Nadine Singer

Date 2020-02-03

Head of International Royalties, Koch Media GmbH

Completed study programs: Business Administration online (Bachelor), Corporate Governance & Finance (Master)


Nadine Singer

Nadine Singer

When I look back at my time at MCI...

… I found it a very instructive, exciting, diverse, stressful but also a great time, during which I met many friends and made contacts for the future.

How did your studies prepare you for your current job?

During my Bachelor and Master studies at MCI, I worked full-time in Germany and abroad. This gave me the opportunity to implement my newly gained knowledge immediately into practice and to apply my practical knowledge in various assignments during my studies. I have developed both professionally and personally and have outgrown myself by learning to leave my comfort zone.

What would you tell someone who is considering studying at MCI?

I can only recommend the MCI. During my Bachelor and Master program, we had many interesting lecturers with a lot of practical experience. Therefore, their courses always had a strong practical focus. We were able to learn about a lot of innovative tools and methods that are useful in the professional environment. During your studies, you don't get anything for free and you have to work on yourself and sometimes jump over your own shadow, which is very good for your personal development.

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