Prof. Dr. Reinhard Bernsteiner

Information Systems & Smart Technologies +43 512 2070 - 3532
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Bernsteiner

Berufliche Erfahrung
  • 01/1995 - heute
    Lecturer - Higher Technical Vocational School for Industrial Engineering
  • 01/1990 - 12/1995
    Co-Founder and Managing Director - Axioma Information Systems GesmbH
  • 01/1989 - 12/1990
    Project Manager - AIS - Automations- und Informationssysteme
  • 01/2004 - 12/2008
    Dr. - University for Health and Life Sciences
  • 01/1985 - 12/1989
    Mag. - Johannes Kepler University
Lehr- und Vortragstätigkeit
  • 03/2015 - heute
    University of Nebraska at Omaha, Department of Information Systems & Quantitative Analysis
    Adjunct Faculty Member
  • 03/2014 - 03/2014
    Pole Universitaire Léonard de Vinci, Paris, France
    The role of Big Data in Enterprise Computing
  • 01/2011 - heute
    Management Center Innsbruck
    Industrial Engineering & Management (Master)
  • 01/2010 - heute
    Management Center Innsbruck
    Management, Communication & IT (Master)
  • 01/2009 - heute
    Management Center Innsbruck
    Mechatronics (Bachelor)
  • 01/2008 - 12/2008
    International Business Week - IT, Madrid, Spain
  • 01/2007 - heute
    Management Center Innsbruck
    Management, Communication & IT (Bachelor)
  • 01/2002 - 12/2010
    Management Center Innsbruck
    Management and Applied Informatics (Diploma)
Praxisrelevantes Forschungsprojekt
  • 01/2001 - 12/2001
    Bildungswegweiser - Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit (bm:wa), Bundesministerium für Unterricht Kunst und Kultur (bm:ukk), Bundesministerium für Soziales und Konsumentenschutz (bm:sk)
Mitglied im Herausgebergremium von Fachzeitschriften
  • 01/2023 - heute
    Journal of Multimodal Technologies and Interaction (Special Issue)
  • 01/2022 - heute
    European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) Workshop
  • 01/2020 - heute
    International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM)
  • 01/2015 - heute
    KMO - Member of the Program Committee (Knowledge Management for Organizations)
  • 01/2012 - 12/2012
    ICCS 2012 - Member of the Program Committee (International Conference on Computational Science)
  • 01/2012 - 12/2012
    CSS 2012 - Member of the Program Committee (International Conference on Collaboration, Software and Services in Information Society)
  • 01/2012 - 12/2012
    ICIS 2012 - International Conference on Information Systems
  • 01/2012 - 12/2012
    INTED 2012 - Member of the International Scientific Advisory Board (6th International Technology, Education and Development Conference)
  • 01/2011 - 12/2011
    EISTA 2011 - 9th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications
  • 01/2010 - 12/2010
    EISTA 2010 - 8th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications
  • 01/2010 - 12/2010
    EEET 2010 - International Conference on Engineering Education and Educational Technology
  • 01/2010 - 12/2010
    WMSCI 2010 - 4th International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management
  • 01/2009 - 12/2009
    IJEE - International Journal of Engineering Education - Reviewer
  • 01/2009 - 12/2009
    EISTA 2009 - 7th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications
  • 01/2009 - 12/2009
    EEET 2009 - International Symposium on Engineering Education and Educational Technologies
Funktion in Berufsverbänden bzw. akademischen Verbänden
  • 01/2019 - heute
    Head of Internet of Things (IoT) and Augmented Reality (AR) Influencer Working Group - Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
Veröffentlichungen in Fachzeitschriften (peer reviewed)
  • Sternat, T., Bernsteiner, R., Ploder, C., & Dilger, T. (2024). Blockchains in health information systems: A literature review on use cases and status of implementation of blockchains for electronic health records. Human Systems Management, Preprint(Preprint), 1-18.
  • Hofer, T., Spiess, T., Ploder, C., & Bernsteiner, R. (2024). Understanding Employer Attractiveness for Generation Z in the IT Industry. European Journal of Management Issues, 32(1), 21-29.
  • Höller, S., Dilger, T., Spiess, T., Ploder, C., & Bernsteiner, R. (2024). Awareness of Unethical Artificial Intelligence and its Mitigation Measures. European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 15(2), 67-89. doi:
  • Klocker, F., Bernsteiner, R., Ploder, C., & Nocker, M. (2023). A Machine Learning Approach for Automated Cost Estimation of Plastic Injection Molding Parts. Cloud Computing and Data Science, 4(2), 87-111.
  • Oberascher, L., Ploder, C., Spiess, J., Bernsteiner, R., & Van Kooten, W. (2023). Data Storytelling to Communicate Big Data Internally - a Guide for Practical Usage. European Journal of Management Issues, 31(1), 27-40.
  • Dilger, T., Bernardi, S., Ploder, C., Spieß, T., & Bernsteiner, R. (2023). Cash in the Trash? An Austrian Perspective on Mobile Payment Adoption. KnE Social Sciences, 8(1), 375-398.
  • Amore, E., Dilger, T., Ploder, C., Bernsteiner, R., & Mezzenzana, M. (2023). Leverage the COBIT 2019 Design Toolkit in an SME Context: A Multiple Case Study. KnE Social Sciences, 8(1), 73-101.
  • Moedt, W., Bernsteiner, R. C., Hall, M., & Fruhling, A. L. (2022). Enhancing IoT Project Success through Agile Best Practices. ACM Trans. Internet Things.
  • Khazanchi, D., Bernsteiner, R., Dilger, T., Groth, A., Mirski, P. J., Ploder, C., Schlögl, S., & Spieß, T. (2022). Strategies and best practices for effective eLearning: lessons from theory and experience. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 1-13.
  • Spiess, T., Ploder, C., Bernsteiner, R., & Dilger, T. (2021). Techno-stress in the Workplace: Triggers, Outcomes, and Coping Strategies with a Special Focus on Generational Differences. International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, 16(3), 217-234.
  • Ploder, C., Spiess, T., Bernsteiner, R., Dilger, T., & Weichelt, R. (2021). A Risk Analysis on Blockchain Technology Usage for Electronic Health Records. Journal of Cloud Computing and Data Science (CCDS), 2(2), 1-16.
  • Bernsteiner, R., Dilger, T., Ploder, C. (2020). A knowledge governance framework for open innovation projects. International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET), 2020 Vol.15 No.2, pp.189 - 212.
  • Ploder, C., Bernsteiner, R., & Dilger, T. (2020). Improving Decision Quality for Business Users Based on Cloud-based Self-Service Business Intelligence Tools. Journal of Cloud Computing and Data Science (CCDS), 1(1), 1-11.
  • Radi, D., Schlögl, S., Leahr, C., & Bernsteiner, R. (2016). The Employee Factor: Perspectives on Implementing Enterprise Social Software. International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, 11(4), 288-309. doi:10.1504/IJWET.2016.081765
  • Mirski, Peter, Bernsteiner, Reinhard, Radi, Dania (2017). Analytics in Human Resource Management The OpenSKIMR Approach. In: Procedia Computer Science 122, S. 727-734. DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2017.11.430.
  • Bernsteiner, R., Ebersberger, B., Kilian, D. (2016). Mobile Cloud Computing for Enterprise Systems A Conceptual Framework, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 10 (2).
