Gernot Klais

Date 2018-02-23

Head of Acquisition and Marketing, BERNARD Group

Study program: Business & Management (Bachelor) and International Business (Master)

When I look back at my time at MCI...

... I am convinced that doing the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs at MCI was my best decision ever.
Working and studying part-time at MCI certainly compares to a long-distance run. There are many moments when you really have to push yourself to keep going. Once you’ve found your rhythm, you tap into powers that may even surprise yourself.
What is special to me about MCI is that both generalists as well as specialists receive input that is of real value for their careers. It is the ideal preparation for starting a business or working in a management position.
I am especially pleased that my daughter, who will be graduating from high school this year, is getting ready to study at MCI. And with that, the next MCI generation is in the works.

How did your studies prepare you for your current job?

Prior to my time at MCI, I was self-employed for over 20 years. Whenever I would make a decision, it would have an immediate impact on my business success. When I started working for a medium-sized company, there, I quickly realized that the decision-making processes were much more complex. My studies helped me to better comprehend all the underlying mechanisms. I now have a much better understanding of where and how to take action within my individual areas of responsibility, whenever something doesn’t work properly.


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David Berghamer
Geschäftsführer, Exklusiv Elektrohandel & Service GmbH
Kathrin Platzer
Kathrin Platzer
Assistant to the General Manager, pepper-collection
Isabel Atzinger
Isabel Atzinger
Founder & CEO, ThinkA GmbH - Carevallo