Julius Holaus

Date 2022-09-19

Global Risk Operations – DACH Market Specialist, Meta

Completed study program: International Business & Law (Master)

Julius Holaus

Julius Holaus

When I look back at my time at MCI...

I remember a challenging, but also highly valuable time that allowed me to meet many interesting people, develop myself further, and have a lot of fun.

How did your studies at MCI prepare you for your current job?

Through various practical projects, MCI hands its students the tools to develop and strengthen what I consider one of the most important soft skills: problem solving. My job is all about understanding complex correlations and developing solutions as quickly as possible. The degree program at MCI prepared me ideally for these tasks by linking theoretical knowledge and collaborations with business partners.

What would you tell someone who is considering studying at MCI?

In addition to an excellent environment for students, the MCI offers the opportunity to network with renowned experts, both in seminars and in the "Distinguished Guests Lecture Series". Along with the location in the heart of Europe and a broad curriculum, this provides an ideal starting point for an exciting academic journey.

What is your motto?

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!

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