Lisa Schwarz

Date 2020-02-03

Human Resources, Dr. Schär AG

Completed study program: Business Administration online (Bachelor)

Lisa Schwarz

Lisa Schwarz

When I look back at my time at MCI...

… I proudly look back on a valuable period in my life. The MCI enabled me to successfully combine my studies and career. Even though the tight schedule of courses, seminar papers and exams alongside my full-time professional work was challenging and exhausting throughout, it was worth it in the end. I gained knowledge, expanded my career opportunities and made new contacts. I am glad that I made the decision to study at the MCI and I wouldn't want to miss this time in my life.

How did your studies prepare you for your current job?

Since I have ended my studies, I have been working in HR at the international company Dr. Schär. The diverse mix that was taught in a wide variety of courses and the consistent practical orientation are in particular an added value for my current professional activity. In addition, I was able to strengthen my digital skills and my knowledge in the HR field during my studies. Furthermore, the completion of a part-time degree program is also a sign of flexibility, perseverance, determination and a high level of resilience - important soft skills that are in demand in every field and every industry. In summary, I can say that I have grown both professionally and personally throughout the course of my studies and this adds value to my current postion in the HR department at Dr. Schär every day.

What would you tell someone who is considering studying at MCI?

I would recommend the MCI to anyone who wants to study here. The MCI offers ideal settings by combining teaching and personalized learning with the use of modern didactics and new digital possibilities. The successful combination of theory and practice by lecturers and professors with many years of practical experience and different profiles, as well as the competent support of the entire MCI team during the studies also form my very positive conclusion.

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