s
  • 05/2015 - 08/2018
    Co-Investigator - 10 Events/Festivals in Hertfordshire, U.K. und St. Albans City and District Council
    Events and Family Quality-of-Life
  • 08/2010 - 08/2013
    Principal investigator - Queensland Music Festival, Australia
    Knowledge Management at the Queensland Music Festival
  • 09/2024 - 09/2024
    Emerald Literati Awards
    2024 Emerald Literati Awards - Outstanding Paper Award: Stadler, R., Walters, T., & Jepson, A. (2023). "Work it, Work it non-stop" - Event industry employees' unconscious application of the Five Ways to Wellbeing. International Journal of Festival and Event Management, 14(1), 41-55.
  • 07/2023 - 07/2023
    Surrey 2023 Conference
    Best paper award: Jepson, A., Garrod, B., & Stadler, R. (2023, July 5-7). Neurodiversity and equity in family holiday experiences [Conference presentation]. Surrey 2023 Conference, Surrey, U.K.
  • 06/2020 - 06/2020
    University of Hertfordshire
    Student Choice Award
Mitglied im Herausgebergremium von Fachzeitschriften
  • 03/2023 - heute
    Event Management journal
  • 12/2022 - heute
    IJEFM / International Journal of Event and Festival Management
Fortbildung & Training
  • 2014 - 2016
    University of Hertfordshire
    Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
Funktion in Berufsverbänden bzw. akademischen Verbänden
  • 01/2022 - heute
    Mitglied - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tourismuswissenschaft
  • 01/2018 - 12/2022
    Mitglied - British Sociological Association, Leisure and Recreation Study Group
  • 01/2016 - heute
    Fellow - The Higher Education Academy
  • 01/2015 - 12/2016
    Associate Fellow - The Higher Education Academy
  • 01/2014 - heute
    Mitglied - Leisure Studies Association
  • 01/2014 - 12/2020
    Mitglied - Canadian Association for Leisure Studies
  • 01/2010 - 12/2014
    Mitglied - ANZALS (Australia and New Zealand Association for Leisure Studies)
Veröffentlichungen in Fachzeitschriften (peer reviewed)
  • Snell, S., Jepson, A., Stadler, R., Walters, T., Dashper, K., Spencer, N., & Bhatia, P. (2024). Social media, mental health and equestrian events. Event Management, 28(8), 1149-1165.
  • Jepson A., Stadler, R., & Garrod, B. (2024). Tourism and Neurodiversity: A Problematisation and Research Agenda, Current Issues in Tourism, 27(4), 546-566.
  • Wood, E., Jepson, A., & Stadler, R. (2023). Doing and feeling together in older age: Self-worth and belonging through social creative activities. Ageing and Society, 43(9), 2190-2210.
  • Stadler, R. (2023). Pre-Event Marketing of Trail Running Events: Stories of People, Place and Experience, Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft, 15(2), 171-192.
  • Stadler, R., Walters, T., & Jepson, A. (2023). "Work it, Work it non-stop" - Event Industry employees' unconscious application of the Five Ways to Wellbeing, International Journal of Festival and Event Management, 14(1), 41-55. *2024 Emeral Literati Awards: Outstanding Paper Award
  • Stadler, R., Walters, T., & Jepson, A. (2022). Sustainable Humans: A Framework for Applying Sustainable HRM Principles to the Events Industry, Event Management, 26(8), 1817-1832
  • Stadler, R., Jepson, A., & Wood, E. (2022): Introduction: ‘Events and Wellbeing', Event Management, 26(1), 1-5.
  • Walters, T., Stadler, R. and Jepson, A.S. (2021). Positive power: events as temporary sites of power which "empower" marginalised groups, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(7), 2391-2409.
  • Jepson, A., Stadler, R., & Spencer, N. (2019). Making Positive Family Memories Together and Improving Quality-of-Life Through Thick Sociality and Bonding at Local Community Festivals and Events, Tourism Management, 75, 34-50.
