H.E. Victoria Roșa

Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Austria  |  Moldova goes Europe. Challenges on the way to secure democracy. Jetzt anmelden
Short Facts
MCI, Universitätsstraße 15

H.E. Victoria Roșa, Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Austria

H.E. Victoria ROȘA, Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Austria © Embassy of Moldova

Victoria Roșa - Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to the Republic of Austria and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Moldova to the OSCE and to the International Organizations in Viena.
Ambassador Roșa has expertise in international relations, European affairs, security and defence, conflict studies and peace building, being a graduate of the State University of Moldova, with a bachelor's and master's degree in the field of International Relations. Between July and November 2019, Ambassador Roșa held the position of security and defence adviser in the office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova. Previously, she led the Moldovan Foreign Policy Association as executive director.  Ambassador Roșa is the author of several studies and analyses published both in the country and abroad. During the last 18 years, Mrs. Roșa has provided expertise both at the national and international level by participating in various projects initiated by: the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, the Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UN Women Moldova, Freedom House, the Austrian Ministry of Defence, the Finnish Peace Research Institute "TAMPERE Peace Research Institute" and others. In 2017 Ambassador Roșa graduated from the Marshall Memorial Fellowship program offered by The German Marshall Fund in the United States.

Bettina Stichauner
Mag. Bettina Stichauner Assistant to the Rector

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