Mag. Claudia Pauzenberger, BA

Exchange Coordinator +43 512 2070 - 1624
Mag. Claudia Pauzenberger, BA

Professional work experience
  • 06/2008 - present
    international relations - MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Austria
  • 03/2005 - 05/2008
    customer service Europe - Barilla G.e.R. fratelli SpA, Parma, Italy
  • 11/2002 - 03/2005
    customer service Austria - Barilla Wasa Austria, Innsbruck, Austria
  • 02/2000 - 10/2002
    customer service Austria - Metecno Trading GmbH, Vienna, Austria
  • 05/1999 - 02/2000
    multilingual secretary/translator - law firm Weiss-Tessbach, Vienna, Austria
  • 10/1998 - 05/1999
    language teaching assistance in middle school - Lycée Camille Claudel, Pontault-Combault, France
  • 10/1997 - 05/1998
    language teaching assistance at a middle school - Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Statale "Carlo Levi", Reggio Emilia, Italy
  • 09/1990 - 06/1991
    receptionist - Hotel Kapeller, Innsbruck, Austria
  • 09/2023 - 04/2024
    Zertifikat - EALW - European Academy for Logotherapy
    stress management & bournout prevention
  • 01/2018 - 11/2018
    BA - University of Innsbruck, Austria
    Bachelor in Translation Studies terminating with the Bachelor thesis: "The Interconnection Between Personality, Culture and Language."
  • 09/2017 - 05/2018
    certificate - Future Training.Consulting.Coaching, Austria
    core coaching training
  • 11/2014 - 07/2015
    diploma - body & health academy Vienna & Vitalakademie Vienna, Austria
    course of studies for burnout-prevention
  • 02/2013 - 02/2014
    diploma - WIFI, Innsbruck, Austria
    training as life coach
  • 03/2011 - 02/2012
    certificate - WIFI, Innsbruck, Austria
    training as systemic Coach
  • 09/2009 - 08/2010
    certificate - Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
    advanced training course as intercultural coach
  • 10/2008 - 11/2010
    University of Innsbruck, Austria
    course of studies on communication in the professional field
  • 09/2006 - 09/2007
    certificate - Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
    training as intercultural trainer
  • 10/2001 - 06/2003
    certificate - Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
    postgraduate course on marketing and sales
  • 10/1995 - 02/1996
    University of Bologna, Forli, Italy
    Translation Studies in English/Italian/French
  • 10/1992 - 06/1997
    Mag. Phil. - University of Innsbruck, Austria
    Translation Studies in English/Italian/French
Teaching (faculty internships etc.)
  • 08/2020 - 08/2020
    MCI Management Center Innsbruck
    WILLIAM (Welcome to Israel" Learning and Leading "Internationalisatin at Home": Assistance and Management Tool) online training on "Cultural Influences and & Individual Perception" with follow up checklist on "Dealing with Uncertain Situations in an International Setting."
  • 03/2019 - 03/2019
    MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Austria
    (MA NON & SW) 1 module "Intercultural Development Inventory" (input regarding the funtcioning of the brain, Agile-Mindset-Model, Embodiment-Exercises, Simulation of all phases of the DMIS, IDI-feedback).
  • 03/2018 - 03/2018
    MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Austria
    (BA NON & SW) 1 module "Intercultural & Transcultural Communication" (introduction DMIS, simulation of denial and adaptation via embodiment-excercises, group-IDI).
  • 11/2015 - 12/2015
    MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Austria
    (MA IHSM) 7 modules "Fundamentals of Management" (identity, culture, iceberg model, sand dune model, fuzzy culture, small culture, cultural dimensions) on the basis of the IDI with individual feedback.
  • 11/2015 - 12/2015
    MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Austria
    (BA Law) 3+3 modules "Multicultural Sensitive Behavior" (identity, culture, iceberg model, sand dune model, fuzzy culture, small culture, cultural dimensions, stereotypes).
  • 09/2015 - 09/2015
    Università Argentina della Impresa, Buenos Aires, Argentina
    culture shock online lecture
  • 03/2015 - 03/2015
    MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Austria
    (BA WING) one day workshop "intercultural sensitivity" (trust in an intercultural context, intercultural competence, identity, ice berg, Big C / small c, perception, stereotypes, culture shock, intercultural communication, fuzzy culture, DMIS).
  • 12/2014 - 12/2014
    MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Austria
    (BA Law) 3 modules "Multicultural Sensitive Behavior" (culture, culture shock, communication, intercultural communication, conflict management, cultural dimensions).
  • 11/2014 - 11/2014
    MCI Management Innsbruck, Austria
    (BA Nonprofit) one day workshop on intercultural awareness prior to going abroad with feedback on the basis of the IDI - two assigments during the stay abroad - final feedback on the basis of the IDI and the assigments after the stay abroad when requested.
  • 10/2014 - 12/2014
    MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Austria
    (MA IHSM) 7 modules "Fundamentals of Management" (culture, culture shock, IDI, conflict management, cultural dimensions) on the basis of the IDI as well as on the Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory.