  • Maurer, C., Steiner, M., & Bernsteiner, R. (2014). How to improve information and knowledge quality for business benefits. Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 3(8), 780-787. doi:10.7763/JOEBM.2015.V3.285
  • Bernsteiner, R., Mirski, P. (2007): Wikis, forums and weblogs as innovative instruments of elearning with potential? In: ECTI Transactions Journal - Special Issue
Veröffentlichungen in Fachzeitschriften (editorial reviewed)
  • Bernsteiner, R. (2020). Digitalisierung für den Nachwuchs. MM MaschinenMarkt Österreich. Ausgabe 2, 2020, Seite 12-13. URL: O:\_Marketing\Pressespiegel\2020\02_Feber\25_MM1.pdf
  • Wie kommen IoT und AR in den Hörsaal? Computerwoche, 21.12.2018,3546353
Kapitel in Fachbüchern
  • Endres, J., Bernsteiner, R., & Ploder, C. (2020). A Framework for the Evaluation of NoSQL Databases for Big Data Use Cases. In L. Gaur, A. Solanki, V. Jain, & D. Khazanchi (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Engineering Innovations and Technology Management in Organizations.
  • Koller, M., Ploder, C., Bernsteiner, R., & Dilger, T. (2020). Algorithms in the IoT: An Evaluation Model for Predictive Maintenance of Cyber-Physical Systems. In L. Gaur, A. Solanki, V. Jain, & D. Khazanchi (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Engineering Innovations and Technology Management in Organizations.
  • Bernsteiner, R., & Bauer, F. (2017). IoT-Rahmenmodelle als Grundlage der IT-Integration in mittelständischen Unternehmen. In K. Lucks (Ed.), Praxishandbuch Industrie 4.0. Branchen - Unternehmen - M&A (pp. 787-792). Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag. ISBN: 9783791038513
  • Bernsteiner, R. (2009): Facilitating E-Learning with Social Software: Attitudes and Usage from the Student's Point of View. In: Lytras, M. D.; Tennyson, R. D.; Ordonez P, Patricia de (Hg.): Knowledge networks. The social software perspective. Hershey, Pa.: Information Science Reference, S. 237-256
Beitrag in Konferenzband (peer reviewed)
  • Dilger, T., König, T., Haas, W., Ploder, C., & Bernsteiner, R. (2024). Challenging the AgileFall Budgeting-Trap: Applying the Continuous Planning and Forecasting Framework (CPFF). In M. Mavri, P. Ikouta Mazza, A. Karasavvoglou, & P. Polychronidou (Hrsg.), Economic Growth, Prosperity and Sustainability in the Economies of the Balkans and Eastern European Countries (S. 145-168). Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • Mößlang, M., Bernsteiner, R., Ploder, C., & Schlögl, S. (2024). Automatic Generation of a Business Process Model Diagram Based on Natural Language Processing. In L. Uden & I.-H. Ting (Hrsg.), Knowledge Management in Organisations (S. 237-247). Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • Ploder, C., Spiess, J., Schlögl, S., Dilger, T., Bernsteiner, R., & Gander, M. (2024). The Use of Web Scraping to Explain Donation Behavior. In L. Uden & I.-H. Ting (Hrsg.), Knowledge Management in Organisations (S. 394-403). Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • Abhishek, T., Bernsteiner, R., Ploder, C., & Khazanchi, D. (2024). Metaverse Technologies for Collaborative Learning: Insights from a Pilot Study in Meta's Horizon Workroom. Proceedings of AMCIS. AMCIS 2024, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.
  • Hornegger, C., Ploder, C., Bernsteiner, R., & Spiess, T. (2024). The Educational Usage of Virtual Reality Goggles - Stressor or Successor. In L. Uden & D. Liberona (Hrsg.), Learning Technology for Education Challenges (S. 18-27). Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • Khazanchi, D., & Bernsteiner, R. (2024). The Role of Digitalization During Supply Chain Disruptions: Lessons from the Experiences of Family-Owned Austrian Firms During the COVID-19 Pandemic. ISCRAM Proceedings, 21.
  • Probst, A., Bernsteiner, R., Pachatz, W., Ploder, C., & Dilger, T. (2024). Students' Views on the Internet of Things in Engineering Education. In M. E. Auer, U. R. Cukierman, E. Vendrell Vidal, & E. Tovar Caro (Hrsg.), Towards a Hybrid, Flexible and Socially Engaged Higher Education (S. 178-188). Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • Tomasini, M., Bernsteiner, R., Rottensteiner, A., & Ploder, C. (2023). How to Train and Experience IoT Implementation and Data Collection. Proceedings of SAP ACC. SAP Academic Community Conference, Munich, Germany.
  • Rottensteiner, A., Ploder, C., Bernsteiner, R., & Dilger, T. (2023). Development and Evaluation of a Multimodal Didactic Concept for Teaching Emerging Trends in Business Informatics. EDULEARN23 Proceedings, 2889-2893.
  • Rottensteiner, A., Ploder, C., Fritz, T., & Bernsteiner, R. (2023). Development and Validation of a Knowledge Audit Framework for SMEs. In L. Uden & I.-H. Ting (Hrsg.), Knowledge Management in Organisations (S. 233-244). Springer Nature Switzerland. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-34045-1_20
  • Brühl, S., Bernsteiner, R., Ploder, C., Dilger, T., & Spiess, T. (2023). The Use of No-Code Platforms in Startups. In L. Uden & I.-H. Ting (Hrsg.), Knowledge Management in Organisations (S. 289-301). Springer Nature Switzerland. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-34045-1_24
  • Bernsteiner, R., Probst, A., Pachatz, W., Ploder, C., & Dilger, T. (2023). Augmented Reality in Engineering Education - A Comparison of Students' and Teachers' Perceptions. In M. E. Auer, W. Pachatz, & T. Rüütmann (Hrsg.), Learning in the Age of Digital and Green Transition (S. 207-219). Springer International Publishing. doi:
  • Ganahl, S., Ploder, C., Spiess, T., Dilger, T., & Bernsteiner, R. (2023). How Data-Driven Decision making can be optimized by linking CRM and ERP Data. INTED2023 Proceedings, 127-132.
  • Ploder, Christian, Obermair, Philipp, Bernsteiner, Reinhard, & Dilger, Thomas. (2023). RPA in the post-implementation phase of ERP systems. Software Engineering 2023, Paderborn, Germany.
  • Bernsteiner, R., Schlögl, S., Ploder, C., Dilger, T., & Brecher, F. (2022). Citizen vs. Professional Developers: Differences and Similarities of Skills and Training Requirements for Low Code Development Platforms. ICERI2022 Proceedings, 4257-4264.
  • Mair, M., Dilger, T., Ploder, C., & Bernsteiner, R. (2022). The Recognition and Impact of Dynamic Pricing with ESL Technology on the Purchase Decision of Consumers in Stationary Grocery Stores: Current Findings and Experiment. In P. Sklias, P. Polychronidou, A. Karasavvoglou, V. Pistikou, & N. Apostolopoulos (Eds.), Business Development and Economic Governance in Southeastern Europe (pp. 253-295). Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:
  • Pusch, B., Edenstrasser, G., Dilger, T., Bernsteiner, R., & Ploder, C. (2022). How to Ensure the Process of an M&A Based ERP Integration of SMEs. In U. Mathis, N. Ondrusch, D. Kilian, H. Krcmar, K. Turowski, & S. Weidner (Eds.), Proceedings of the SAP Academic Community Conference 2022 DACH (pp. 167-179).
