The faculty includes researchers and experienced practitioners with proven expertise in their respective areas of specialization. Participants in the course will benefit from the combination of recent scientific findings and extensive practical experience provided by our team.
Scientific Management
Dr. Reinhold Bartl
Certified Psychologist, Consultant, Coach, and Instructor, Head of the Milton Erickson Institute, Innsbruck / Tyrol
PD Dr. Jürgen Kaschube
Business Psychologist, Owner of a Business Consultancy, Salzburg / Austria
Faculty (excerpt):
Dr. Martin Carmann
Consultant, Trainer and Owner of Carmann Consulting GmbH, Vienna / Austria
Prof. Dr. Alexander Deseniss
Marketing Professor, Flensburg University of Applied Sciences / Germany
Michael Razen, PhD
Assistant Professor Department Banking and Finance, Universität Innsbruck / Tyrol
Dipl.-Kfm. Marc Richter
International Trainer and Consultant, University Lecturer, Berlin / Germany
Dipl.-Psych. Frank von der Reith
Partner of osb international, Managing Partner of osb Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg / Germany
Prof. Dr. Mathias Schüz
Professor for Responsible Leadership, ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Zürich / Switzerland