Mag. Christine Pirhofer

Assistant & Project Manager +43 512 2070 - 1821
Mag. Christine Pirhofer

Professional work experience
  • 10/2006 - present
    Assistenz und Projektmanagement bei F&E Services - MCI Management Center Innsbruck
    Projektmanagement; Organisation; nationale und internationale Forschungsförderungsprogramme; Ansprechpartnerin für wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/-innen zu Themen aus dem F&E-Bereich; Informationen über Wettbewerbe und Ausschreibungen mit den Themenschwerpunkten Forschung und Innovation etc.
  • 01/2006 - 10/2006
    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin - Universitätsklinik Innsbruck
    Mitwirkung am Forschungsprojekt "Geriatrische Onkologie" und Mitwirkung bei Organisations- und Verwaltungsaufgaben im Rahmen des Projekts
  • 04/2005 - 11/2005
    Bildungsberaterin im Auftrag der AK Tirol in den Bezirken Landeck, Imst, Schwaz und Kufstein - AK Arbeiterkammer Tirol, Bildungspolitische Abteilung
    Beratungstätigkeit für AK-Mitglieder zu Fragen der Aus- und Weiterbildung, Förderungen, Zweiter Bildungsweg und Umschulungen
  • 09/2004 - 02/2005
    Bildungsberaterin im EQUAL-Projekt "" - AK Arbeiterkammer Tirol, Bildungspolitische Abteilung
    Bildungsberatung zu sämtlichen Fragen der Aus- und Weiterbildung, Förderungen und Umschulungen; Einschulung von Teilnehmer/-innen des Lehrgangs für Bildungs- und Berufsberatung und Einführung in die praktische Beratungstätigkeit als Mentorin
  • 12/2003 - 11/2004
    Bildungsberaterin - AK Arbeiterkammer Tirol, Bildungspolitische Abteilung
    Beratungstätigkeit für AK-Mitglieder zu den Themen Aus- und Weiterbildung, Förderungen, Zweiter Bildungsweg, Anerkennungsfragen von Berufs- und Bildungsabschlüssen innerhalb der Europäischen Union; Referententätigkeit zu Fragen über Beihilfen, Stipendien und AK-Zukunftsaktie; Recherche und Produktion einer AK-Informationsbroschüre zum Thema "ArbeitnehmerInnen am EU-Arbeitsmarkt - Fragen der Anerkennung von Berufs- und Bildungsabschlüssen"
  • 05/2003 - 11/2003
    Mitarbeiterin der AK-Zukunftsaktie - AK Arbeiterkammer Tirol, Bildungspolitische Abteilung
    Beratung und Information der AK-Mitglieder über Kursangebote, Kosten, Termine und Ablauf der Antragstellung; administrative Tätigkeiten
  • 01/2008 - 12/2009
    Certified Project Manager (pma Projekt Management Austria) - MCI Management Center Innsbruck / Akademie für Recht, Steuern und Wirtschaft - Wien
    Projekt Management
  • 01/1994 - 12/2002
    Mag. phil. - Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
    Studium der Politikwissenschaft und der Geschichte; Studienschwerpunkt: Europäische Integration
Practice related research and developmental project
  • 01/2021 - 12/2023
    WP4 Member (together with A. Zehrer, D. Wieser and G. Glowka): Development of the EICAA Competence Development Kit (CDK) - MCI
    EICAA - Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship Competences Assessment Alliance (Erasmus+ funded project). The EICAA project aims to develop a digital platform for the evaluation and development of entrepreneurial skills of students and employees and thereby to promote and improve their entrepreneurship and innovation skills. For this purpose, a survey has been created to measure entrepreneurship and innovation skills, the development of which is based on the internationally accepted EntreComp Framework of the EU Commission. For each of the competencies, appropriate teaching modules have been developed for lecturers, which are applied in a practical manner both in the higher education sector for students and in the business sector for companies and their employees. The survey of entrepreneurship and innovation skills has been tested in advance and piloted on a large scale at universities and companies. The big advantage of the digital platform is that students and employees can easily carry out a self-assessment of their entrepreneurial skills and receive a clear analysis of their skills at group level, which shows them those skills where there is a need to catch up. Based on this, module recommendations from the EICAA Competence Development Kit (CDK) are suggested to students and employees, which can easily be integrated into existing curricula or training courses. Website:
  • 09/2018 - 08/2021
    IO4 Member (together with A. Zehrer and D.Wieser): Development of the PIETE Teaching Compendium - MCI
    PIETE - Partnership for Initial Entrepreneurship Teacher Education (Erasmus+ funded project). In the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan the European Commission identified education as a main pillar for catalyzing entrepreneurship inside the European Union. Higher education institutions (HEIs) take on a central role for the deliverance of entrepreneurship education (EE) and thus for developing entrepreneurial competences that are considered key for lifelong learning. The PIETE project addresses deficiencies in the development of entrepreneurial competences within ITE programs of HEIs. The PIETE project aims to foster entrepreneurial skills and competence development in initial teacher education (ITE) at HEIs and thus contribute to the fulfillment of the Entrepreneurship Action Plan 2020 of the European Commission. This will be achieved through the development of a set of resources that raise awareness for the importance of entrepreneurial thinking and acting in ITE through the sensitization of ITE educators create a state-of-the-art understanding among ITE educators for relevant skills and competences that can be acquired through the application of EE as understood by the EntreComp Framework. Furthermore, also to provide a better basis for entrepreneurial skills acquisition of ITE students to become entrepreneurial teachers in their professional career. The project thereby directly contributes to the development of entrepreneurial teachers by developing the PIETE Teaching Compendium which offers educators a clear guidance for the concise catalogue of curricular activities that can be attached to existing or used for the establishment of entirely new lectures. Website:
