Today’s executives as well as marketing and sales managers face new tasks and challenges of the digital and social age. Customers get overwhelmed by floods of advertisements through all types of media, only perceiving and evaluating a small fraction of the information they receive. They become increasingly more critical and demand transparency, sustainability, individual treatment and favorable prices from companies. Online giants and international competitors lower their prices to offer attractive deals, while established companies manage Big Data and integrate their marketing measures in traditional, digital and social media.

The certificate course "Marketing Management - New Ways to Sustainable Customer Relations" is dedicated to the above-mentioned challenges and opportunities of modern marketing. The basis of market-oriented and market-driven corporate management is an integrated approach that views marketing as a holistic management concept of a modern company.

Through intensive exchange with qualified lecturers from science and practice, you will acquire the necessary expertise for contemporary marketing and develop new ways of looking at products, services, instruments, approaches, markets and the environment.

In four consecutive modules, you will (1) learn how to develop a thorough marketing strategy, (2) discover a customer-centered approach, (3) get to know a selection of modern communication measures and (4) map out a measurement concept for marketing activities tailored to your requirements. Furthermore, you will discuss and apply these skills in a lively exchange with lecturers and participants.

You meet participants from a wide range of sectors, benefit from different perspectives and intensively examine relevant contents during this course. In addition, case studies, project work and your practice-related final thesis build bridges between the scientific findings, theoretical foundations and your professional practice.

After completing the certificate course, you will be able to
  • correctly assess the importance of marketing and use its potentials in your own organization;

  • recognize trends in marketing at an early stage, apply modern marketing methods and instruments and create the necessary organizational structures for marketing as a distinctive factor;

  • master future challenges in the field of marketing through state-of-the-art approaches in science and practice;

  • develop and implement a marketing concept adapted to your organization and sector;

  • identify and apply appropriate measurement approaches to monitor different marketing activities;

  • exchange ideas with people in- and outside your industry about the latest trends, opportunities, challenges and fields of application of marketing management.

The part-time course is designed for
  • executives, junior executives and other decision-makers who have not completed a course of study yet and want to take on higher entrepreneurial tasks or qualify for the increasing demands of existing positions;

  • university graduates who want to expand their education and/or update their marketing know-how;

  • entrepreneurs, sales and marketing managers as well as persons with different tasks in the field of marketing and sales;

  • family members with management positions in family businesses.

Dr. Olena Rigger | Program Manager
Dr. Olena RiggerProgram Manager

Your way to success

Find out all the details you need to make your decision here:

What awaits you

The certificate course is a part-time course of study based on a didactic concept tailored to the needs of professional decision makers.

  • More information on costs & teaching principles can be found here.

  • Detailed schedule on request.

Course Assessments

The following achievements are to be provided:

  • Project Work: serves the transfer of learning & implementation into the professional practice and deals with approaches to solutions.

  • Final Thesis: deals with operational problems and approaches to solutions.

  • Final Examination: presentation of the Final Thesis, discussion and feedback.

Who awaits you?
Scientific Management

Assoz. FH-Prof. Dr. Kristina Harthaller
MCI Lecturer, Department Business & Management, Innsbruck / Tyrol

Faculty (excerpt)

Mag. Fabian Bösch, B.A.
Lowyer, Law firm Greiter-Pegger-Kofler & Partner, Innsbruck / Tyrol

FH-Prof. Dr. Claudia Brauer
MCI Lecturer, Department Business & Management, Innsbruck / Tyrol

DI (FH) Mag. Matthias Constantini
Managing Director at Digitalagency OG, Innsbruck / Tyrol

Ing. Marc Heiss, BA
SEO Marc Heiss Digital GmbH, Reith bei Seefeld / Tirol

Prof. Dr. Matthias Schulten
Professor of Marketing of University Südwestfalen / Germany

Recognition of credits

The MCI certificate programs have been designed to meet the highest international quality standards. They are continuously assessed by internal and external bodies.

All business-related MCI study programs have been accredited by the renowned Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

The certificate course can be counted towards selected Master Degree Programs.

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