BWLO Insights: Neuer Lektor am Department

Date 20.01.2021

Interview mit Yevgen Bogodistov

Mit dem neuen Jahr 2021 durften wir auch einen neuen Lehrenden in unserem Team begrüßen. Yevgen Bogodistov unsterstützt ab sofort unser Department als Senior Lecturer für Projekt- und Prozessmanagement. Damit Sie ihn besser kennenlernen, haben wir ihm ein paar Fragen gestellt.

What did you do before you started to work at MCI?

Before joining MCI, I conducted research at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, and the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder). I also collected experience as a Chief Operating Officer, HR Director and Project Coordinator in Ukraine.

What are your research interests?

I am a passionate researcher. I conduct research on the interface between Information Systems (e.g., Process Management, Process Innovation, Payments), Strategic Management (e.g., Dynamic (Managerial) Capabilities, IT Capability, Managerial Decision-Making)), and Organisational Behaviour (e.g., Burnout, Emotions in Organisations, Relational Models).

For instance, in my most recent projects, I investigated in:

  • psychological distance and feelings of control associated with different means of payment,
  • influence of emotions on payment process design,
  • impact of fear and anger on managerial cognition, and
  • congruence of relationships in teams and their impact on teams’ IT capability.

Who is your role model in your field of research?

Many academics and non-academics formed me as a researcher, teacher, and supervisor. I would like to mention Professor Dr. Albrecht Söllner, from whom I learned patience and resilience in administrative tasks; Professor Dr. Jürgen Moormann, who showed how important is the knowledge transfer to students and practitioners; and Professor Dr. Daniel Beimborn, from whom I learned about the importance of an academic family, loyalty, and importance of internal cooperation within your university.

What is particularly important to you when working with students?

I have only one assumption with regard to my students: they all are talented people who have an intrinsic motivation to study and research. We, as academics, are responsible for letting them reveal their potential. I give my students a lot of freedom to select the path they want to go. I then try to support them on this path.

You just moved to Innsbruck a few weeks ago - would you like to share your highlight with us?

Austria (positively) surprised me in many aspects. Honestly, when I came here I expected the country to be very similar to Germany. No, it is not. It is very different with regard to culture, people, food, and even language. Previously I have never been to Innsbruck, Tyrol, and Austria (2 hours in the Vienna airport do not count, do they?), so I was not prepared to experience mountain ranges, hikes, perfect sunsets, rivers, skiing, snowboarding, etc. As you can imagine, beautiful landscapes and sports were very pleasant add-ons. But there is something I would like to share with you, what one usually takes for granted. Water! The tap water is here much tastier than in all cities I have ever lived in! Don’t forget to enjoy it next time you take a sip of water ;)

How would you describe the Business Administration Online department in 5 words?

Open-minded, happy, great, professional, helpful

Thank you for the interview and have a good start at MCI!

<p><em>Yevgen Bogodistov, Senior Lecturer am Department Betriebswirtschaft Online. Foto: Yevgen Bogodistov</em></p>

Yevgen Bogodistov, Senior Lecturer am Department Betriebswirtschaft Online. Foto: Yevgen Bogodistov

<p><em>Yevgen Bogodistov, Senior Lecturer am Department Betriebswirtschaft Online. Foto: Yevgen Bogodistov</em></p>
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