The forthcoming 16th IECER-Entrepreneurship Conference will take place from 26 – 28 September 2018 in Innsbruck hosted by MCI Management Center Innsbruck.
Today, entrepreneurs and innovators face a world in disruptive change: New digital technologies, smart products and services, digital business models, new materials, changing societal structures, mass-individualization, economic volatility, crypto-currencies, new modes of knowledge creation and storage, and, finally, create global challenges.Being embedded into these dynamic environments, it is reasonable to assume that entrepreneurship and innovation, on the one hand, must reactively adapt to these changes, but, on the other hand, are also forced to actively explore and exploit new opportunities.
The 16th IECER conference particularly wants to stimulate an interdisciplinary discussion within the research community and between research and business practitioners about whether our existing theories, models, heuristics, methodologies, and analytical frameworks of entrepreneurship and innovation are still valid to deliver appropriate findings and practical implications in the future. In which sense do we have to rethink and modify the existing ones? Is there need for new theoretical, empirical, and management approaches?
You are cordially invited to contribute with your research to the IECER 2018 and provide new empirical and conceptual insights into future modes of entrepreneurship and innovation, open-up new perspectives, and sketch tomorrow’s research agendas in this field.
More information
Registration via Email
Track list
Travel and accommodation ( pdf | 463.33K )
IECER Conference Program 2018
We look forward to seeing you in Innsbruck!
The IECER 2018 team
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