Karl Silly

Date 2024-07-08

Regional Managing Director Corporate Clients Tyrol & South Tyrol and authorized representative, Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg AG (BTV)

Completed study program: Business & Management (Diploma program)

Karl Silly

Karl Silly

When I look back at my time at MCI...

It was a pleasure to complete the part-time study program alongside our enthusiastic colleagues. We had a great interactions with each other and the lecturers, allowing us to discuss our professional topics within the context of our studies.

How did your studies at MCI prepare you for your current job?

In a part-time study program, you learn one crucial thing – organization. Studying while having family responsibilities and working 50-60 hours a week demands both discipline and organization, skills that are essential in my current job as well. Additionally, the scientific approaches to practical topics are invaluable. When faced with a problem, you can use a scientific model to classify and then begin solving it.

What would you tell someone who is considering studying at MCI?

The exchange with the lecturers, all experts in their fields providing valuable external insights, is important. However you shouldn't underestimate the importance of the network formed with fellow students either.

What is your motto?

Don't dream your life, live your dream.

Dieter Haas
Dieter Haas
CEO | Founder, claystreetX GmbH
Karl Silly
Karl Silly
Regional Managing Director Corporate Clients Tyrol & South Tyrol and authorized representative, Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg AG (BTV)
Martin Granig
Martin Granig
Founder & CEO, Monkee GmbH