  • Olsowski, S., Schlögl, S., Richter, E., & Bernsteiner, R. (2022). Investigating the Potential of AutoML as an Instrument for Fostering AI Adoption in SMEs. In L. Uden, I.-H. Ting, & B. Feldmann (Eds.), Knowledge Management in Organisations (pp. 360-371). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Ploder, C., Hüsam, A., Bernsteiner, R., & Dilger, T. (2022). Agile Portfolio Management for Hybrid Projects: How to Combine Traditional and Agile Projects in a Project Portfolio. In L. Uden, I.-H. Ting, & B. Feldmann (Eds.), Knowledge Management in Organisations (pp. 221-232). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Ploder, C., Janetschek, J., Dilger, T., & Bernsteiner, R. (2022). Important Factors for Implementing a Resilient System. In J. Michael, J. Pfeiffer, & A. Wortmann (Eds.), Software Engineering 2022 Workshops (pp. 5-15).
  • Ploder, C., Meischl, J., Dilger, T., Bernsteiner, R., & Schlögl, S. (2022). Future is S.M.A.R.T. - Development of a "Smart Village" Project Framework. INTED2022 Proceedings, 274-279.
  • Bernsteiner, R., Probst, A., Pachatz, W., Ploder, C., & Dilger, T. (2022). Augmented Reality in Engineering Education in Austrian Higher Vocational Education from the Students' Perspective. In M. E. Auer, H. Hortsch, O. Michler, & T. Köhler (Eds.), Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development - Challenges for Higher Education (pp. 535-545).
  • Ploder, C., Reichelt, R., Bernsteiner, R., & Dilger, T. (2022). Mergers and Acquisitions - Elaborating Factors for Enterprise Interoperability in an ERP context. In Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - Enterprise Ecosystem: Extending and Integrating Technology Serving the Enterprise (pp. 6551-6559). Retrieved from
  • Ploder C., Bernsteiner R., Schlögl S., Weichelt R., & Herfert S. (2021). Data Quality Categories with a First Exploration Towards Agility. In: Uden L., Ting IH., Wang K. (eds) Knowledge Management in Organizations. KMO 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1438. doi:
  • Ploder C., Bernsteiner R., Schlögl S., & Walter J. (2021). Critical Success Factors of Hybrid-ERP Implementations. In: Uden L., Ting IH., Wang K. (eds) Knowledge Management in Organizations. KMO 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1438. Springer, Cham. doi:
  • Ploder C., Weber D., Bernsteiner R., & Schlögl S. (2021). Knowledge Gain in Production Planning and Execution Systems. In: Uden L., Ting IH., Wang K. (eds) Knowledge Management in Organizations. KMO 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1438. Springer, Cham. doi:
  • Bernsteiner, R., Ploder, C., Dilger, T., Nigg, J., Spiess, T., & Weichelt, R. (2021). An Analysis of an Augmented Reality Application to Support Service Staff in Industrial Maintenance. In L. Uden, I.-H. Ting, & K. Wang (Eds.), 15th International Conference, KMO 2021, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 20-22, 2021 (pp. 457-467). Springer International Publishing.
  • Amann, K., Spieß, T., Bernsteiner, R. & Ploder, C. (2021). Leadership Competencies in the Age of Digital Transformation. International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies EDULEARN 2021, Proceedings, pp. 9913-9921.
  • Bernsteiner, R., Ploder, C., Dilger, T., & Probst, A. (2021). Motivating Students to Acquire Digital Skills. In M. Auer & T. Rüütmann (Eds.), EDUCATING ENGINEERS FOR FUTURE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTIONS: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2020), Volume 2 (pp. 853-862). SPRINGER NATURE.
  • Ploder, C., Dilger, T., Bernsteiner, R., & Haller, J. (2021). INCREASE THE USAGE OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS BY GAMIFICATION. 1204-1213.
  • Ploder, C., Dilger, T., & Bernsteiner, R. (2021). Success Factors for the Implementation of a Cloud-based ERP System at Personnel Service Companies. In Götz, Sebastian, Linsbauer, Lukas, Schaeder, Ina, & Wortmann, Andreas (Eds.), SE-SE 2021 (Vol. 2814, p. 14). urn:nbn:de:0074-2814-7
  • Heschl, L., Dilger, T., Bernsteiner, R. and Ploder, C. (2020) DIGITAL TWIN: DECREASING THE COGNITIVE LOAD BY USING INDUSTRY 4.0 SIMULATION. In Sampson, K., Ifenthaler, D., Isafas, P., editors, CELDA 2020 - Proceedings, page . 321 - 325, idadis, ISBN: 978-989-8704-22-1 (
  • C. Ploder, T. Dilger, R. Bernsteiner (2020) KNOWLEDGE-NUGGETS BASED SELF LEARNING - COVID-19 BASED QUALITATIVE RESEARCH LECTURE, ICERI2020 Proceedings, pp. 2389-2393. ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0
  • M. Kleinlercher, T. Dilger, C. Ploder, R. Bernsteiner (2020) WORK-LIFE BALANCE CONCEPTS: EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION OF GENERATION Y, ICERI2020 Proceedings, pp. 3701-3707. ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0
  • Dilger, T., Ploder, C., Haas, W., Schöttle, P., & Bernsteiner, R. (2020). Continuous Planning and Forecasting Framework(CPFF) for Agile Project Management: Overcoming the "Agilefall"-BudgetingTrap. 21st Annual Conference on Information Technology Education (SIGITE '20), October 7-9, 2020, Virtual Event, USA.ACM, Omaha, NB, USA,
  • Bernsteiner, R., Dilger, T., Ploder, C. (2020). Smart Farming in Alpine Regions, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, July 6th-7th, 2020. pp. 3347-3355.
  • Dilger, T., Ploder, C., Bernsteiner, R., Tomasini, P. (2020). THE HISTORY OF HUMAN CAPITAL MEASUREMENT AS MEANS OF INCREASING STUDENTS' APPRECIATION OF HUMAN CAPITAL IN SOFTWARE PROJECTS - A FIRST LITERATURE MAPPING. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, July 6th-7th, 2020. pp. 3532-3538.
  • Ploder, C., Dilger, T., & Bernsteiner, R. (2020). Improving knowledge transfer in simulation games based on cognitive load theory. In M. Carmo (Ed.), Education and New Developments 2020. pp. 178-182, ISBN 978-989-54815-2-1
  • Dilger, T., Ploder, C., Bernsteiner, R. (2020). "EXTENSIVE"- CASE TEACHING AS MEANS OF TESTING COMPREHENSIVE LEARNING OUTCOME? - A PRE-STUDY. In: Gómez Chova, L., López Martínez, A., Candel Torres, I. (eds.) INTED2020 Proceedings. 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, 3/2/2020 - 3/4/2020, pp. 4864-4868. IATED (2020).
  • Presentation of the paper Motivating Students to Acquire Digital Skills Winner Best Paper Award Full Paper
  • Dilger, T. & Ploder, C. & Bernsteiner, R. (2020) "Extensive"- Case Teaching as means of testing comprehensive learning outcome? - A pre-study 14th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2020) March 2-4, Valencia, Spain. doi: 10.21125/inted.2020.1333
  • Ploder, C., Dilger, T., & Bernsteiner, R. (2020). A Framework to Combine Corporate Budgeting with Agile Project Management. In R. Hebig & R. Heinrich (Eds.), SE-WS 2020 Software Engineering Workshop 2020 - AESP 2020. pp. 19-23. ISSN 1613-0073.
  • Schlögl S., Postulka C., Bernsteiner R., Ploder C. (2019) Artificial Intelligence Tool Penetration in Business: Adoption, Challenges and Fears. In: Uden L., Ting IH., Corchado J. (eds) Knowledge Management in Organizations. KMO 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1027. Springer, Cham.