  • Wood, E., Jepson, A., & Stadler, R. (2018). Understanding the Wellbeing Potential of Participatory Arts Events for the Over 70s: A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda, Event Management, 22(6), 1083-1101
  • Stadler, R., Jepson, A., & Wood, E. (2018). Electrodermal Activity Measurement Within a Qualitative Methodology: Exploring Emotion in Leisure Experiences, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(11), 3363-3385
  • Fullagar, S., Pavlidis, A., & Stadler, R. (2017). Critical Moments of (Un)Doing Doctoral Supervision: Collaborative Writing as Rhizomatic Practice, Knowledge Cultures, 5(4), 23-41
  • Jepson, A. & Stadler, R. (2017). Conceptualising the Impact of Festival and Event Attendance upon Family Quality of Life (QOL), Event Management, 21(1), 47-60
  • Stadler, R. & Fullagar, S. (2016). Appreciating Formal and Informal Knowledge Transfer Practices within Creative Festival Organizations, Journal of Knowledge Management, 20(1), 146-161
  • Stadler, R., Fullagar, S., & Reid, S. (2014). The professionalization of festival organizations: A relational approach to knowledge management, Event Management, 18(1), 39-52
  • Stadler, R., Reid, S. & Fullagar, S. (2013). An ethnographic exploration of knowledge prac-tices within the Queensland Music Festival, International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 4(2), 90-106
  • Stadler, R. (2013). Power relations and the production of new knowledge within a Queensland Music Festival community cultural development project, Annals of Leisure Research, 16(1), 87-102.
  • Abfalter, D., Stadler, R., & Müller, J. (2012). The Organization of Knowledge Sharing at the Colorado Music Festival, International Journal of Arts Management, 14(3), 4-15
Veröffentlichungen in Fachzeitschriften (editorial reviewed)
  • Boltenhagen, D., & Stadler, R. (2024). Die Zukunftsfähigkeit wissenschaftlicher Kongresse. Tourismus Wissen Quarterly, 37, 14-19.
  • Jepson, A., Stadler, R., & Walters, T. (Eds., 2024). Reimagining Community Festivals and Events - Critical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Routledge
  • Stadler, R. (2021). Knowledge Management in Event Organisations. Goodfellow Publishers.
  • Getz, D. (Editor in chief), with Abson, E., Antchak, V., Chappelet, J.L., Goldblatt, J., Jutbring, H., Mohamed A, S., O'Toole, W., Page, S., Stadler, R., & Ziakas, V. (Co-editors) (2021). Dictionary of Event Studies, Event Management & Event Tourism, Goodfellow Publishers.
Kapitel in Fachbüchern
  • Jepson, A., Stadler, R., & Garrod, B. (2024). Neurodiversity in tourism. In J. Jafari, & H. Xiao (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism (pp. 1-3). Springer Link.
  • Stadler, R. (2024). Teaching community events, power and empowerment to final year Event Management students - Pedagogical considerations and reflections. In A. Jepson, R. Stadler, & T. Walters (Eds.), Reimagining Community Festivals and Events: Critical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 204-221). Routledge.
  • Stadler, R. & Wegerer, P. (2024). Becoming, being… belonging? - Using collaborative autoethnography to explore community events and festivals. In A. Jepson, R. Stadler, & T. Walters (Eds.), Reimagining Community Festivals and Events: Critical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 183-203). Routledge.
  • Jepson, A., Stadler, R., & Walters, T. (2024). Understanding the complex nexus of interdisciplinary research in community festivals and events. In A. Jepson, R. Stadler, & T. Walters (Eds.), Reimagining Community Festivals and Events: Critical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 1-6). Routledge.
  • Stadler, R., Walters, T., & Jepson, A. (2024). Staying sane, safe and well in the events indus-try. In J. Mair, G. Aktas, & M. Kozak (Eds.), Routledge International Case Studies in Event Management (pp. 200-208). Routledge.