  • 10/2016 - 09/2018
    IO3 Member (together with B. Ebersberger and D. Wieser): Development of the EEE Teaching Toolkit - MCI
    EEE - Embedded Entrepreneurship Education (Erasmus+ funded project). Increasing young people's entrepreneurship skills is increasingly seen as a way to drive economic growth while also addressing pressing social issues. The last five years have seen growth in the number of HEIs (higher education institutions) offering entrepreneurship education of some kind. Nevertheless, absolute levels of student entrepreneurship remain low and lag far behind competitors. However, HEIs' motivation and ability to provide entrepreneurship education is not universal and initiatives vary enormously. For these reasons, the project "Embedding Entrepreneurship Education" has been designed with a clear objective: to increase the proportion of HEI students acquiring an entrepreneurial mind-set and engaging in early stage entrepreneurial activity. Based on 23 innovative teaching modules, the EEE Teaching Toolkit - an innovative teaching compendium for teaching entrepreneurial skills in HEIs - follows a so-called modular principle with the possibility of combining modules in various ways to enrich existing courses or create new courses, seminars, etc. The aim is to promote innovative and entrepreneurial thinking as well as start-up initiatives in the higher education sector in an interdisciplinary and practical manner. The toolkit is structurally based on the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp) of the European Union. Website:
  • 07/2012 - 06/2015
    WP5.3 Member (together with B. Ebersberger): Development of e-learning training modules on innovative financial instruments for estimated 200 hours of self-learning online-training courses - MCI
    FIDIAS - Innovative Financial Instruments for Sustainable Development in Alpine Space (EU funded project with 11 project partners). Starting from the capitalization of partners' experiences, and considering the high "eco-innovation" potential of the Alpine Space, the FIDIAS project aims to provide Local Regional Authorities, green-tech SMEs and Local Financial Operators of the Alpine Space with the sufficient know-how to exploit the opportunities coming from the new EU regulations on financial instruments, in order to reinforce existing processes of local development acting through a bottom-up approach. By considering the encouragement coming from the European Commission towards the use of financial instruments as leverage of public funding, the project intends to promote innovative mechanisms, financial instruments and services able to attract private and public capital and to support sustainable development and competitiveness in alpine territories. The project goal is to reinforce local, regional development plans and entrepreneurship through the implementation of innovative financial instruments and services. Website:
  • 01/2010 - 04/2012
    WP3 Leader (together with V. Antonovic) - MCI
    EuKTS - European Knowledge Transfer Society. The EuKTS project is funded under the FP7 RTD OMC-NET (support to the coherent development of research policies) and is a follow-up project of the CERT-TTT-M project . The EuKTS project seeks to provide the necessary framework and infrastructure to support the development of the Knowledge Transfer profession by accreditation of course providers, certification of professionals and availability of comprehensive data on Knwoledge Transfer activity. The EuKTS Consortium (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, UK) includes existing Knowledge Transfer associations (ProTon, IKT, and LES), policy bodies, and course providers with experience in certification, accrediation and delivery of courses for Knowledge Transfer professionals. Website:
  • 09/2007 - 04/2009
    WP2 Member (together with V. Antonovic) - MCI
    IPRAM - Intellectual Property Rights and Assets Management Course. The IPRAM project was a project within the FP6 Framework Programme of the EU. The main ambitions of the project were to raise awareness among life scientists of the commercial potential of their research, to stimulate technology transfer from academia to industry and to encourage bio-entrepreneurship in the academic community.
  • 02/2007 - 12/2009
    WP3 Member (together with V. Antonovic): Analysis of existing TechTransfer training across the EU - MCI
    CERT-TTT-M CERT-TTT-M means Certified Transnational Technology Transfer Manager and was a project within the FP6 Framework Programme of the EU and aimed at building up a framework to qualify TT-Managers on a transnational level with mutual recognition in Europe. The CERT-TTT-M project has been recognised as a best practice by the European Commission in their communication on "Improving knowledge transfer between research institutions and industry across Europe" (2007). Website:
Peer reviewed journal article
  • Ebersberger, B., & Pirhofer, C. (2011). Gender, Management Education and the Willingness for Academic Entrepreneurship. Applied Economics Letters, 18(9), 841-844.
