Asst. Prof. Philipp Wegerer, PhD

Lecturer +43 512 2070 - 3328
Asst. Prof. Philipp Wegerer, PhD

Professional work experience
  • 02/2018 - 03/2019
    Research Associate (post-doc) - Institut of strategic Management, Marketing & Tourism, University of Innsbruck
    Research in the fields of Brand Management, Digitalization and Consumer Research Teaching Brand Management and Marketing
  • 01/2014 - 02/2018
    Research Assistant - Institut for strategic Management, Marketing & Tourism, University of Innsbruck
    Dissertation "Brands as Mediators" Research and teaching in the fields of Brand Management und Consumer Research
  • 08/2013 - 02/2018
    pHd - University of Innsbruck
    PhD Management
  • 10/2010 - 02/2013
    MS. - University of Innsbruck
    Organization Studies
  • 08/2006 - 08/2010
    BA - University of Innsbruck
    Political Science
Peer reviewed journal article
  • Nadegger, M. & Wegerer, P.K. (2024). Rhythms of repetition and disturbance: Reimagining business-as-usual in the Antropocene. Organization (online first).
  • Volo, S. & Wegerer, P.K. (2023). Assemblage theory in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research. 100, 103567.
  • Wegerer, P. K. & Nadegger, M. (2020). It's time to act! Understanding online resistance against tourism development projects, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2020.1853761
  • Wegerer, P.K. (2021). Doing Van Life: A Social Practice Perspective on Traveling with a Camper Van. NA - Advances in Consumer Research, 49, 51-54.
  • Wegerer, P. (2020). Understanding Consumer Activism in Digital Environments. NA - Advances in Consumer Research, 48, 164-167.
  • Wegerer, P., & Munro, I. (2018). Ethics of ambivalence in corporate branding. Organization, 25(6), 695-709.
  • Wegerer, P. K. (2018). Ethical branding as a discoursive resource for employee identity work: A case study. German Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(2), 102-119.
  • Schöps, J. , Wegerer, P., & Hemetsberger, A. (2017) Brand-Mediated Ideological Edgework: Negotiating the Aestheticized Human Body on Instagram - the Case of American Apparel. NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 45, 474-478.
  • Botschen, G. & Wegerer. P. K., (2017) Brand-driven retail format innovation: a conceptual framework. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 45(7/8), 874-891.
Editorial-reviewed journal
  • Nadegger, M., Bosio, B., Wegerer, P. K., Haselwanter, S., Untersteiner, J. (2020). #mitabstandnah - Eine Hashtag-Analyse der Tiroler Tourismusverbände in Corona-Zeiten. Tourismus Wissen Quarterly, 21(6), 222-227.
Research monographs
  • Wegerer, P. (2017) Brands as Mediators: A Differentiated View on Brand-Mediation Processes [Dissertation]. Innsbruck. University of Innsbruck.
Chapters in books
  • Stadler, R. & Wegerer, P. (2024). Becoming, being… belonging? - Using collaborative autoethnography to explore community events and festivals. In A. Jepson, R. Stadler, & T. Walters (Eds.), Reimagining Community Festivals and Events: Critical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 183-203). Routledge.
  • Wegerer, P.K. & Nadegger, M. (2021). Zeit zu handeln - Digitaler Widerstand gegen touristische Entwicklungsprojekte. In: U. Rußmann, et al. (Hrsg.). Zukunft Verantwortungsvoll gestalten. Springer. 10.1007/978-3-658-36861-6
  • Nadegger, M., Bosio, B., Haselwanter, S., Untersteiner, J. & Wegerer., P. (2021). Social-Media-Kommunikation in der Covid-19-Krise. Eine Instagram-Analyse der Tiroler Tourismusverbände. In: Bieger, T., Beritelli, P., & Laesser, C. (Hrsg.). Krisenmanagement und Zukunftsstrategien für den alpinen Tourismus. Schweizer Jahrbuch für Tourismus 2020/21. Berlin: ESV
  • Wegerer, P. K. (2015). Bicycling in Urban Landscape: Exploring Discursive, Cultural and Spatial Dynamics. In C. Antenhofer, Bischof, G., Dupont R. L., Leitner, U., (Eds.), Cities as Multiple Landscapes (1st ed., pp.251-277). Campus Verlag.
Peer reviewed academic/professional meeting proceedings
  • Wegerer, P. et al. (2018, October 19- 24). Brands as Mediators [paper presentation & special session chair]. NA - Advances in Consumer Research 46, 352 - 356.
  • Wegerer, P. (2017) Corporate Branding as a Source For Employees' Moral Identity Work. NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 45, 489-492.
Presentation of a paper at a conference, workshop or seminar
  • Wegerer, P. (2024). Understanding Van Life: A Social Practice Perspective. Consumer Culture Theory Conference. 12. July 2024. San Diego. (Working Paper)
  • Stadler, R., Wegerer, P., & Nadegger, M. (2024, June 17-20). "I need to just keep running" - navigating the field in collaborative autoethnographic event research [Conference presentation]. Event Management Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  • Nadegger, M. & Wegerer, P. (2024). Locked-in repetition and fleeting moments of difference. A rhythmanalytical perspective on business-as-usual in the Anthropocene. Paper presented at the VHB Jahrestagung 2024 "Entrepreneurship. Digitalisierung. Nachhaltigkeit. BWL im Dreiklang der gesellschaftlichen Transformation". Mar 6-8, 24. Lüneburg, Germany.
  • Wegerer, P (2023). Full-time Van Life: A Practice Theory Perspective [Poster Presentation). DGT Jahrestagung, Innsbruck.
