Sustainability Online Workshop

Date 05.10.2020

14.-21.11.2020 | For undergraduate and graduate students | Closing Date October 15th

Sustainability Development
Participate in dynamic and hands-on workshop that will immerse you in principles of sustainability.

Meet with Top International Scholars from Top Ranked Universities
Dr. Rogier Busser, Dean and Professor of Amsterdam School of International BusinessAmsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

Invaluable Opportunities
Enjoy a variety of curricular activities, including lectures, discussion sessions, forum, and group competitions.Work with students of National Chung Hsing University, one of the top universities of Taiwan, and explore the degree programs & opportunities offered

Workshop Details
18 hours of English-taught courses, includingLectures, Discussion Session, and Group Competition for both bachelor and master degree students.

Short Facts
  • Online Workshop: 14-21.11.2020
  • Closing date: 15.10.2020
  • Fee: This course is free
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