  • Ploder C., Bernsteiner R., Schlögl S., Gschliesser C. (2019) The Future Use of LowCode/NoCode Platforms by Knowledge Workers - An Acceptance Study. In: Uden L., Ting IH., Corchado J. (eds) Knowledge Management in Organizations. KMO 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1027. Springer, Cham
  • Bernsteiner R., Strasser J., Ploder C., Schlögl S., Dilger T. (2019) Knowledge Governance Helps Minimizing the Risks of External Knowledge Transfer. In: Uden L., Ting IH., Corchado J. (eds) Knowledge Management in Organizations. KMO 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1027. Springer, Cham
  • Schlögl, S., Sallaberger, P., Ploder, C., and Bernsteiner, R. (2018). Exploring knowledge transfer in the media industry. In Proceedings of the KMO International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations, Zilina, Slovakia.
  • Bernsteiner, R., Ploder, C., and Schlögl, S. (2018). Model-driven design of a cloud-based mobile product training system. In Proceedings of the KMO International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations, Zilina, Slovakia.
  • Ploder, C., Bernsteiner, R., and Schlögl, S. (2018). Improving business process management competencies by applying gamification aspects in teaching bachelor students. In Proceedings of the LTEC International Conference On Learning Technology for Education Challenges, Zilina, Slovakia.
  • Bernsteiner, R., Ploder, C., Dilger, T. (2018). Supporting a Learning Ecosystem with Identity Management. 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, INTED 2018, March 5-7, Valencia, Spain, ISBN: 978-84-697-9480-7
  • Gajdos, M. & Mirski, P. & Ploder, C. & Bernsteiner, C. & Dilger, T. (2018) Competitiveness of High Level Educational Institutions: IT-Governance maturity level as vital indicator? 12. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen (FFH), April 4-5, Salzburg, Austria
  • Ghezzi, G., Schlögl, S., & Bernsteiner, R. (2017). Implementation of a Text Analysis Tool: Exploring Requirements, Success Factors and Model Fit. In Proceedings of the KMO International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations. Beijing, China: August 21-24.
  • Bernsteiner, R., & Schlögl, S. (2017). Design Science and ThinkLets as a Holistic Approach to Design IoT/IoS Systems. In Proceedings of the KMO International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations. Beijing, China: August 21-24.
  • Mirski, P. & Bernsteiner, R. (2017). Data Quality Assessment in Digital Labor Markets. Paper at The 1st International Conference on Internet Plus, Big Data & Business Innovation, IBDBI 2017, July 8-9, 2017, Beijing, China.
  • Bernsteiner, R. & Mirski, P (2017). The Effect of Data Quality on Decision Making in Mobile Environments. A framework for Experimental Research. Paper at The 1st International Conference on Internet Plus, Big Data & Business Innovation, IBDBI 2017, July 8-9, 2017, Beijing, China.
  • Bernsteiner, Reinhard, Mirski, Peter (2017). The Effect of Data Quality on Decision Making in Mobile Environments - A Framwork for Experimental Research. Paper at The 1st International Conference on Internet Plus, Big Data & Business Innovation, IBDBI 2017, July 8-9, 2017, Beijing, China.
  • Bernsteiner, R., Schlögl, St. (2016). Knowledge Transfer in Internships from a students' perspective. In Uden, L., Ting, I-H. & Santos-Trigo, M. (Ed), Proceedings of the The 11th International Knowledge Management in Organizations Conference on The changing face of Knowledge Management Impacting Society (pp. 33-43), KMO 2016, Hagen, Germany, July 25-28, 2016. ACM 2016, ISBN 978-1-4503-4064-9
  • Bernsteiner, R., & Pecina R. (2015). Cloud based office suites - Users' attitudes towards productivity, usability and security. In Uden, L., Hericko, M., Ting, I-H., Knowledge Management in Organizations - 10th International Conference, KMO 2015, Maribor, Slovenia, August 24-28, 2015. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 224 (pp. 389-403), Springer 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-21008-7
  • Schlögl, S., Mirski, P., & Bernsteiner, R. (2014). Getting lost in MOOCs - Identifying key learners to ease (open) online education. Workshop on Designing Futures for Peer-to-Peer Learning at the ACM CSCW Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing 2014, February 15-19, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  • Brenner, M., Kilian, D., Mirski, P., Bernsteiner, R., & Zangerl, T. (2013). Linking sales training to business impact: A framework to measure the effectiveness of sales training in the IT solution sales industry. International Conference of Technology, Education and Development 2013, March 4-6, Valencia, Spain.
  • Bernsteiner, R., Mirski, P., Zangerl, T., & Groth, A. (2013). Competency management as a basis for further education in the workplace. International Conference of Technology, Education and Development 2013, June 4-6, Valencia, Spain.
  • Bernsteiner, R., & Mirski, P. (2012). Relationship between learning styles and leadership styles: A new perspective to encourage learning in the workplace. EDEN Annual Conference on Open Learning Generations 2012, June 6-9, Porto, Portugal.
  • Bernsteiner, R., & Mirski, P. (2012). Development of a light-weight process model for open innovation - a practical approach. International Conference on Information Society - Collaboration, Software and Services 2012, October 8-12, Ljubljana, Slovenija.
  • Bernsteiner, R., & Mirski, P. (2011). Personal learning environments to foster learning effectiveness. 3rd International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 2011, July 4-6, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Mirski, P., Zangerl, T., Gattringer, C., & Bernsteiner, R. (2010). Tweet to learn: Students' perceived usefulness of twitter in the context of knowledge sharing during field trips. International Conference of Technology, Education and Development 2010, March 8-10, Valencia, Spain.
  • Košič, K., Bernsteiner, R., Heričko, M. (2009): Dynamic Service Business Models: A Proposal for Unified Service Pricing Frameworks. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Society - Collaboration, Software and Services: CSS 2009, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 12.-16.10.2009
  • Bernsteiner, R., Mirski, P., Gansser M. (2009): Learning with Podcasts - An Exploratory Study. In: Auer, M. E., (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference Interactive Computer aided Learning, ICL 2009, Villach, Austria, 23.-25.9.2009
  • Bernsteiner, R., Mirski, P., Zivkovic, A. (2008): User Tracking for Individualizing Personal Learning Environments. In: Proceedings of the11th International Conference on Collaboration, Software and Service in Information Society, CIS 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 13.10.-17.10.2008
  • Bernsteiner, R. (2008): Facilitating E-Learning with Social Software: Attitudes and Usage from the Student's Point of View. In: International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies, Jg. 3, H. 3, S. 16-33.
