Lisa Maier

Date 2023-06-01

Junior General Manager, Winestore GmbH

Completed study program: Corporate Governance & Finance (Master)

Lisa Maier

Lisa Maier

When I look back at my time at MCI...

… I feel happy and proud. After my bachelor’s degree in Management & Law at MCI and four years of working, I decided to start the online master’s program at MCI to further develop myself personally and professionally. The biggest challenge was certainly to do both working at our family business and pursuing my studies. However, looking back now, the gratitude and joy outweigh the hardship by far, and I would definitely make the same decision again.

How did your studies at MCI prepare you for your current job?

Working at our family business, I find myself in new situations every day. It’s always about developing, recognizing opportunities and overcoming obstacles. At MCI, I gained professional knowledge, soft skills, experience and inputs that now help me understand different opinions, ask the right questions, find connections, take responsibility and make sound decisions.

What would you tell someone who is considering studying at MCI?

I can only recommend the MCI. My studies were enriching in so many ways. You learn through the practical relevance of projects and the experience of your lecturers just as much as through the exchange with your fellow students. Especially during my master’s, I appreciated that aspect, as the majority of us was working in different fields and positions. A valuable part of the bachelor’s program is the opportunity to not only study a semester abroad but also do an internship. All I can say is give it a try!

What is your motto?

If it excites and scares you at the same time, it might be a good thing to try.

Lisa Maier
Lisa Maier
Junior General Manager, Winestore GmbH
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Lisa Marie Schwendinger
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