Completed study program: Business & Management (Bachelor)
Philipp Gottstein
When I think back at my time at MCI …
Friendships were formed. Experiences were gained. Tough yet notable lessons were learned. Mistakes were made. Over and over. The bottom line is that it was the right decision.
How did the program help you to prepare for your current job?
B&M builds a solid foundation for your future career. Due to the broad scope of the program, students become experts in all vital functions of a company and - even more important - obtain the diagnostic skill-set to analyze and understand any given situation, process, or structure within an organization.
Unsere Studierenden teilen gerne ihre Erfahrungen mit Ihnen und erzählen von ihren Lehrveranstaltungen, Projekten und dem Studentenleben in der pulsierenden Alpenmetropole Innsbruck.
Finden Sie das Studium, das zu Ihnen passt.