Erfolgreiches Online Winter Program am MCI!

Date 11.03.2021

Im Februar hat das MCI© Winter Program zum ersten Mal im Online-Format stattgefunden - mit exzellenten Rückmeldungen!

Bei unserem ersten Online MCI© Winter Program durften wir sensationelle 58 TeilnehmerInnen aus aller Welt (Australien, Brasilien, Finnland, Großbritannien, Japan, Litauen, Malaysia, Mexiko, Südkorea, Peru, Taiwan, Türkei, Uruguay, USA, Vietnam) willkommen heißen. Wir haben uns besonders über die große Anzahl an Studierenden aus Südamerika gefreut – diese Region war, motiviert durch den Online-Modus, zum ersten Mal bei einer MCI Winter School vertreten.

Sowohl Lehrende als auch Studierende genossen das diesjährige MCI Winter Program.

Neben den fachlichen Inhalten konnten die TeilnehmerInnen – zumindest virtuell – die internationale Atmosphäre erleben und Freundschaften auf der ganzen Welt schließen.

Beim abschließenden Feedback lobten die Studierenden vor allem die Professionalität und die Qualität des Unterrichts und der Materialien am MCI und sie erhielten - zumindest über Bilder - einen Blick auf Innsbruck. Viele von ihnen möchten Innsbruck eines Tages persönlich besuchen, um die wunderschöne Landschaft zu genießen.


Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl an Kommentaren einer Dozentin und einiger teilnehmender Studierender am MCI Winter Program:

Prof. Dr. Angela Hofmann (senior lecturer, MCI): “In 2021, the “Renewable Energies” course was held entirely in an online format for the first time. It was performed in the modus of a “Student’s Conference”: besides daily key lectures on 4 different topics (energy policies, urban energy infrastructure, mobility and industry), students had the possibility to show the innovations in the field of renewable energies in their home country. At this virtual conference, we gained inspiring insights from different countries. It was an extraordinary experience!”


The students’ voices:

Silvia (Peru): “The classes had an excellent content with professors who are experts in their field and willing to help us with any doubts we may have, with excellent treatment and kindness. The virtual resources as well as the platforms provided to us adequately complemented the synchronous and asynchronous classes. The support from the international office was always good, they always responded to our queries. In all the courses and sessions there was always the opportunity to interact with colleagues from other universities with different perspectives and points of view of the topics discussed. This was very enriching and helpful to develop a multicultural vision.”

Victor (Brasil): “I could note that the material available is indeed of high quality and the teachers really know how to work with it. The content available is of very high quality and the teachers know how to explain it.
I enjoyed the quality of the material provided, it's indeed very different from most of the materials we have in my country. The teachers are also attentive and dedicated.”

Juan (Uruguay): “The overall quality was higher than the average. As 21st century programs we are meant to learn by ourselves rather than only absorb information; this program is a good example of it. We were encouraged to work a lot in presentations, which makes the classes interactive.
Foreign teachers, international studies, and comparisons between countries are really enriching. Now I know a lot about water and electricity in Vietnam, Peru, India, Brazil, Finland, Turkey, and more. You will meet foreign students from five continents and may have classes in a different language and in a different way of proceeding. This made me happy, time wasn´t wasted and lots of interactive courses are waiting for you!“

Trinh, Vietnam: “The professors are really good and enthusiastic. I [got familiar with] new tools used in teaching and learning.”

Mitchell (Australia): “The quality of the education system taught through MCI and therefore this program seemed to be of a high level with a commitment towards helping the students being evident.”

Sofia (Uruguay): „I loved this online exchange program, as it made me improve my English, get to know new people and cultures."

<p><em>First Online Winter School at MCI. Photo: MCI</em></p>

First Online Winter School at MCI. Photo: MCI

<p><em>First Online Winter School at MCI. Photo: MCI</em></p>
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