Michael Koller

Date 2021-03-18

Brand Manager, GSK-Gebro Consumer Healthcare GmbH

Completed study program: Business Administration online (Bachelor)


Michael Koller

Michael Koller

How did your studies at MCI prepare you for your current job?

In addition to an in-depth and practical education, I have also developed in areas of time management during the period of my online study at MCI. This competence helps to face the stress and challenges at work on a daily basis. The online study program has helped me to adapt to the current trend of digitization in the workplace. The exchange with students with different professional backgrounds is very inspiring and a good opportunity to learn new ways of thinking.

When I look back at my time at MCI...

I am grateful for an in-depth practice-oriented education and am glad to be part of the MCI network. During my time at MCI, I was able to meet many new inspiring personalities. The MCI has given me fantastic tools for the upcoming challenges in my professional career.

What would you tell someone who is considering studying at MCI?

The MCI offers an ideal environment for personal and professional development. As a provider of part-time study programs, the MCI is a strong partner for continuing education alongside professional activities. The high level of practical relevance enables me to acquire valuable competencies that enable me to master current professional challenges. It is clear that the MCI is constantly developing and improving a range of courses for students.

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