  • Stadler, R. (2023). Formal and informal knowledge sharing rituals: Queensland Mu-sic Festival. In V. Ziakas, & D. Getz (Eds.), Cases for Event Management and Event Tourism (pp. 141-152). Goodfellow Publishers.
  • Jepson, A., Stadler, R., & Garrod, B. (2022). Neurodiversity and Tourism. In D. Buhalis (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing (Vol. 3, pp. 330-334). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Stadler, R. & Jepson, A. (2022). Local Community Events as ‘Balance Leisure Activities' - Creating and Enhancing Family Well-being. In T. Fletcher (Ed.), Family events: Practices, intimacies and displays (pp. 100-113). Routledge.
  • Stadler, R., Jepson, A., & Wood, E. (2020). The Benefits of Events in Older Life. In S. Page, & J. Connell (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Events (2nd Ed., pp. 525-539). Routledge.
  • Stadler, R. (2019). Knowledge Management in Event and Festival Organisations: Challenges and Future Directions. In J. Armbrecht, E. Lundberg, & T. Andersson (Eds.), A Research Agenda for Event Management (pp. 154-171). Edward Elgar.
  • Stadler, R. & Jepson, A. (2018). Understanding Feelings, Barriers, and Conflicts in Festivals and Events; The Impact upon Family QOL. In J. Mair (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Fes-tivals (pp. 243-253). Routledge.
  • White, Z. & Stadler, R. (2018). "I don't think they give a monkey's about me" - Exploring stakeholder power and community alienation at Glastonbury Festival. In A. Jepson, & A. Clarke (Eds.), Power, Construction, and Meaning, in Communities, Festivals and Events (pp. 21-34). Routledge.
  • Stadler, R. & Jepson, A. (2017). Understanding and Valuing Festival and Event Experiences and Their Impacts Upon Family Quality of Life (QOL). In J. Armbrecht, E. Lundberg, T. Andersson, & D. Getz (Eds.), The Value of Events (pp. 159-177). Routledge.
Präsentation eines Artikels auf einer Konferenz, Workshop, Seminar
  • Snell, S., Jepson, A., Stadler, R., Walters, T., Dashper, K., & Spencer, N. (2024, July 02-04). Social media, mental health, and equestrian events [Conference presentation]. Association for Events Management Education Forum, Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
  • Stadler, R., Wegerer, P., & Nadegger, M. (2024, June 17-20). "I need to just keep running" - navigating the field in collaborative autoethnographic event research [Conference presentation]. Event Management Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  • Snell, S., Jepson, A., Stadler, R., Walters, T., Dashper, K., & Spencer, N. (2024, June 17-20). Social media, mental health, and equestrian events [Conference presentation]. Event Management Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  • Stadler, R., Wegerer, P., & Siller, H. (2023, July 11-13). Experiencing sport, nature and culture together - The impact of trail running events upon community wellbeing and place identity [Conference presentation]. LSA Conference, Bournemouth, U.K.
  • Jepson, A., Garrod, B., & Stadler, R. (2023, July 5-7). Neurodiversity and equity in family holiday experiences [Conference presentation]. Surrey 2023 Conference, Surrey, U.K. *Best Paper Award
  • Stadler, R. (2023, May 15-16). Ethical considerations in tourism research: working with children, disabled, older people and other vulnerable groups [Workshop presentation]. ISCONTOUR 2023, IMC Krems, Austria.
  • Jepson, A., Garrod, B., & Stadler, R. (2022, June 27 - July 1). Neurodiversity and equity of family holiday experiences [Conference presentation]. Critical Tourism Studies Conference, Mao, Menorca.
  • Stadler, R. (2022, June 10). Events, positive power and empowerment - Five stages of teaching power theory to final year Event Management students [Conference presentation]. Event Education Symposium, Hochschule Hannover, Germany.
