The faculty includes researchers and experienced practitioners with proven expertise in their respective fields of specialization. Participants in the course will benefit from the combination of recent scientific findings and extensive practical experience provided by our team.
Scientific Management
Raimund Mollenhauer
Speaker and Management Consultant, Moderator and Coach in the field of "Digital Sales"
Prof. Dr. Matthias Schulten
Professor of Marketing of University Südwestfalen / Germany
Faculty (excerpt)
Dr. Felix Isbruch
Partner The Performance Management Company (PMC), Neubeuern / Germany
Dipl.-Kfm. Ramzi Musa
COO und Co-Founder Revenue IQ, Berlin / Germany
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Barbara Niersbach
Study Dean MBA International Business Management
Director International Affairs / University of Applied Scienses Ravensburg-Weingarten / Germany