  • Wegerer, P.K. (2023, July 13). Compositional Analysis: The Visual Representation of Social Categories in Advertising. Tourism Research Methods Summer School. Italy.
  • Stadler, R., Wegerer, P., & Siller, H. (2023, July 11-13). Experiencing sport, nature and culture together - The impact of trail running events upon community wellbeing and place identity [Conference presentation]. LSA Conference, Bournemouth, U.K.
  • Wegerer, P.K. (2022, Mai 16). Visual Content Analysis: How to study brands on Instagram [Workshop]. ISCONTOUR. Innsbruck Austria.
  • Wegerer, P.K., Mitterer-Leitner, T. & Siller, H. (2022). The Tyrolian Way: A Framework For Developing A Sustainable Tourism Policy. FFH Forum. Villach, Austria.
  • Wegerer, P.K. (2021, October 31). Doing Van Life: A Social Practice Perspective on Traveling with a Camper Van [Paper Presentation]. ACR Conference, Seattle, USA.
  • Wegerer, P.K. & Volo, S. (2021, May 14-16). Visual Content Analysis of Instagram Posts: The Case of Tyrol. TTRA International Conference. San Diego, United States.
  • Wegerer, P.K. & Nadegger, M. (2021, April 7).It's time to act! Understanding Consumer Activism in Digital Environments [Conference Presentation]. FFH Forum. Wien, Österreich.
  • Wegerer, P.K. (2020, October 1). Understanding Consumer Activism in Digital Environments [Paper Presentation]. ACR Conference. Paris, France.
  • Wegerer, P. K. & Petry, T. (2020, September 27 -30). Managing local authenticity in Alpine Hospitality Organizations [Paper Presentation]. TTRA Europe Chapter Conference, Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Wegerer, P. K. (2020, May 27). Studying Brands on Instagram [Invited Talk]. University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck.
  • Schöps, J. D., & Wegerer, P. K. (2017). Market-mediated ideological edge-work: The visual representation of gender by the fashion brand American Apparel [Conference Presentation]. FAG Workshop, Vienna, Austria.
  • Botschen, G., & Wegerer, P. K. (2016) Drivers of Brand Resonance (DBR): A Practical Tool for Governing Enduring Brand- Stakeholder Relationships. 11th Workshop on Organizational Change and Development, Vienna.
  • Wegerer, P.K. (2016, July 6-9). Revolution on our Streets: Re-claiming Space for Bicycling [Conference Presentation]. CCT Conference, Lille, France.
  • Wegerer, P. (2015) The spatial transformation of cities: The case of Innsbruck [Paper Presentation]. Velocity Conference, Nantes, France.
  • Wegerer, P. K. (2015) The Visual Mode of Meaning Construction: Stakeholder Framing of the Bicycle Discourse in Austrian Cities [Conference Presentation]. Brand Camp, Obergurgel, Austria.
  • Wegerer, P. K. (2013, July 4-6). Exploring the unconscious Dynamics between Corporate Brands and Organizational Identity: A case study on the Austrian Chocolatier ZOTTER [Paper Presentation]. EGOS Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Other intellectual contributions
  • Wegerer, P.K. (2022, Mai 24). Iscontour 2022: Ein Rückblick. TTR Tirol.
  • Bartos, M & Wegerer, P. (2015) Nicht ohne Mein Rad. Wissenswert: Magazin der Leopold Franzens Universität, Innsbruck.
  • Wegerer, P. K., Stöckl, V., & Gabl, S. (2015). Contesting Space [Videography]. NA- Advances in Consumer Research, 43, 755.
Supervised bachelor theses
  • Raggl Sarah (2023): Das touristische Phänomen der Backpacker/innen - Eine Potentialanalyse für den alpinen Tourismus
  • Wierer Martina (2023): Aroma, Atmosphäre, Anreiz - Olfaktorisches Marketing in der familiengeführten Hotellerie
  • Campana Isabelle (2023): Kognitive Dissonanz als Einflussfaktor auf die Nachhaltigkeit bei Kaufentscheidungen
  • Müllauer Ina (2023): Customer Experience Management im Tourismus
  • Glaser Antonia (2023): Das touristische Zukunftspotential Slow Tourism
Supervised master theses
  • Huben Laura (2024): Career intentions and influence factors on job satisfaction of tourism graduates in Tyrol
  • Tódor Kitti (2024): Trail preferences of enduro mountain bikers in Innsbruck, Austria: Understanding affective ride experiences
  • Knour Kim (2024): Digitalization along the Via Francigena Pilgrimage: Exploring the Impact of Technology Use on Consumer Deceleration
  • Leifeld Jaqueline (2024): Markenimage in ländergrenzüberschreitenden Tourismusgebieten am Beispiel der internationalen Bodenseeregion
  • Biondani Giosuè (2024): Authenticity in rural tourism: Suppliers' and customers' perception in the Italian region of Veneto
  • Kollár Dorottya (2024): Experiential Marketing: The Quality Evaluation of Hospitality Websites through the Eyes of Prospective Customers
  • Geyer Anne (2024): Reisezielauswahl der Generation Z
  • Endres Maurice (2023): Authentizität im Tourismus - Authentische touristische Erlebnisse anhand von "Airbnb Entdeckungen"
  • Sachs Luisa (2023): Working Vacationers. The challenge of working remotely in paradise
  • Slagman Feya (2023): Full-time Van Life: A Home away from Home
  • Stanger Daniela (2023): Action research: Investigating on strategizing routines in a strategic context