MCI Alumni Weekend 2013

Date 2013-06-18
On 14 and 15 June, more than a thousand visitors came to celebrate yet another successful academic year with Management Center Innsbruck and its graduate club MCI Alumni & Friends.

Now a long-standing tradition, this year’s MCI Alumni Weekend again provided an exciting climax to the top-class series of events organized by MCI Alumni & Friends.

The program started on Friday afternoon with a reception given by Rector Andreas Altmann, who had something to celebrate himself and welcomed a number of VIPs in that context: Minister Töchterle presented him with the Austrian Decoration of Honor for Science and Art for outstanding service to the MCI, the Tyrol as a university location and the Austrian university system in general.

In the subsequent lecture given by Arun K. Nanda, CEO of the Mahindra Group, a global player with more than 115,000 employees, the participants were carried away to India as an upwardly mobile economy. He spoke of India’s constantly growing middle class with its considerable purchasing power, its need to invest in the public infrastructure, its wealth of raw materials, and its young, well educated society as factors for growth in a country that is a logical partner for cooperation in the high-tech sector especially.

The evening was very much about socializing and networking: Graduates, students and the MCI team, plus friends and partners of the MCI enjoyed summer clubbing in the Hofgarten with good music and an exquisite buffet until the early hours.

On Saturday morning, Yang Liu, international award-winning graphic designer with Chinese roots, introduced attendees to the world of design and the differences between East and West, which were illustrated with the help of strikingly simple shapes and symbols. Opinions, queues, parties, the positions of the elderly and children, eating and sleeping, and hierarchies were unequivocally presented with a few deft strokes, dots and lines.

A wonderful weekend under the motto “Meet with motivated people” thus came to a close.

Press release on the award of the Austrian Decoration of Honor for Science and Art to the MCI’s Rector Andreas Altmann.

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