  • Zivkovic, A., Hericko, M., Bernsteiner, R. (2008): Using Moodle for managing Knowledge in IT SME Companies. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Knowledge Management Conference in Organisations: KMO 2008 - The Challenges of Knowledge Management in Organizations, Vaasa, Finland, 24.-25.6.2008
  • Bernsteiner, R., Mirski, P., Zivkovic, A. (2007): Facilitating Knowledge Management and eCollaboration with Blikis. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Collaboration, Software and Service in Information Society, CIS 2007, (Ljubljana, Slovenia), 8.-12.10.2007, pp. 237-240
  • Bernsteiner, R. (2007): Social Software as an Enabler for Innovations. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications, EISTA 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA, 12.-15.7.2007
  • Bernsteiner, R., Mirski, P. (2006): Weblogs and discussion forums - tools for knowledge management and learning in higher vocational education? In: Auer, M. E., (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference Interactive Computer aided Learn-ing: ICL 2006, Villach, Austria, 27.-29.9.2006
  • Bernsteiner, R., Mirski, P. (2006): Wikis, weblogs and discussion forums as instru-ments of knowledge management in small companies of the IT-sector. Knowledge Management in Organisations, KMO 2006 (Maribor, Slowenia), 13.-14.6.2006, pp. 56-62
  • Bernsteiner, R., Mirski, P. (2006): Fostering scientific research working processes by the use of weblogs. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2006, Orlando, Florida, USA, 20.-23.7.2006, pp. 207-212
  • Bernsteiner, R., Mirski, P. (2006): Wikis, forums and weblogs as innovative instruments of elearning with potential? In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Media and Learning, ICDML 2006, Bangkok, Thailand, 13.-14.3.2006
  • Bernsteiner, R.(2005): The integration of Wikis, Weblogs and discussion forums for e-learning at the MCI. Konferenzbeitrag am E-Learning-Tag am FH Joanneum, Graz, Austria, 21.9.2005
  • Bernsteiner, R. (2005): Informationssysteme und Datenmanagement. In: Was bleibt von den Wintersport Highlights 2005 in Tirol? Rückblick und Ausblick zu den Tiroler Wintersportgroßveranstaltungen im Jahr 2005, (Innsbruck, Austria), 25.-26.6.2005
  • Bernsteiner, R., Mirski, P. (2005): Personnel Development and Organization Develo-pment as Instruments to the Strategic Anchorage of e-Learning. In: Auer, M. E., Auer, U., Mittermeir R. (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference Interactive Computer aided Learning: ICL 2005, Villach, Austria, 28.-30.9.2005
  • Bernsteiner, R. (2004): Preparation and multimedia-based presentation of instructional contents by easy-to-use tools. In: Auer, M. E., Auer, U. (Eds.) Proceedings of the In-ternational Conference Interactive Computer aided Learning: ICL 2004, Villach, Austria, 29.9.-1.10.2004
  • Bernsteiner, R. (2003): Exemplary representation of the notebook employment by an example in the field of factory engineering. In: Auer, M. E., Auer, U. (Eds.): Proceedings of the workshop ICL, 2003, Villach, Austria, 24.-26.9.2003
Präsentation eines Artikels auf einer Konferenz, Workshop, Seminar
  • Bernsteiner R. (2024, December 18). Praxisvortrag: IoT-AT Integration [Invited talk]. DigiPro II: Digitalisierung@HTL, St. Pölten, Austria.
  • Bernsteiner, R. (2022, November 7-9). Citizen vs. Professional Developers: Differences and Similarities of Skills and Training Requirements for Low Code Development Platforms [Conference presentation]. ICERI 2022, Seville, Spain.
  • Bernsteiner, R. (2022, September 27-30). Internet of Things in Engineering Education in Austrian Higher Vocational Education [Conference presentation]. ICL 2022, Vienna, Austria.
  • Bernsteiner, R. (2022, January 21-22). Digitalization of Supply Chains for improved Resilience - A Literature Review [Conference presentation]. VINC 2022, New Delhi, India.
  • Augmented Reality in Engineering Education in Austrian Higher Vocational Education from the Students' Perspective
  • Presentation of the paper Smart Farming in Alpine Regions
  • Bernsteiner, R. & Tomberger, N. & Dörschlag, S. & Dilger T. (2019) Akzeptanz Von Beacons Zur Personalisierung Von In-Store-Einkäufen 13. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen (FFH), April 24-25, Wiener Neustadt, Austria
  • Moedt, W., Bernsteiner, R., Hall, M., Pawaskar, S., Wolcott, P., & Fruhling, A. L. (2019). Maximizing the Performance of Agile Teams for IoT Development. In 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2019, Cancún, Mexico, August 15-17, 2019. Association for Information Systems ISBN: 978-0-9966831-8-0
  • Probst, A., Grafinger, M., Schachinger, G., & Bernsteiner, R. (2019). Education of IoT-Engineering in Austrian Vocational Secondary Schools. In ICL - International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning 2019, Bangkok.
  • Bernsteiner, R. (2017). The Internet of Things as a Source for Knowledge Acquisition and Discovery. Workshop during The 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations, KMO 2017, August 21-24, 2017, Beijing, China.
  • Bernsteiner, R. (2015). The role of big data in enterprise computing. Workshop during the 10th International Conference, KMO 2015, August 24-28, Maribor, Slovenia.
Betreute Bachelorarbeiten
  • Gollner Robert (2024): Implementierung eines Frühwarnsystems zur Anomalieerkennung offener Transitbestände
  • Lagler Judith (2024): Lernanalyse und Mikrolernelemente im Spiel "OPEX"
  • Trieder Tobias (2023): Digitale Transformation: Entwicklung eines Prototyps für einen bidirektionalen Datenverkehr Azure IoT Hub - ERP D365
  • Adler Thomas (2023): Visualisierung von BIM-Modellen mittels Augmented Reality
  • Even Maximilian (2023): Sales-Boosting: Digital Measures for Stationary Fashion Retailing
  • Tomasini Matteo (2023): Entwicklung eines Prototyps zur Anbindung einer Fertigungsanlage in die Azure Cloud mittels IoT
  • Lipp Jürgen Anton (2023): Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten der Industrie 4.0 in produzierenden Unternehmen: Auswirkungen der Implementierung von Industrie 4.0 auf die Arbeitsorganisation und -strukturen in produzierenden Unternehmen
  • Pötsch Julia (2023): Wirkung der Variable Umweltbewusstsein auf die Zahlungsbereitschaft von Privatkund*innen für zertifizierten Ökostrom
  • Leitinger Fabio (2023): Die Bedeutung von Datenerfassung in der Fertigung für die Produktionsplanung- und Steuerung: Eine Analyse bei STIHL Tirol
  • Richter Ellen (2023): Enhancing Industrial Training Through Interactive Video-based Assembly Guidance - Tools for Creating an Effective Onboarding Training Video
  • Sarg Anton (2023): Entwicklung eines Prototyps zur Simulation von IoT-Sensordaten
  • Egger Thomas (2022): Der wahrgenommene Wert der BEVs von Handwerklichen Betrieben in Tirol
  • Rahm Simon (2022): Entwicklung eines Online Planspiels für Operational Excellence
  • Brühl Sebastian (2022): The Impact of the frequent Use of No-code Tools and Platforms for the Development of Websites / Apps within Startups
  • Bischof Mathias (2022): Akzeptanz von autonomem Fahren der Mitarbeiter eines Automobilkonzerns - Eine Anwendung des TAM-Modells
  • Platter Lukas (2022): Ökonomische und soziale Nachhaltigkeit in Zusammenhang mit Augmented Reality
  • Hehenwarter Florian (2022): Die Batteriethematik im Bereich der E-Mobilität am Beispiel Tesla
  • Kirchebner Andreas (2022): Implementierung eines Digital Twins in Form einer Augmented Reality Anwendung mit Anbindung an eine IoT Plattform
  • Oppl Stephan (2021): Entwicklung eines Versuchsaufbaus für ein intelligentes Bewässerungssystem mit Hilfe von IoT
  • Vögel Luca (2021): Nachhaltigkeit im Straßenverkehr durch autonomes Fahren
  • Ehrhardt Lisa (2021): Gestaltungsprinzipien von Knowledge Nuggets am Beispiel der Lernthematik "Chatbots"
  • Gamper Laura (2021): Design von Knowledge Nuggets unter dem Aspekt von Business Intelligence
  • Zoderer Klaus (2021): Agile Project Management in SaaS Customer Care Teams
  • Kreiner Jonas (2021): Realisierung eines Digitalen Zwillings und Visualisierung durch Augmented Reality
  • Nagl Jennifer (2021): UAT vs. Arbeitsalltag: Analyse eines UATs im Rahmen einer Softwareumstellung auf ein standardisiertes ERP-System - Fallanwendung im Lebensmittelgroßhandel
  • Sponring Goran (2021): Microsoft Excel, Betriebssysteme, Da-tenbankschnittstellen und Optimie-rungspotenziale im Zusammenspiel mit Relationalen Datenbank Management Systemen
  • Hazy Christoph (2021): Design von Knowledge Nuggets im Themenbereich Mobile Payment
  • Oberhauser Christian (2021): Visualisierung von Elektroleitungen durch Augmented Reality
  • Wolf Verena (2020): Analyse von Compliance Management Systemen im Beschaffungsprozess: Ein Vergleich zwischen Theorie und Praxis
  • Mikaelyan Norair (2020): Entwicklung einer AR-Lösung zur Verbesserung des AnzeichnenProzesses beim Rohbau von U-Booten
  • Rottensteiner Maximilian (2020): Qualitätssteigerung von Capsicum Chinense mittels verschiedener Bewässerungsvarianten
  • Nigg Johannes (2020): Eine Analyse von Augmented Reality in der Wartung
  • Egg Johannes (2020): Ertragsoptimierung von Capsicum Chinense durch verschiedene Wellenlängen in der Beleuchtung
  • Ebner Fabian (2020): Optimierung des Beschaffungsverfahrens der Südtiroler Kellereigenossenschaften
  • Gebauer David (2020): Sportanalyse im Profifußball am Beispiel der WSG Swarovski Tirol.