  • Stadler, R. (2022, May 16-17). Sustainable HRM Principles for the Events Industry: Tackling stress, burnout, and high staff turnover [Keynote presentation]. ISCONTOUR 2022, MCI Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Stadler, R. (2021, December 1-9). Effective Knowledge Management in Event Or-ganisations - How to stop reinventing the wheel [Conference presentation]. ABPCO Festival of Learning, U.K. (online).
  • Stadler, R., Jepson, A., Walters, T., & Capell-Abra, L. (2021, July 6-8). 'Take an interest in what's going on, ask how I'm feeling': Improving mental health and wellbeing in the events industry [Conference presentation]. LSA Conference, Solent University, U.K.
  • Gilbert, T., Bradley, A., & Stadler, R. (2021, June 30). How, why and when to allocate Diverse Students into Online Groupwork the Easy Way - with Good Social and Learning Outcomes [Conference presentation]. University of Hertfordshire Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Hertfordshire, U.K.
  • Stadler, R. & Jepson, A. (2019, July 9-11). Families that play together, stay together - Creating shared memories through event experiences [Conference presentation]. LSA Conference, Dundee, U.K.
  • Stadler, R., Jepson, A. & Wood, E. (2019, July 9-11). ‘Being creative together' - The well-being effects of participatory arts events for the over 70s [Conference presentation]. LSA Conference, Dundee, U.K.
  • Jepson, A. & Stadler, R. (2019, July 3-4). Understanding the potential of collective memory(ies) in local community festivals and events [Conference presentation]. AEME Con-ference, University of Hertfordshire, U.K.
  • Jepson, A. & Stadler, R. (2019, July 3-4). We are one but we're not the same: festivals and events as social intervention for the well-being of Autistic children and their families [Conference presentation]. AEME Conference, University of Hertfordshire, U.K.
  • Jepson, A., Stadler, R. & Wood, E. (2019, May 16-17). Festivals, Events, Memories and Wellbeing [Conference presentation]. Inside Festival Cultures Conference, University of Birmingham, U.K.
  • Wood, E., Jepson, A., & Stadler, R. (2018, September 26-29). Exploring older event communities; A co-creative approach to exploring the wellbeing effects of participa-tory arts events for the over 70s [Conference presentation]. ATLAS Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Booth, A., Jepson, A., & Stadler, R. (2018, September 26-29). Why Attend Our Festival? Families Engagement and Quality of Life [Conference presentation]. ATLAS Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Wood, E., Jepson, A., & Stadler, R. (2018, July 10-12). Exploring the well-being effects of participatory arts events for the over 70s — a co-creative approach [Conference presentation]. LSA Conference, Bath, U.K.
  • Stadler, R. & Jepson, A. (2018, July 10-12). "A funfair with my children would be my worst nightmare" - Event spaces as a site of family conflict [Conference presentation]. LSA Conference, Bath, U.K.
  • Jepson, A., Stadler, R. & Wood, E. (2018, July 4-5). Exploring older event communities; A co-creative approach to exploring the wellbeing effects of participatory arts events for the over 70s [Conference presentation]. AEME 15th Events Management Educators Forum, Leeds, U.K.
  • Wood, E., Jepson, A., & Stadler, R. (2017, November 8-10). Remembering together: event experience after the event - EDA tracking and its use in understanding the memory of emotion rich experiences [Conference presentation]. Workshop on Analytics in Tourism Design, Mod-ul University Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
  • Stadler, R. & Jepson, A. (2017, May 23-27). Event attendance and family quality-of-life: Cre-ating positive memories and enhancing community pride [Conference presentation]. 15th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, University of Waterloo, Canada.
  • Jepson, A. & Stadler, R. (2016, November 25-26). Understanding the Sociological Impact of Festivals and Events upon their Communities [Invited presentation]. International Student Research conference ‘MEKST', Novi Sad, Serbia.
