Doris Tipotsch

Date 2020-01-29

Head of Production Planning, Swarovski Optik KG

Study program: Business & Management (Diploma)

When I look back at my time at MCI...

… I think of all the interesting and renowned lecturers who did not only focus on theory but particularly emphasized practical aspects. More than ever before I now value the network we were encouraged to establish at MCI.
... It is difficult to imagine how to manage studies, work, and children at the same time. But today I am proud to be part of the MCI family and the MCI Wall of Fame.
... I particularly like to think back to my studies in Manila, which, along with impressive excursions in and around Innsbruck, made my student days complete.

How did your studies prepare you for your current job?

The part-time degree program in Business & Management at MCI taught me that the way to achieve your goal may sometimes be tough and difficult, but also that the way is the goal. Competent lecturers were always ready to support us on this way: they instructed us about the basics of business administration, taught us how to persist, how to work and learn effectively and how to be more efficient. I thus acquired qualities which are absolutely necessary to combine work and studies. The many excellent professors encouraged analytical and structural thinking, which is in high demand in today’s labor market.
Of course, not all lectures immediately sparked my interest and revealed their practical usefulness; but time and again working life presents me with situations and difficult tasks calling up contents, instruments, tools, or methods which were once mentioned during a lecture and now help me find appropriate solutions to the challenges of professional practice.
The total package of MCI has in fact provided the best possible preparation to seize new chances and take the responsibilities of professional life. I would therefore definitely choose to take on the challenge of studying part-time at MCI again, and can only recommend the Entrepreneurial School®


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