Get together with the Rector

Date 2013-06-18
News from the MCI

As is the tradition at the MCI, this year’s MCI Alumni Weekend was the convincing climax of the annual MCI Alumni & Friends series of lectures given by prominent visiting speakers.

The event began on Friday afternoon with a reception given by the MCI’s Rector Dr. Andreas Altmann, who had even more reason than usual to offer a warm welcome to the particularly notable visitors: In recognition of his services to the MCI, the Tyrol as a university location and the university system in general, Minister Töchterle presented him with the Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art.

MCI Goes Hollywood: “Gladiator 2” Event with Co-Producer Winston Azzopardi
MCI Goes Hollywood: “Gladiator 2” Event with Co-Producer Winston Azzopardi
Film screening and subsequent discussion at the Metropol Cinema with Winston Azzopardi, CEO Latina Pictures
USA & Europe: How Can We Win Together?
USA & Europe: How Can We Win Together?
MCI live talk with Federal Minister Martin Kocher
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
Guest Lecture of Greg Lavender, Executive Vice President & CTO at Intel Corporation as part of the MCI fresher’s welcome