Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino Euroregion

Date 2024-04-26

As part of the Distinguished Guest lecture series, MCI | Entrepreneurial School® was pleased to welcome Arno Kompatscher, Governor of South Tyrol.

Arno Kompatscher, Governor of South Tyrol & President of Euregio

© MCI / Scherr

In his presentation and the lively discussion with the audience, Arno Kompatscher, Governor of South Tyrol, highlighted the common interests and international perspectives of the Euregio Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino. The fact that we can live in peace, freedom, democracy, and prosperity and are able to work on prospects for the future was the general theme of the event.

Overcoming borders

The Euregio Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino has been registered since 2011 and aims to promote cooperation in areas such as education, research, mobility, the environment, and health. "So, basically in everything," chuckles Governor Arno Kompatscher. With almost 300 Euregio projects in Europe, Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino stands out as a clear example of successful and active cooperation. In addition to joint events, media cooperation, awareness in schools, and student tickets, the Euregio has also been able to demonstrate unity in times of crisis such as the pandemic. When it comes to tourism, however, it is a little more complex: “After all, we also see ourselves as competitors.”

Above all, however, it is about overcoming borders - a major challenge, because: "The border that seems most impassable is the border in people's minds," says Arno Kompatscher. There is still a lot of potential to be unlocked, even if awareness of the Euregio has increased significantly in recent years.

"The Euregio must become tangible. Not enough is being done in terms of overcoming borders," demands Kompatscher. A convenient offer for local public transport across borders should contribute to this. The hurdles in administrative matters, such as the recognition of university degrees in Austria and Italy, are also "nonsense" in a united Europe. One thing is clear for Arno Kompatscher: "We are Europeans. The Euregio is a European idea and an expression of a Europe of regions."

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