  • Beiler David (2020): Prototypische Implementierung eines IoT Anwendungsfalles mithilfe von Cloud Computing
  • Resch Daniel (2020): Effizienzsteigerung von unternehmensinternen Prozessen durch die Nutzung mobiler Applikationen
  • Csibi Beatrix (2020): The Effect of Legal Constraints on the Economic Performance of European FTL Carriers
  • Gailer Victoria (2019): Smart Farming - Herausforderungen und Potenziale bei der Integration vernetzter Systeme in der kleinstrukturierten Landwirtschaft Österreichs
  • Giesswein Thomas (2019): Die Stärken und Schwächen des Einkaufs in KMU im Maschinenbau in Tirol
  • Corbaci Semih (2019): Akzeptanz der Mitarbeiter bei der Einführung ausgewählter Elemente aus Industrie 4.0 - am Beispiel der MONTFORT Kunststofftechnik GmbH
  • Welzig Roland (2019): "Der öffentliche Breitbandinternetausbau in Tirol und seine wahrgenommenen Effekte "
  • Schwaninger Maximilian (2019): "Management von Supply Chains von Konsumgütern in der Elektromedizinbranche - Analyse von Instrumenten zur Sicherstellung der Verfügbarkeit von Elektromedizinprodukten
  • Pacey Jonathon (2019): The effect of noise on concentration - use of an IoT prototype in an educational environment
  • Margreiter Johannes (2019): Neue Herausforderungen im Service mit Industrie 4.0
  • Taferner Irene (2019): Auswirkungen der Implantierung von RFID Chips auf die Mitarbeiter/innenzufriedenheit
  • Zelenko Daria (2019): Motivation in workplace learning situations
  • Ackerbauer Daniela (2019): Digitalisierung im Life Science Markt - Wie Pharmaunternehmen in Österreich den Nutzen digitaler Innovationen umfänglich ausschöpfen können
  • Haidacher Angelika (2019): "Tendermanagement in der Transportlogistik: Analyse und Konzeptentwicklung zur Verbesserung von Frachtausschreibungen"
  • Mannsberger Andreas (2019): Zusammenhang zwischen Motivation der Mitarbeiter und modernen Arbeitsprozesse in kleinen Produktionsunternehmen
  • Loos Alexander (2019): Investigation of success factors for an offshoring project
  • Corbaci Semih (2018): Akzeptanz der Mitarbeiter bei der Einführung ausgewählter Elemente aus Industrie 4.0 - am Beispiel der MONTFORT Kunststofftechnik GmbH
  • Hofer Nora (2018): Vorantreiben des online Handels von klein- und mittelständischen Unternehmen in Österreich
  • Tomberger Nicole (2018): Akzeptanz einer Personalisierung von In-Store-Einkäufen mittels BLE Beacons
  • Mörtl Michael (2018): Soziale Netzwerke im Wahlkampf
  • Albrecht Manuel (2018): Ursachenanalyse für Maverick Buying in einem regionalen Energieversorgungsunternehmen
  • Albrecht Manuel (2018): Ursachenanalyse für Maverick Buying in einem regionalen Energieversorgungsunternehmen
  • Mannsberger Andreas (2018): Zusammenhang zwischen Motivation der Mitarbeiter und modernen Arbeitsprozesse in kleinen Produktionsunternehmen.
  • Gantrel Tim (2017): Der Einfluss vom 3D Drucker auf die User Innovation
  • Cottini Philipp (2017): Einfluss von Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons im Einzelhandel
  • Kainz Fabian (2017): Die Eignung von Activity Streams zur Unterstützung der Informationslogistik in Projekten
  • Maier Daniel (2017): Einführung eines Energiemanagementsystems in einem Lebensmittelproduktionsbetrieb.
  • Maier Daniel (2017): Einführung eines Energiemanagementsystems in einem Lebensmittelproduktionsbetrieb.
  • Krismer Christoph (2017): Optimierung logistischer Prozesse entlang der Wertschöpfungskette am Beispiel der BORA Lüftungstechnik GmbH
  • Krismer Christoph (2017): Optimierung logistischer Prozesse entlang der Wertschöpfungskette am Beispiel der BORA Lüftungstechnik GmbH
  • Neururer Mathias (2016): Nutzerakzeptanz von Studierenden von Beacons am Beispiel einer kommerziellen Applikation
  • Matt Manuel (2016): Akzeptanz von Beacons im Einzelhandel
  • Bosankic Leopold (2016): Bluetooth Low Energy beacons im Kontext von location-based Diensten
  • Neu Lea (2016): Einflussfaktoren auf die Nutzerakzeptanz von Beacons basierend auf der einheitlichen Theorie der Akzeptanz und Nutzung von Technologie nach Venkatesh et al.
  • Kranebitter Jasmin Theres (2016): Die Grenzen der Intelligence Community bei der Vorhersage von Terroranschlägen
  • Zöggeler Florian (2016): Chancen und Risiken von Industrie 4.0 in der Senoplast Klepsch GmbH & Co. KG bezogen auf die Mitarbeiter
  • Dietrich Dominic (2016): Akzeptanz von Bluetooth Beacons im stationären Lebensmittelhandel
  • Pecina Robert (2015): Office 2.0 unter Studenten - Eine Studie zu den Themen Produktivität, Usability und Sicherheitsgefühl
  • Mitterberger René (2015): Office 2.0. - Eine Untersuchung unter StudentInnen bezüglich Produktivität, Usability und Sicherheitsgefühl.
  • Sonnerer Martin (2015): Potenziale mittelständischer Betriebe in Südtirol im Bereich Industrie 4.0
  • Fiegl Julius (2015): Industrie 4.0 in der mittelständischen Automobilzulieferindustrie
  • Bockemühl Felix (2015): Potenziale und Risiken des Internet of Things im Bereich der "Smart Environment"
  • Gargitter David (2015): Car2X-Kommunikation Sicherheit durch Technologie in der Automobilindustrie
  • Bendler Matthias (2014): Use of modern User Interface Designs in mobile Learning Applications
  • Repperschnee Maria (2014): Social Media in der Krisenkommunikation - Kritische Faktoren und Handlungsempfehlungen
  • Ziegler Lukas (2014): Social Media Monitoring in Österreich
  • Fraisl Lara (2014): Analyse des Lerneffektes eines nicht im Kontext des Edutainment geschaffenen Konsolenspieles
  • Schönbichler Gregor (2014): Development of database as tool to improve quality and scheduling
  • Tschenet Fabio (2014): Der Einfluss von Social Media auf die Vertriebswege eines Network Marketing Unternehmens.