Research monographs
  • Pirhofer, C. (2004). Institutionelle Aspekte der EU-Osterweiterung unter Berücksichtigung der laufenden Beitrittsverhandlungen. Peter Lang Verlag. Frankfurt.
Peer reviewed academic/professional meeting proceedings
  • Zehrer, A., Wieser, D, Glowka, G., & Pirhofer, Ch. (2023). Speed dating with tourism family firm entrepreneurs to foster enterprising literacy. EuroCHRIE "Changing Realities. New Opportunities", October 3-6 2023, Vienna, Austria. EuroCHRIE 2023, Book of Abstracts, p. 36.
  • Zehrer, A.; Wieser, D., Glowka, G.; & Pirhofer, C. (2023). Putting EICAA into practice - Speed Dating with Family Firm Entrepreneurs to Foster Enterprising Literacy in Entrepreneurship Education. EAIR Forum Linz.
  • Ebersberger, B., Becke, F., & Pirhofer, C. (2012). Global Technological Competitiveness of Austrian Regions. Innsbruck. Vortrag im Rahmen des 6. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen 2012 vom 11.-12. April 2012 an der FH JOANNEUM Graz
  • Pirhofer, C., Antonovic, A., & Ebersberger, E. (2011). Technology Transfer Education Programmes in Europe: Gap Analysis Between Supply and Demand. Innsbruck. Vortrag im Rahmen des 5. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen 2011 vom 17.-28. April 2011 am FH Campus Wien
  • Pirhofer, C., Antonovic, A., & Ebersberger, E. (2011). Technology Transfer Education Programmes in Europe: Gap Analysis Between Supply and Demand. Innsbruck. Vortrag im Rahmen der T2S Technology Transfer Conference 2011 vom 21.-23. September 2011 an der Universität Augsburg, Deutschland
  • Ebersberger, B., & Pirhofer, C. (2011). Perceived Obstacles, Gender Education and the Willingness for Academic Entrepreneurship. Innsbruck. Vortrag im Rahmen der 56th ICSB World Conference 2011 vom 15.-18. Juni 2011 im Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, Schweden
  • Ebersberger, B., & Pirhofer, C. (2010). Determinants of Academic Entrepreneurship. Innsbruck. Vortrag im Rahmen des 4. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen 2010 vom 7.-8. April 2010 an der FH Pinkafeld, Burgenland
Presentation of a paper at a conference, workshop or seminar
  • Zehrer, A., Glowka, G., Wieser, D., Pirhofer, C. (2025). Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk - a crucial future competence in entrepreneurship education. International Marketing Journal of Culture and Tourism, 6, 48-54.
  • Zehrer, A., Glowka, G., Wieser, D., Pirhofer, C. (2024). Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk - a crucial future competence in entrepreneurship education. EuroChrie "Hospitality and Tourism in a New Era: Building Bridges and Overcoming Challenges", November 4-7 2024, Doha, Qatar.
  • Zehrer, A., Wieser, D, Glowka, G., & Pirhofer, Ch. (2023). Speed dating with tourism family firm entrepreneurs to foster enterprising literacy. EuroChrie "Changing Realities. New Opportunities", October 3-6 2023, Vienna, Austria.
  • Campos, V., Zehrer, A., & Ejarque, A. T., Wieser, D., Sanchis, J.R., & Saurwein, L. (2023). Sustainability leadership development in the family firms of the tourism industry - an exploratory comparative case study. 18th EISAM Workshop on Family Firm Management Research "Balancing financial and non-financial wealth". October 2-3, 2023, Naples, Italy.
  • Wieser, D., Zehrer, A., Glowka, G. & Pirhofer, Ch. (2023). Entrepreneurship Education Best Practice: Speed Dating to improve Enterprising Literacy. 26. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum), September 27-29, 2023, Darmstadt, Germany.
  • Zehrer, A., Wieser, D, Glowka, G., & Pirhofer, Ch. (2023). Putting EICAA into practice - Speed Dating with Family Firm Entrepreneurs to Foster Enterprising Literacy in Entrepreneurship Education. 45th EAIR Forum "Shaping the World of Change - Higher Education as a Key Enabler", September 3-6, 2023, Linz, Austria.
Other intellectual contributions
  • Ebersberger, B., & Pirhofer, C. (2010). Akademische Unternehmensgründung in Tirol (p. 0). Innsbruck.
  • Pirhofer, C., Antonovic, V., & Köck, M. (2007). Study on European TT Education Programmes & Benchmarking. CERT-TTT-M project within the FP6 Framework Programme.
  • Pirhofer, C., & Niederwieser, E. (2005). ArbeitnehmerInnen am EU-Arbeitsmarkt: Fragen der Anerkennung von Berufs- und Bildungsabschlüssen. AK Tirol. Innsbruck.