  • Stadler, R. & Jepson, A. (2016, July 10-14). Festivals, Events and Family Well-Being - Short-term Happiness, Long-term Quality of Life? [Conference presentation]. 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, Vienna, Austria.
  • Jepson, A. & Stadler, R. (2016, July 5-8). Understanding Quality of Life (QOL) as a Contem-porary Issue for Families Attending Festivals and Events [Conference presentation]. Global Events Congress, Indianapolis, USA.
  • Jepson, A. & Stadler, R. (2015, October 21). Conceptualising and Understanding the Impact of Festival and Event Attendance upon Family Quality of Life (QOL) [Invited talk]. University of Surrey, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management Research Seminar Series, Surrey, U.K.
  • Jepson, A. & Stadler, R. (2015, July 7-9). Analysing the Impact of Festival and Event Attend-ance upon Family Quality of Life (QOL) - A Qualitative Inquiry Approach [Conference presentation]. LSA Conference, Bournemouth, U.K.
  • Stadler, R. (2015, April 1). "Let's have a chat over lunch" - The Importance of Informal Knowledge Transfer Practices in the Voluntary Sector [Invited talk]. Loughborough University, Knowledge Management in the Voluntary Sector Event, Loughborough, U.K.
  • Stadler, R. (2014, May 21-24). Community Participation in Festivals - An Appreciative In-quiry Approach to Research [Conference presentation]. 14th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, Halifax, Canada.
  • Baker, M. & Stadler, R. (2014, May 21-24). "Everything is more intense": the emotion work of delivering leisure experiences [Conference presentation]. 14th Canadian Congress on Lei-sure Research, Halifax, Canada.
  • Stadler, R. (2013, July 3-5). "I had to go off in the dark somewhere and swear a bit" - Nar-ratives of emotion work in festival management [Conference presentation]. International Con-ference on Events (ICE2013) and 10th AEME Forum, Bournemouth University, U.K.
  • Stadler, R. (2013, July 3-5). Knowledge transfer and the co-creation of new knowledge within the Queensland Music Festival [Conference presentation]. International Conference on Events (ICE2013) and 10th AEME Forum, Bournemouth University, U.K.
  • Stadler, R. (2012, September 13-14). "There are no secrets here" - Organisational Culture, Knowledge Management and Innovation within the Queensland Music Festival [Conference presentation]. Australian Event Symposium 2012, Sydney, Australia.
  • Stadler, R. (2012, July 6-9). Reflections on a Festival Tourist Experience in Queensland [Conference presentation]. Soundtracks: Music and Tourism Conference, Liverpool, U.K.
  • Stadler, R. (2012, June 20-22). Knowledge Management in Music Festivals - Reflections on the Insider/Outsider Perspective of an Ethnographer [Conference presentation]. International Conference on Tourism and Events: Opportunities, Impacts and Change, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
  • Stadler, R. (2011, December 6-8). Rethinking Knowledge Management in Music Festivals - Individual Roles and Responsibilities [Conference presentation]. ANZALS Conference, Dun-edin, New Zealand.
  • Stadler, R. (2011, November 3-4). Drag Queen'sLand - A Queensland Music Festival project about belonging to the Queensland drag community [Conference presentation]. Postgraduate Symposium, Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus, Australia.
  • Müller, J., Abfalter, D. & Stadler, R. (2008, December 10-15). Characteristics of Festival Organizations and Their Influence on Knowledge Sharing [Conference presentation]. Strate-gic Management Society Conference, Cologne, Germany.
Sonstige Publikationen
  • Garrod, B., Jepson, A., & Stadler, R. (2023). How the tourism industry (and other travelers) can help families of autistic children get the break they deserve. The Conversation - Academic rigour, journalistic flair.
