David Lumper

Date 2022-09-05

Responsible Engineer Aquila SL/VAC, Isar Aerospace Technologies

Completed study programs: Business Administration online (Bachelor), Corporate Governance & Finance (Master)


David Lumper

David Lumper

When I look back at my time at MCI...

I can see that the efforts were worth it. It was not always easy. Balancing studies, job and private life was difficult, but I learned a lot about my skills and myself.

How did your studies at MCI prepare you for your current job?

Learning not only to understand other views, but also to accept them. When solving a problem, everyone has different perspectives and, therefore, comes up with different solutions. Since my studies have given me an entrepreneurial view on problems, I can often act as a link between engineers and managers.

What would you tell someone who is considering studying at MCI?

Best to start right away! I have not regretted one day.

My motto:

Create Impact

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