  • Pichler Claudia Gabriela (2014): Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Gamification in der Schule
  • Benedikt Christoph (2014): Besitzt Gamification das Potenzial, Mitarbeitende im Aus- und Weiterbildungsbereich in Unternehmen nachhaltig zu motivieren?
  • Thaler Armin (2014): Krisenmanagement von Automobilherstellern zwischen 2008 und 2013
  • Dietrich Martin (2013): Office 2.0 - Usability von Online-Office Anwendungen anhand von Office 365
  • Libiseller Lukas (2013): Mobile Learning Experience - Design Anforderungen an m-Learning Apps mit Fokussierung auf Learning Experience
  • Gapp Lisa (2013): Konfliktbewältigung in Unternehmen unter Einbezug einer objektiven Drittpartei - Ein Vergleich der Wirtschaftsmächte USA und Deutschland
  • Höller Katrin (2013): Kaufentscheidungen aufgrund von Farbemotionen
  • De Zordo Johannes (2013): Erstellung eines Kriterienkatalogs zum Vorselektieren von Social Media Monitoring Tools
  • Pale Gerald (2013): Einfluss von kundengenerierten Hotelbewertungen auf das Konsumverhalten im E-Commerce
  • Meusburger Daniel (2013): Einsatz und Einfluss von Gamification auf mobile Lernanwendungen
  • Strohmaier Alexander (2013): Office 2.0 - Nutzwertanalyse für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen
  • Sparber Thomas (2012): Web Analytics und Web Monitoring
  • Frater Marcell (2012): Datenbeschaffung, Datenspeicherung und Datenanalyse österreichischer Tourismusunternehmen
  • Lindau Lukas Theodor (2012): Open Innovation in Small and Medium-sized Service Enterprises in the European Union
  • Exenberger Jakob (2012): Open Innovation
  • Pfurtscheller Armin (2012): Softwarebasiertes Cashmanagement in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen:Ein praxisorientierter Leitfaden
  • Bacher Andreas (2012): Business Analytics - Monitoring und Messung von unternehmensspezifischen Inhalten im Internet
  • Brunner Tobias (2011): mobileCampus - Bedarfs- & Potentialsanalyse von mobilen Diensten für Studierende an Hochschulen
  • Ambrosi Stephan (2011): Mobile Campus - Einsatz von mobilen Diensten im Hochschulbereich
  • Witting Simone (2011): Der Führungsstil in einer lernenden Organisation nach dem Konzept von Senge im Vergleich zum transaktionalen und transformationalen Führungsstil
  • Yao Houdek Liqin (2011): Relationship between learning styles and leadership styles: a new perspective to encourage learning in the workplace
  • Bauer Florian (2011): "mobile Campus": Die Plattform von Universitäten für Studenten/innen, um studienrelevante Inhalte auf Mobiltelefonen darzustellen.
  • Thöni Eva (2011): Personal Learning in Organisationen - Unternehmenskultur als Enabler
  • Stagl Ulrike (2010): The Digital Divide in Indian Higher Education using the Example of IILM New Delhi
  • Kaiser Sebastian (2010): Potentialanalyse von eCollaboration zur Prozessverbesserung in kleinen Handelsbetrieben
  • Schön Sabine (2010): Analyse ausgewählter kultureller Einflussfaktoren auf die Einführung digitaler Kommunikationsstrukturen innerhalb eines Entwicklungsprojekts an der Elfenbeinküste
  • Barth Nicolai (2010): Web Conferencing Tools- Segen oder Fluch für das Projektmanagement?
  • Maschler Marina (2010): Neuartige Telehealth-Anwendungen für ältere Menschen
  • Gschliesser Claudia (2010): Richtlinien für barrierefreie, browser-basierte eCollaboration
  • Palmetshofer-Gassner Carina (2010): Einführung von E-Collaboration Tools am Beispiel der Firma "The Bridge"
Betreute Diplomarbeiten
  • Föger Markus (2011): Software-as-a-Service - Ein Leitfaden für die Einführung von Cloud-Computing in Unternehmen
  • Popp Roland (2010): Entwicklung eines automatisierten Softwarequalitäts-Bewertungsverfahrens für das Business-Process-Management-System der Lufthansa Technik Logistik GmbH
  • Schalk Michael (2010): Untersuchung clusterinterner Kommunikationsstrukturen am Beispiel des Tiroler IT Clusters
  • Spori Joel (2010): Cloud Computing - Vorteile und Akzeptanz webbasierter Betriebssysteme
  • Wolf Günter (2010): Wissenstransferprozess zwischen einzelnen Standorten bei Global Software Development in einer multinationalen Unternehmung
  • Femböck Monika (2009): Generierung eines integrierten Software-Entwicklungsprozesses - am Beispiel phion AG und Visonys AG
  • Sonnleitner Franz (2009): Evaluierung eines webbasierten, objektorientierten Reportingkozepts - Prototypentwicklung
  • Wegscheider Bernd (2009): Adaption einer "Online-Jobbörse" an das E-Recruiting von Personalleasingunternehmen
  • Hammerl Stefan (2008): Einsatz von grafischen Symbolen, Bildern und Icons zur Visualisierung von Geschäftsprozessen
  • Rauter Sandra (2008): Web Applikationen vs. Lokale Applikationen
  • Rützler Margit (2008): Definition and appliance of qualitative and quantitative key figures to measure intranet based information and communication.
  • Myrte Elton (2008): E-Collaboration in Project Management
  • Wolf Claudia (2008): Potenziale zukünftiger ELearning Umgebungen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Mashup-Technologien zur Abdeckung der Defizite bisheriger Lernplattformen
  • Waldhart Benjamin (2008): Potential- und Prozessanalyse für die Entwicklung eines Fundraising-Moduls (am Beispiel der CRM-Branchenlösung CAS Alumni)
  • Moser Reinhard (2007): Faktor Wissen als Indikator für den Reifegrad regionaler Unternehmenscluster und Kompetenznetze
  • Ragg Paul (2007): Prozessoptimierung, Standardisierung und Inventarisierung in der EDV-Abteilung eines produzierenden Betriebes
  • Schmied Lukas (2007): Monetäre Nutzenquantifizierung industrieller Dienstleistungen - Entwicklung eines Ansatzes für Swarovski
  • Zangerl Daniela (2007): Einsatz von RFID - Technologie in einem lebensmittelverarbeitenden Unternehmen
  • Hagen Veronika (2006): Identifikation der Anforderungen an Online-Jobbörsen für FH-StudienabgängerInnen anhand der internetgestützten Umsetzung der Firma Duftner & Partner
  • Deutschmann Martin (2006): E-learning Methoden für die Unterstützung firmeninterner Schulungen - am Beispiel eines Pilotprojektes des Produktmanagements für Lichtsteuerungssysteme bei Zumtobel Staff.
