Certificate Courses

Certificate Courses

Quality study programs providing state-of-the-art knowledge

Top-class certificate courses provide state-of-the-art knowledge and ensure that theory and practice are merged to create a meaningful whole. Decision makers in management receive and experience comprehensive support in positioning themselves, in recognizing relevant interrelations, in acquiring and developing competencies, methods and skills, and in creating new scopes of action as well as in the designing and undertaking of complex tasks.

Teaching Principles
Modern learning

All MCI certificate cources pursue a modern approach to teaching that is specifically tailored to the needs of professionals. Intensive modules stretching over several days, usually from Friday to Saturday and in exceptional cases, also from Thursday to Saturday, alternate with practical sessions in which the theoretical content is systematically applied to practice.

The program content is based on the current state of research and knowledge and determined by its practical relevance. Our lecturers provide a framework for reflection and encourage participants to establish a link with their own professional experience. For this purpose, all courses include case studies, group works, presentations, and moderated discussions.

Blended Learning

Several of our programs are based on the innovative blended learning concept. This combines traditional on-campus classes with online sessions. Participants benefit from a maximum of flexibility with regard to both time and location. Please visit the MCI eCampus for more information.

Modular Design

Uniquely in the German-speaking world, certificate courses can be linked interactively and credited to selected Master's degree programmes.

The advantage for participants is that this Master's programme can be completed in stages and can therefore take account of time and financial commitments.

This modular concept is an expression of the academic quality of the individual certificates. The course supports targeted professional development and opens up attractive opportunities for the future.

Let us advise you personally.

Course Assessment and Certificate

Upon completion of an MCI certificate course, participants will be awarded a certificate, opening the door to new tasks and career options. During all phases of the course, our team provides participants with mentoring and adequate support in line with the MCI philosophy. Participants are also encouraged to participate actively in the course and see every assignment as a unique opportunity to obtain valuable feedback and incentives for personal development.


The inclusion of project work ensures the individual transfer of newly acquired knowledge to professional practice and provides a foundation for continuous assessment. In some programs, this form of assessment is complemented by written examinations.


Project work is assigned in select courses and takes the form of written assignments either to be completed individually or in groups. They are meant to provide an opportunity for reflection, usually addressing entrepreneurial concepts or ideas. Participants shall discuss their projects independently in the context of their newly gained knowledge. In the process, the direct feedback provided by lecturers proves particularly helpful. Participants may, thus, develop a project that may be presented either to their superior, or the management board of their company.


In the "General Management" certificate course, additional written reviews are conducted to test knowledge.


Towards the end of the program, participants will begin to write a comprehensive final paper in accordance with academic guidelines. The final paper typically addresses issues related to the participant’s own professional context and represents an individual guide or implementation plan, also to be used after completion of the course.


If all assignments have been successfully completed and the final paper has received a positive first evaluation, participants are invited to take the final oral examination. The examination includes a presentation and defense of the candidate’s thesis, and questions related to the course curriculum.


If a certificate course has been successfully completed, MCI will issue a respective certificate and a transcript of records approved by scientific management.


The program fee includes tuition, program materials and transcripts, beverages during breaks, and a free membership to the MCI Alumni & Friends association. The fee is determined by the type and scope of the program.

A 10% discount on the program fee is available to groups of three or more participants of the same company or institution. Provisions for the cancellation of registrations are specified in our

Upcoming Certificate Courses

Certificate Courses
Strategic Foresight Management
Develop and communicate sustainable strategies
  • 2025-04-11
  • MCI , Universitaetsstrasse 15
Certificate Courses
Management, Psychology & Leadership
Understand and design complex decision-making processes
  • 2025-05-22
  • MCI, Universitaetsstrasse 15, Innsbruck
Certificate Courses
Business AI Advanced
AI-Based Transformation in Companies
  • 2025-09-12
  • MCI, Universitaetsstrasse 15, Innsbruck
Certificate Courses
Corporate Sustainability Reporting & EU-Taxonomie
AI-Based Transformation in Companies
  • 2025-09-19
  • MCI, Universitaetsstrasse 15, Innsbruck
Certificate Courses
Green Transition & ESG-Management
Sustainability as a holistic transformation process and integrative approach
  • 2025-10-10
  • MCI & Online
Certificate Courses
General Management
Business administration for non-business majors
  • 2025-10-16
  • MCI, Universitaetsstrasse 15, Innsbruck
Certificate Courses
Controlling & Business Management
Plan success, design processes, achieve results
  • 2025-11-13
  • MCI, Universitaetsstrasse 15, Innsbruck
Certificate Courses
Sales Management
Successfully navigating in the age of digital sales strategies and customer-centric innovations
  • 2025-11-14
  • MCI, Universitaetsstrasse 15, Innsbruck
Certificate Courses
Innovation Management
Create a competitive advantage through market and technology orientation
  • 2025-11-21
  • MCI, Universitaetsstrasse 15, Innsbruck
Certificate Courses
Marketing Management
Successful market development in a digital world
  • 2025-11-28
  • MCI, Universitätsstraße 15, Innsbruck