Curriculum Vitae
 Julia Vögele, BA MA

Julia Vögele, BA MA
Doctoral Student
Junior Researcher
+ 43 512 2070 - 4242

Julia Vögele, BA MA

Julia Voegele is a Doctoral Reseacher in the UNESCO Chair in Futures Capability for Innovation & Entrepreneurship at the MCI - The Entrepreneurial School. She obtained both her BA degree in Tourism Business Studies and her MA degree in International Business and Management at the MCI. Her research activities focus on futures research, trend scouting, strategic foresight as well as sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship. She worked for the Tyrolean Tourist Board and was engaged in global megatrends research and their implications for transforming the Tyrolean tourism industry and society towards a sustainable future. Along these activities, she has developed close networks to the local entrepreneurship and start-up community in Tyrol. She has the ambition to deepen her academic profile in futures research, sustainability, and entrepreneurship by means of a PhD.

2024 - present
Doctoral Researcher - - Research focus on "Futures Literacy" & Entrepreneurship - Project support at the UNESCO Chair "Futures Capability in Innovation & Entrepreneurship" - Lecturer for Entrepreneurship (MCI Business & Management), Global Trends in Tourism, Health & Sports (MCI Tourism) - MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®

2022 - 2024
Research & Teaching Assistant - - Teaching: Entrepreneurship, Practice Labs, Business Simulation Games (Business & Management); Global Trends in Tourism, Health & Sports (Tourism, Sports & Leisure Business); Contribution to the course Current Technologies (Management, Communication & IT) - Research: Futures research, Strategic Foresight & Futures Literacy; Team member of the UNESCO Chair "Futures Capability in Innovation & Entrepreneurship" - Administration: operative tasks, social media, SDGs in the study program - MCI | The Entrepreneurial University Group®

2017 - 2022
Data & Innovation - - Statistics & data analysis; market, trend and future research - Innovation projects in cooperation with startups & universities - Planning, presentation and moderation of knowledge formats - Support of knowledge platforms, such as Highlights: - Key-notes on megatrends in tourism at TVB events and at MCI Tourism. - Transfer project for future forecasts in tourism with Innsbruck University (Project report at Tourism Fast Forward Congress 2021) - Concept & roll-out trend lab by in-manas - Tyrol Tourist Board

2017 - 2022
Knowledge transfer, statistics, data management - - Strategic conception & planning of the knowledge platform - Website Support & Content Management - Online Analytics & Social Media - TTR Tirol Tourism Research

2015 - 2016
Hotel Management Traineeship - 6-month management traineeship at a 5-star luxury hotel near Dubai - Kempinski Hotels - United Arab Emirates

2022 - present
Doctor of Philosophy in Management - University of Innsbruck (Doctor of Philosophy (PhD))

2019 - 2021
International Business & Management - Management Center Innsbruck (Master of Arts (MA))

Hospitality & Tourism - Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (International Exchange Semester)

2012 - 2015
Tourism Business Studies - Management Center Innsbruck (Bachelor of Arts (BA))

Building Strategic Foresight Capabilities - EDHEC Business School

Change Management - MCI Executive Education

Futures Literacy Lab, Design & Facilitation - UNESCO(Certificate)

Didactics for Higher Education - FHK Österreichische Fachhochschulkonferenz(Certificate)

SDGs and PRME in Teaching - Management Center Innsbruck(Certificate)

Getting started in Data Science with R - Fraunhofer Austria(Certificate)

Open Data, Toucpoint Analysis & KPIs in Destination Management - Outdooractive Conference(Certificate)

Digital Tourism Experts - Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck(Certificate)

Semiotics - analysis basics & tools for decoding signs, context and narratives. - comrecon brand navigation KG(Certificate)

Trends in Market Research Practice - BVM Berufsverband Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforscher e.V.(Certificate)

Data Security - GDPR Compliance - CIS - Certification & Information Security Services GmbH(Certified Data Privacy Officer)

Entrepreneurship - MCI Bachelor "Business & Management"

Business Simulation - MCI Bachelor "Business & Management"

Introduction to Futures Research as part of the course "Current Technologies" - MCI Master Management, Communication & IT

Global Trends in Tourism, Health & Sports - MCI Bachelor "Entrepreneurship, Tourism & Leisure Business"

    Waldegger, J., Bierwisch, A., & Vögele, J. (2023, September 27). Pedagogy Paper: Futures Thinking for Sustainable Innovation [Conference presentation]. RMERC Lisbon

    Bierwisch, A., Pattermann, J., Som, O., & Vögele, J. (2023, June 14-16). Tracing the DNA of the Futures Literacy Concept: Bibliometric Insight on its Evolution, Potentials, and Future Research Avenues [Conference presentation]. EMPOWERING FUTURES - Long-term Governance, Democracy and Futures Research - Futures Conference 2023.

    Vögele, J., Som, O. (2022). Taking responsibility for the future of Tyrol - Learnings from a Regional Foresight Study for Responsible Management Education. 20th IECER Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research Conference, "Entrepreneurship for a Responsible, Resilient and Sustainable Future", 26-28 October 2022, Maastricht.

    Vögele, J., Som, O. (2022). Taking responsibility for the future of Tyrol - Learnings from a Regional Foresight Study for Responsible Management Education. 9th Responsible Management Education Research Conference, "Societal Impact through Entrepreneurship & Innovation: Responsible Leadership Education for the Changemakers of tomorrow", 27-29 September 2022, Innsbruck, Austria.

    Vögele, J., Som, O. (2022). Taking responsibility for the future of Tyrol - Learnings from a Regional Foresight Study for Responsible Management Education. 10th Higher Education Institutions Conference (HEIC), "Strategies, Challenges, and Opportunities for Sustainability in Uncertain Environment", 22-23 September 2022, Dubrovnik.

  • Lebensraum Tirol Holding (2021). Perspektive Lebensraum Tirol 2030. online verfügbar:

2020 - 2021
Project Manager - Perspektive Lebensraum Tirol 2030- Foresight Study - Lebensraum Tirol Holding GmbH & University of Innsbruck