The Medical University in the light of performance specifications and society’s expectations.

Date 2013-04-24
o.Univ.Prof. Dr. Helga Fritsch, Vice-Rector and designated Rector of Innsbruck Medical University

Within the framework of TGKK Akademie, which has been hosted by MCI Management Center Innsbruck in collaboration with the Tiroler Gebietskrankenkasse for some years now, o.Univ.Prof. Dr. Helga Fritsch, the Vice-Rector and designated Rector of Innsbruck Medical University, gave a talk on the subject “The Medical University in the light of performance specifications and society’s expectations” on 23 April 2013.

With 3,000 students, 1,800 members of staff and an annual budget of 140 million euros Innsbruck Medical University is the foremost medical institution in western Austria and has acquired international renown for its scientific achievements, as a medical school, and in terms of patient care. Medical top results are achieved in close collaboration with Universitätsklinik Innsbruck/Tiroler Krankenanstalten GmbH. 40 teaching hospitals, 90 in-patient units (including 16 intensive care units) and 60 outpatient departments treat some 50,000 in-patients and nearly two million outpatients each year. The issues addressed by the designated Rector in her talk included, among others, scientific advances, patient care, the quality of teaching, international reputation, the regional mandate, and the efficient use of resources.

The event was chaired by FH-Prof. Dr. Siegfried Walch, Head of MCI’s Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management/International Health Care & Social Management program department.

Information on TGKK Akademie:
TGKK Akademie is a comprehensive further education and development program for employees of the Tiroler Gebietskrankenkasse (Tyrolean regional health insurance, TGKK), which is integrated into the strategy development project TGKK 2015 and is realized in collaboration with the Entrepreneurial School®, MCI Management Center Innsbruck. In line with the concept of TGKK Akademie, the individual courses and seminar modules are complemented by a series of lectures by health service executives, with the aim of communicating a comprehensive view of the health care system and discussing current developments and international challenges in a dialogue with major system partners.

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