Technology, innovation & entrepreneurship. What successful companies do differently.

Date 2024-09-05

As part of the Distinguished Guest lecture series, MCI | Entrepreneurial School® was pleased to welcome Dr. Helmut Rothenberger, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Dr. Helmut Rothenberger Holding.

© MCI / Kiechl

How to become an entrepreneur even though you never wanted to be an entrepreneur? Helmut Rothenberger shares his unique career with MCI students, which is based on one thing above all: Enthusiasm.

Plunged into adventure

When Rothenberger visited a trade fair at the age of 18 as an aspiring law student, he was so fascinated about an Australian invention that he flew to Adelaide to acquire the patent. It was a special pair of pliers that made the fitting process much easier for plumbers. With the right price calculation, the successful young entrepreneur was unstoppable.

Today, Rothenberger Holding has over 100 operating companies. The following indicators were crucial according to Rothenberger, for his success:

  • Enthusiasm
  • Being familiar with the subject matter
  • Taking risks
  • Transparency towards the employees
  • Have the figures under control.

"We are not participating in the crisis!"

Rothenberger speaks openly about risks and challenges. Two years ago, when the war in Ukraine brought uncertain challenges to the management level, Rothenberger moved his team with the following words: "We are not participating in the crisis!"

But Rothenberger is not only concerned about international conflicts. Rothenberger Holding AG is a family business. But the more the family grows, the less influence and control he has. This is why Rothenberger Holding AG was set up as a foundation: "The foundation works like an apple tree. The fruits can be harvested, but the trunk remains untouchable," explains Rothenberger the principle behind it.

The current role of the entrepreneur

In the meantime, Rothenberger's role within the company has changed. He sees himself as a source of inspiration and sparring partner for managers. Personal interaction is very important to him, as is drawing attention to the latest technologies, such as AI.

Technology, innovation & entrepreneurship. What successful companies do differently.
Technology, innovation & entrepreneurship. What successful companies do differently.
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