Get together with our 27 scholarship holders

Date 2022-06-09

MCiT & DiBSE students and alumni receive their scholarships of excellence

11 MCiT Bachelor, 7 MCiT Master and 9 DiBSE students and alumni recently received their scholarships of excellence.
MCiT Master's student Gabriel Wieland and Head of Department & Studies Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski. Foto Credit: MCiT Department

Each year, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research allocates budget funds for scholarships of excellence for MCI students and graduates. These are aimed specifically at above-average students with outstanding achievements.

This year's holders are:

11 MCiT Bachelor, 7 MCiT Master and 9 DiBSE students and alumni.

We celebrated our 27 MCiT and DiBSE scholarship holders in a festive atmosphere. In the cozy ambience of the Café Sacher in Innsbruck's old town our Head of Departmend and Studies Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski honored this year’s awardees.

The entire MCiTeam and DiBSE Team congratulates the award winners on their outstanding academic achievements!

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