  • 06/2014 - 09/2014
    MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Austria
    (BA Nonprofit/B&M/IT) one day workshop intercultural awareness prior to going abroad with feedback on the basis of the IDI - two assigments during the stay abroad - final feedback on the basis of the IDI and the assigments after the stay abroad when requested.
  • 10/2013 - 11/2013
    MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Austria
    (MA IHSM) 7 modules "Fundamentals of Management" (culture, culture shock, IDI, conflict management, cultural dimensions) on the basis of the IDI as well as on the Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory.
  • 07/2013 - 01/2014
    MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Austria
    (BA Nonprofit) one day workshop intercultural awareness prior to going abroad with feedback on the basis of the IDI - two assigments during the stay abroad - final feedback on the basis of the IDI and the assigments after the stay abroad when requested.
  • 04/2012 - 01/2013
    MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Austria
    (BA Law/M&M) one day workshop intercultural awareness prior to going abroad with feedback on the basis of the IDI - two assigments during the stay abroad - final feedback on the basis of the IDI and the assigments after the stay abroad.
  • 10/2009 - 12/2009
    MCI Management Center Innsbruck; Austria
    Italian as foreign language for beginners level I
  • 10/1998 - 05/1999
    Lycée Camille Claudel, Academie de Créteil, Paris, France
    German as foreign language, beginner level till B2.
  • 10/1997 - 05/1998
    Istituto Superiore Levi, Reggio Emilia, Italy
    German as foreign language, beginner level till B2
Further education & Training
  • 2023 - 2023
    K.J.F. Acadamy Graz
    Positive Psychology Tour 2023 - Tomorrowind
  • 2023 - 2023
    MCI Management Center Innsbruck
    Mindful (Self-)Leadership
  • 2022 - 2022
    AKJF Graz
    6. Kongress Denk- und Handlungsräume inder Psychologie - Sinn beflügelt
  • 2022 - 2022
    Gunther Schmidt
    Traumatherapie hypnosythemisch - vom Trauma zum befreiten Leben.
  • 2021 - 2021
    Uni for Life Graz, Austria
    webinar online coaching for life coaches
  • 2020 - 2020
    online workshop professional core coaching
  • 2016 - 2016
    Future Training.Consulting.Coaching, Austria
    coaching for a healthy body
  • 2015 - 2015
    Einschulung in die Arbeits-Bewertungs-Skala - ABS-Gruppe
  • 2014 - 2014
    IDRAcademy, Milan, Italy
    Embodied culture: discovering the feeling of self and others in cultural context
  • 2014 - 2014
    van den Bergh Thiagi Associates GmbH, Winterthur, Switzerland
    Thiagi's Tools for Intercultural Training
  • 2013 - 2013
    MCI Management Center Innsbruck
    Janet Bennett: Developing Intercultural Competence
  • 2012 - 2012
    Danube University Krems
    Janet Bennett: Intercultural Trainings Design
  • 2012 - 2012
    Hammer Consulting, Zürich, Switzerland
    Intercultural Development Inventory Qualifiying Seminar
  • 2011 - 2011
    IDRAcademy, Milan, Italy
    ilton Bennett: Constructivist Foundations of Intercultural Communication - Applying the New Paradigm
Positions in professional/academic societies
  • 01/2024 - present
    Communication - board member - SIETAR Austria - Society for Intercultural Education Training and Research
Chapters in books
  • Saurwein, L., Pauzenberger, C., Hang Xu, F. (2019). Are internationalisation strategies and intercultural competence a fitted glove? A case study of part-time management students' learning experience through intercultural dialogue. In U. Lundgren & P. Castro & J. Woodin (Eds.), Educational Approaches to Internationalization through Intercultural Dialogue: (pp. 195 - 208). Routledge
  • Saurwein, L., Pauzenberger, C. (2018). Training exercises on embodiment of opposing worldviews in the field of intercultural communication. In E. Hansen, AK. Torkler, B. Covarrubias Venegas (Eds.), Intercultural Training Tool Kit: Activities for Developing Intercultural Competence for Virtual and Face-to-face Teams, SIETAR Europa Intercultural Book Series. (pp.44-45).
Presentation of a paper at a conference, workshop or seminar
  • Workshop "How to be different AND connected? Re-approaching intercultural situations..." beim SIETAR Europa Congress in Malta 2022 "Re-Thinking Interculturalism".
  • Pauzenberger, C., at EURAM 2019, 26.-28.06.19, Lissabon: The Formation of Cultural Mindsets and the Role of Multicultural Identities as Social Facilitators. key words: Global Mobility / Culture / Cross-Cultural ISSN 2466-7498 and ISBN 978-2-9602195-1-7
Other intellectual contributions
  • Tat, U., Pauzenberger, C., Poster im Rahmen des 12. Forschungsforums der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Salzburg, 04.-05.04.2018, mit dem Titel "Interkulturelle Kommunikation: Kompetenzentwicklung in der Hochschullehre."