  • Stadler, R. (2022): Winter Study Tour 2022 - Einblicke in Geschäftsmodelle von Laax und Lech/Zürs. TTR Tirol Tourism Research. Online:
  • Stadler, R., Walters, T., & Jepson, A. (2021). Stress, mental health and well-being in the events industry: Report of key findings, September 2021. Available from
  • Stadler, R., Jepson, A., & Garrod, B. (2021). Family holidays with autistic children: Report of key findings, September 2021. Available from
  • Stadler, R. & Jepson, A. (2018). Event Attendance and Family Quality-of-Life - Research Report, March 2018
  • Stadler, R. (2012). Knowledge Management within the Queensland Music Festival - Report of Key Findings for QMF, April 2012
Betreute Bachelorarbeiten
  • Breuß Katja (2024): Künstliche Intelligenz - Chancen und Herausforderungen für das Gästemanagement in Hotels
  • Pöder Jasmin (2024): Zwischen Digitalisierung und Resonanztourismus - Möglichkeiten verschiedener Verknüpfungsansätze
  • Albertini Gabriel (2024): Fankultur im Sport: Markenbildung - Bindung und Identität
  • Horn Florentine Helene (2024): Marketing in Gedenkstätten deutscher Geschichte
  • Tschoder Daniela (2024): Die kommunikative Rolle von Social Media für die Positionierung des Glampings als innovative und differenzierte Campingform
  • Messner Anna (2024): Sportsponsoring als Instrument im Destinationsmarketing
  • Fazokas Alexander (2024): Personal Branding im Sport erfolgreich gestalten. Von der Person zur Marke
  • Kuntner Teresa (2023): Chancen und Herausforderungen von Mega-Events für die lokale Bevölkerung einer gastgebenden Destination
  • Stark Patrick (2023): eSports - Die Zukunft des Sponsorings?
  • Netzer Nina Maria (2023): Implementierung von TikTok Videos und Instagram Reels in das Social-Media-Konzept von alpinen KMU-Hotels
  • Buß Lina Marie (2023): Beeinflussung des Reiseverhalten der Zielgruppe aus den Golfstaaten in Österreich durch kulturelle Hintergründe
  • Comploi Lara (2023): Chancen und Risiken des Influencer Marketings in der Individualhotellerie
  • Goldmann Konstantin (2023): Grossveranstaltungen im Spiegel der Gesellschaft. Nachhaltiges Ressourcenmanagement bei Mega-Events
  • Sieder Katharina (2023): Erlebnisinszenierung in alpinen Destinationen am Beispiel des Tiroler Wandertourismus
  • Meier Anna (2023): Positionierung einer Destination durch die Implementierung von Musikfestivals
Betreute Masterarbeiten
  • Danza Veronica (2024): Working while others have fun - (Lack of) work-life balance in the events industry
  • Plămădeală Magdalena (2024): Cultural Integration and Employee Satisfaction in an Upscale Hotel in Innsbruck
  • Eisenbarth Lea (2024): Beyond Wine: Exploring Tourist Emotions and Experiences at Wine Festivals
  • Huber Laura (2024): Co-Branding Alliances as an Employer Branding Strategy
  • Bolter Johanna (2024): The role of sensory design in creating memorable events
  • Federle Carolina (2024): Emotional Labour in the Hospitality Industry
  • Loderer Marisa (2023): Podcasts im Destinationsmarketing: Einfluss auf das Destinationsimage von Innsbruck
  • Svitková Lívia (2023): Analysis of emotional response to visual marketing and its effects on consumer behavior in hotel context
  • Frost Lara (2023): Auswirkungen von online Kundenbewertungen auf die Buchungsabsicht von Ferienwohnungen und Ferienhäusern: Die moderierende Rolle von Sterne-Bewertungen und Valenz
  • Roher Hannah (2023): Managing Event volunteers: A study of perceptual differences and implications for Event volunteer management practices
  • Thurner Franziska (2023): The power of emotions on social media: Understanding the influence on tourists' decision-making during the pre-trip phase
  • Boltenhagen Dorothea (2023): Zukunftsfähigkeit von wissenschaftlichen Kongressen am Beispiel der Congress und Messe Innsbruck GmbH