Curriculum Vitae
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evgeniia Filippova-Karlusch

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evgeniia Filippova-Karlusch
Leave of Absence
+ 43 512 2070 - 3137

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evgeniia Filippova-Karlusch

2020 - present
Associate Professorship at the Department Business & Management - MCI Management Center Innsbruck

Scientist at the Center for Innovation Systems and Policy - AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

2018 - 2019
Senior Scientist at the Research Institute for Cryptoeconomics - WU Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration

2016 - 2018
Researcher & Lecturer at Department for Entrepreneurship and Innovation - WU Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration

2016 - 2019
Lecturer & Advisor at i2c Innovation Incubation Center - TU Technical University of Vienna

2016 - 2018
Research Fellow within the STREAM Project - CERN

2015 - 2016
Research Assistant at K1-Gründerservice - Friedrich Schiller University Jena

2013 - 2014
Business Development - Tumplare Corporation

2011 - 2013
Co-Founder - Aftek Ltd

2016 - 2020
PhD - WU Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (Dr.)

2014 - 2016
Master in Economics - Friedrich Schiller University Jena (MSc.)

2008 - 2013
Diploma in Financial Management - St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance (Dipl.-Ök.)

FinTech & Blockchain Lab, Entrepreneurship - WU Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration

Technology Leveraging, Lean Start-Up, Business Modelling - TU Technical University of Vienna

Invited talks and keynotes on Blockchain (Austrian Innovation Forum; Banken Challenge 2025; Moving Forward Conference; Workshop at the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research; CEE Fundrising Conference; Raiffeisen Conference on Sustainable Investing, etc.) - national and international

Entrepreneurship Summer School - Module 'FinTech & Blockchain' - Kyoto Institute of Technology

Business Modelling - Medical University Vienna

International Conference on Blockchain in San Diego (ICBC 2019)
Best Paper Award

WU Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
High Potentials Award for a research stay at the University of Zurich

European Commission
Marie-Curie PhD Fellowship

Full Scholarship for Master Programm in Germany (DAAD-ERP)

Eranet-Plus full scholarship for Master Programm in Germany

Bank Intesa Sanpaolo
Scholarship of the Bank Intesa Sanpaolo for exchange year in Italy (AFS-Intercultura)

  • Filippova, E. (2020, Mai). FinTechs - Revolution des Bankenwesens? In Foresight und Technilfolgenabschätzung: Monitoring von Zukunftsthemen für das Österreichische Parlament (2020, Mai). Projektbericht Nr. ITA-AIT-12 | ISSN: 1819-1320 | ISSN-Online: 1818-6556,

  • Filippova-Karlusch, Evgeniia and Summer, Jakob Vincent, "Adoption of Smart Home Speakers: Study of User Acceptance Factors" (2022). AMCIS 2022 Proceedings. 3.
  • Filippova, E. (2019, August). Blockchain Materialization as a General Purpose Technology: A Research Framework. In European Conference on Parallel Processing (pp. 216-227). Springer, Cham.
  • Filippova, E., Scharl, A., & Filippov, P. (2019, June). Blockchain: an empirical investigation of its scope for improvement. In International Conference on Blockchain (pp. 1-17). Springer, Cham.
  • Filippova, E. (2019, June). Empirical Evidence and Economic Implications of Blockchain as a General Purpose Technology. In 2019 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.

    Filippova E., Franke N. (2017, July). Everyone is a designer - radical innovation to foster user creativity in toolkits. Presentation at the International Open and User Innovation Conference, Innsbruck.

    Filippova E., Vannuccini S. (2017, June). Biotechnology as a possible GPT: empirical investigation. Paper presented at the European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics, Strasbourg.

    FilippovaE., Mehner B. (2016, December). Technology Competence Leveraging of CMOS-based technologies. Presentation at the Aalto Design Factory Workshop.


scientific supervision (Work Package on Strategic Foresight) - CiViQ (Quantum Key Distribution Technology) - Quantum Flagship (European Union)

scientific supervision - Blockchain for securities' settlement - OeNB Austrian National Bank

2016 - 2018
scientific supervision (Work Package 'Technology Valorisation') - EU-Project STREAM ('Smart Sensor Technologies and Training for Radiation Enhanced Applications and Measurements') - CERN

Research stay at the University of Zurich -

Research visit at Stanford Entrepreneurship Hub -

Research stay at the MIT Sloan Schoola of Management -

Research visit Aalto University, Design Factory -

Research stay at the University of Warwick (Department of Economics) -

2019 - present
Member - IEEE

World Economic Forum, Global Future Council on Cryptocurrencies

Frontiers in Blockchain: Guest Associate Editor for 'Blockchain for Good'

Kovacs Mate (2024): Internet of Things - basierte Geschäftsmodellimplikationen zur Nachhaltigkeit bei Start-Ups

Dehnert Peter (2023): Dimensions of Trust in the Cryptocurrency Ecosystem

Duelli Mattias (2022): How to Influence Entrepreneurial Intention - An Analysis of People's Personality Traits, Risk Tolerance and Opportunity Recognition

Baumgartner Jasmin (2021): Artifical Intelligence (AI) in Strategic Marketing: A Qualitative Analysis on the Perceived Barriers of Adopting AI in Strategic Marketing in Austrian SMEs

Achenrainer Alexander (2021): Verwendung von Kryptowährungen in Anbetracht der zugrunde liegenden Motivationsfaktoren

Mena Richard (2024): Digitalization Success Factors for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Start-Ups Entering the Scaling Phase

Gaspari Micol (2023): Corporate Entrepreneurship: Success Factors of Scaling Exit Opportunities in Ambidextrous Organizations

Martin John (2023): Blockchain Implementation in the Luxury Watch Industry

Baumgartner Hanna (2023): Drive the Digitalization - Organizational Adoption of ABCD Technologies

De Bianchi Francesca (2023): Blockchain Technology and Food Supply Chain - The Impact on Consumers' Purchasing Habits

Göring Fabian Fips (2023): The Adoption of Bitcoin as Legal Tender in El Salvador: A Perceived Risk Perspective

Müller Elisabeth (2023): Antecedents of Information Privacy Concerns in the Context of Autonomous Vehicles: A Quantitative Study in Austria

Báča Michal (2022): Key Account Management Practises Within the Organization Operating With a Multi-Sided Platform Business Model: A Case Study of Palfinger Structural Inspection GmbH

Rasinger Lukas (2022): Blockchain-Enabled Data Management in the Financial Sector: Qualitative Analysis of the Adoption Process in the Austrian Market

Rabensteiner Lukas (2022): The Mitigation of the Risk of Money Laundering in Relation to Crypto-Assets in Banks

Masarwa Katharina (2022): Digitalization in Healthcare Sector - With a Special View on the Perspective of Employees in Private Fertility Clinics

Summer Jakob (2022): Adoption of Smart Home Speakers: Explorational Study of User Acceptance Factors

Margreiter Florian (2022): The Value of Artificial Intelligence in the Recruiting Industry

Bachmann David (2022): Artificial Intelligence as a General-Purpose Technology

Fink Christoph (2022): Beyond the Hype - A Twitter Sentiment Analysis on Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Technology

Thalhofer Natalie (2021): Organizational Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in SMEs in the DACH Region - Status Quo and Relevant Determinants

Uher Lukas (2021): Driving User Adoption in Two-Sided Platforms Towards Critical Mass: Analysis of Strategies in European Companies