Felicitas Kohler

Date 2020-01-29

CEO, Planlicht GmbH & Co KG

Women Entrepreneurs Award 2023 | 1st place in the "Start-up & Foundation" category

Study program: Business & Management (Bachelor)

When I look back at my time at MCI...

I am incredibly grateful. I am thankful for this very rewarding, exciting and challenging time. I deeply appreciate all the wonderful people I spent those three years with and all the ups and down we experienced together. Lifelong friends sharing the same experiences that still unite us to this day.

How did your studies prepare you for your current job?

What I’ve learned at MCI is highly relevant for my current occupation. On a personal level, the greatest benefit has been to learn how to handle persistence and discipline and to recognize my own limits.
Regularly leaving my own comfort zone helps me discover where life really starts and where happiness can flourish...

This may be the cornerstone for satisfaction, fulfillment and success...


David Berghamer
David Berghamer
Geschäftsführer, Exklusiv Elektrohandel & Service GmbH
Kathrin Platzer
Kathrin Platzer
Assistant to the General Manager, pepper-collection
Isabel Atzinger
Isabel Atzinger
Founder & CEO, ThinkA GmbH - Carevallo