  • Bucher Markus (2006): Konzeption einer globalen Support Organisation zur Sicherstellung optimaler Support- bzw. Serviceprozesse auf Basis von IT Service Management (ITSM)
  • Kaserer Claus (2006): Veränderungen administrativer Prozesse europäischer Hochschulen im Kontext des Bologna-Prozesses
  • Berloffa Bruno (2006): Einführung einer unternehmensweiten Intranetlösung, um ein nachhaltiges Innovationsmanagement in einem international agierenden Unternehmen zu betreiben
  • Huber Bernhard (2006): Die Implementierung digitaler, interuniversitärer Prozesse durch Web Services im Kontext des Bologna Prozesses
Betreute Masterarbeiten
  • Richter Petr (2024): Modern Human Resource Practices: Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Talent Development
  • Mauro Filippo (2024): Artificial Intelligence in Circular Economy: Exploring Practical Applications and Stakeholder Perspectives
  • Saikkonen Elmo (2024): Critical Factors and AI Solutions for Data Center Efficiency in the Nordic Region
  • Neumann Quirin (2023): Design of a best practice approach for SMEs to benefit from IoT data
  • Patoka Olga (2023): Passengers' Acceptance of Selected Digital Services at Airports
  • Köstinger Nikolaus (2023): Factors influencing the intention to use FinTech by non - professional investors
  • Borri Mirco (2023): The feasibility of Data Lakes for SMEs
  • Bigelmaier Florian (2023): How eCommerce Companies Generate Business Value Using the Data Value Chain
  • Jäger Claudio (2023): Development of a Concept for a Drone Network for Emergency Operations
  • Wernisch Bettina (2023): Die Akzeptanz von computergestützten automatisierten Planungsverfahren im Gesundheitswesen
  • Dietz Julia (2022): Tokenization of Carbon Footprint for CO2 reduction in Industrial Manufacturing
  • Lanternari Vittorio (2021): The strategic use of Cyberspace: a US perspective
  • Di Croce Michelangelo (2021): Covid-19 and Supply Chain Resilience: how the pandemic impacted on SCRes and how technology can mitigate the disruption
  • Dittrich Julian (2021): Flow Experience Through Augmented Reality in Training - A Mixed Methods Approach to Discover Beneficial Designs
  • Brecher Florian (2021): Different perspectives on the necessary skillsets for successful Low-Code Development
  • Thaller Clara (2021): Prerequisites for the successful implementation of Smart Waste management within the Smart City initiative
  • Koonings Wilhelmus (2020): Performance comparison of REST and GraphQL web API standards
  • Sternat Timo (2020): Blockchain in Health Information Systems: Use Cases and Status of Implementation of Blockchain for Electronic Health Records
  • Nieto Rodríguez Mónica (2020): Data Integration in the Digital Supply Chain: A Systematic Literature Review
  • Testor Marcel (2020): Die Auswirkung von Enterprise Collaboration Systemen auf den unternehmensinternen Wissenstransfer. Eine Fallstudien am Beispiel der CURA Cosmetics Group
  • Rimmele Kristina (2020): Integration of Knowledge Management Methods in the Scrum Process
  • Radlgruber Ilja (2020): Einsatz der künstlichen Intelligenz zur Optimierung der Business-Coaching-Prozesse
  • Lintner Daniel (2020): The future state and business case of Mixed Reality in a private industrial company
  • Scaccabarozzi Chiara (2020): DATA VISUALIZATION FOR DECISION- MAKING: an in-depth study on the useful features of data visualizing tools in supporting decisions in the pharmaceutical industry
  • Pusch Benedikt (2020): M&A, Defining Enterprise Interoperability in an ERP context
  • Moedt Wouter (2019): Maximizing the Performance of Agile Teams for IoT Development
  • Schweers Juliane (2019): Predictive maintenance and digital twins - how does this combination in-fluence the production planning in an SAP ERP system?
  • Kiebacher David (2019): Single Customer View - The foundation of customer centricity
  • Occa Riccardo (2018): IoT: Critical Success Factors for the implementation in SMEs.
  • Vrlazić Nikola (2018): What are critical factors to have successful implementation of the Blockchain technology to existing business model based on the impact analysis of Blockchain technology to different use cases?
  • Tuchscherer Marco (2018): How does the TOGAF ADM benefit from an Agile and Lean Requirements Management Phase?
  • Mair Florian (2018): Assessment of Data Integrity Risks in Public Blockchain Systems
  • Malek Dominik (2018): Vertical Integration of Discrete Manufacturing Communication Architectures in Brownfield Scenarios Based on OPC UA
  • Diedrich André (2018): Data-Driven Decision-Making with Cloud-Based Self-Service BI Tools
  • Pecina Robert (2017): Information Quality Research on Close Range Spatial Location Providing Services using AIMQ from the User Perspective
  • Gruber Philip (2017): Applicability of Digital Medicine Services for the Treatment of Patients with Chronic Diseases in Austria
  • Savičiūtė Monika (2017): Automated sentiment analysis using general sentiment dictionary
  • Gass Manuel (2017): Integrating user analytics in Scrum for the development of user stories
  • Hofer Johannes (2017): Benchmark of an Internet of Things Application Layer Communication Protocol
  • Neumayr Hannes (2017): Debt forecasting of governmental entities: A predictive approach utilizing panel analysis
  • Willi Christian (2017): The Enterprise Service Bus for the Smart Factory
  • Schuhwerk Benedikt (2017): Agility in Regulated Environments - Exploring Opportunities in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Schwab Simon (2016): The Role of Cloud Computing in Post-M&A Integration
  • Mokesch Melanie (2016): Mobile Devices and Business Intelligence: Deriving Challenges from Literature
  • Waschak Isabella-Maria (2016): How Fabrication Laboratories support Innovations of Entrepreneurs
  • Marchesani Alessandro (2016): Mobile Health and Care Efficiency: Cases and Initiatives of Italian Hospitals
  • Endres Julian (2015): An Evaluation of NoSQL Databases for Big Data Use Cases
  • Schwarzenbach Johannes (2015): Integration of Mobile Cloud Computing in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
  • Kunze Gregor (2015): The usage of the Big Data approach in the Segmentation-Targeting-Positioning process for car manufactures
  • Holzknecht Florian (2015): Business Intelligence and Analytics within the preliminary due diligence of Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Kuen Elmar (2015): Cloud Computing as enabler for Building Information Modeling (BIM) in the AEC industry in SMEs in Tyrol
  • Chiarelli Alberto (2015): The CSFs of BEVs for urban food transportation
  • Pfurtscheller Magdalena (2014): A Didactical Framework for Mobile Product Training and Learning in Enterprises
  • Exenberger Jakob (2014): Learning Effects and Knowledge Transfer in M&A
  • Polito Giuseppe (2014): 3D printing: The research of its CSFs for a successful mainstream diffusion
  • Bossi Davide (2014): Bluetooth Low Energy and iBeacon Technologies: Guidelines for Successful Implementations within Retail Shops
  • Fuchsberger Alexander (2014): Artificial Intelligence operating in a Business Simulation
  • Wechselberger Tobias (2013): Future Challenges in Data Management - A reflection on the state-of-the-art
  • Erharter Tanja (2013): Information Presentation: How Dashboard Design and Learning Styles Influence Decision Making
  • Tschütscher Michael (2013): Customer-Focused Software Engineering
  • Ladenhauf-Kleindienst Gideon (2013): Overcoming problems in information quality at the IT department of Leica Geosystems
  • Samitsch Christoph (2013): Data Quality and its Impacts on Decision-Making Efficiency in Decision Support Systems
  • Lhotta Thomas (2012): An empirical comparison of the performance of MongoDB and MySQL Cluster on Amazon EC2
  • Dilger Thomas (2012): Acceptance and utilization of 3D-virtual e-learning solutions - E-SEC® Virtual Training: An innovative possibility to transfer learning content
  • Engl Stefan (2012): Scalability of a RESTful Web Service
  • Barth Nicolai (2012): Value-based IT Service Catalogue - A tool to narrow the gap between Business and IT!
  • Green Hannes (2012): Middleware: Flexible Coordination Interface to Interconnect Logistics, Production, and ERP Systems