Curriculum Vitae
Mag. iur. Julia Waldegger, BA MSc

Mag. iur. Julia Waldegger, BA MSc
+ 43 512 2070 - 4231

Mag. iur. Julia Waldegger, BA MSc

2023 - present
Lecturer - MCI

2018 - 2023
Teaching & Research Assistant - Lehre und Studiengangsbetreuung BWL Online - MCI

2016 - 2018
Assistant & Project Management - Department Business Administration Online - MCI

Student Assistant - Orders and Change in International Relations - Begleitende Betreuung der Studierenden, Mitwirkung an Evaluierungsmaßnahmen in der Lehre, Verwaltungstätigkeiten, Literaturrecherche - University Innsbruck - Faculty for Social and Political Sciences

Student Assistant - Political Science Research Methods - Begleitende Betreuung der Studierenden, Mitwirkung an Evaluierungsmaßnahmen in der Lehre, Verwaltungstätigkeiten, Literaturrecherche - University Innsbruck - Faculty for Social and Political Sciences

2015 - 2016
Projektassistenz in Forschung und Verwaltung - Internationale Politische Kommunikation - Eigenständige Recherche und Erhebung von Datenmaterial, Literaturrecherche - Project Assistant for Research and Administration - International Political Communication

2023 - present
PhD Program Management - University Innsbruck (PhD)

2020 - 2023
MA Organization Studies - University Innsbruck (MSc)

2013 - 2015
Bachelor's Programme Political Science - University Innsbruck (BA)

2007 - 2014
Diploma Programme Law - University Innsbruck (Mag.iur.)

Competence-oriented: designing and grading assessments - Austrian Association of Universities of Applied Sciences

Research Design in Social Data Science - Sage Campus

Carbon Literacy Training - Carbon Literacy Project - Nottingham Business School

Business Law - MCI

Academic Writing & Empirical Social Research - MCI

International Week on Sustainability - World Climate Simulation - University of Antwerp

Carbon Literacy Workshop - FHWien der WKW

Business Ethics - MCI

University Innsbruck
Dean's list 2022 featuring the top 5% of students of the Faculty of Business and Management of the University of Innsbruck

University Innsbruck
Performance-based scholarship 2020/2021 grade point average not greater than 1.35 with at least 50 ECTS-Credits

University Innsbruck
Performance-based scholarship 2015/2016 grade point average not greater than 1.5 with at least 50 ECTS-Credits

University Innsbruck
Performance-based scholarship 2020/2021 grade point average not greater than 1.5 with at least 52 ECTS-Credits

University Innsbruck
Performance-based scholarship 2020/2021 grade point average not greater than 1.5 with at least 52 ECTS-Credits

  • Moessenlechner, C., Obexer, R., Pammer, M., & Waldegger, J. (2021). Switching Gears: Online Teaching in Higher Education in the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), 14(2), pp. 27-43.

  • Obexer, R., Waldegger, J., Wieser, D., Windbichler, R. (2024). Embracing Sustainability in Higher Education: Key Insights from Organizing an Academic Conference. In: Leal Filho, W., Sima, M., Lange Salvia, A., Kovaleva, M., Manolas, E. (eds) University Initiatives on Climate Change Education and Research. Springer, Cham.
  • Palan, N., Waldegger, J., & Pammer, M. (2022). The Importance of Social Components in Online Learning: The Case of Business Administration Online at MCI. In L. Carvalho, N. Teixeira, & P. Pardal (Ed.), Interdisciplinary and Practical Approaches to Managerial Education and Training (pp. 193-207). IGI Global.
  • Pammer, M., Waldegger, J., & Aufschnaiter, C. (2021). Handwerk digital: Kulturwandel als Erfolgsfaktor. In SRH Fernhochschule (Eds.), Vernetzte Arbeitswelt - Der digitale Arbeitnehmer (pp. 61-77). Springer.

    Pattermann, J. & Waldegger, J. (2024, June 4) Shaping responsible futures: The role of design-based research in highger eudcation [Conference presentation]. Futures of Natural Resources - Futures Conference 2024.

    Waldegger, J. & Bierwisch, A. (2023, September 27). Pedagogy Paper: Futures Thinking for Sustainable Innovation [Conference presentation]. RMERC

    Farrell, W., Waldegger, J., & Obexer, R. (2022, September 27). Assessing students' behavioral intention to act ethically: A proposed methodology.

    Pammer, M., Aufschnaiter, C., & Waldegger, J. (2019, November 15-16). Handwerk Digital: Kulturwandel als Erfolgsfaktor [Paper presentation]. Vernetzte Arbeitswelt - der digitale Arbeitnehmer, Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

Schreibmaier Jakob (2023): How Consumers Use CSR Reports for Decision Making

Ampferer Elias (2023): The Influence of Servant Leadership and Authentic Leadership on Employees' Intrinsic Motivation and Job Satisfaction: A Comparative Analysis of the Power of Both Leadership Styles

Ulbing Daniela (2023): Exploring the Relationship of Organizational Culture, Digital Literacy, Technology Readiness, and Employees' Intention to Use Digital Tools

Überegger Lorenz (2021): An Investigation of the Influence of Technical Assistant Programs on Employee Satisfaction in the Hotel Business in the Alpine Region

Galafate Gianluca (2021): Digitalization in Medtech Companies: A Qualitative Analysis of the Influence of Digitalization on Operational Strategies

Regensburger Fabian (2021): About Cause and Effect of Pressure in the Working Environment: A Quantitative Analysis of Employee Wellbeing

Niederer Andreas (2021): Kaufverhalten von Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten im Zusammenhang mit nachhaltigen Lebensmitteln

Marchant Julien (2020): A Bet on Progressive Loot Boxes in Mobile Gaming: A Qualitative Study on Loot Boxes for the New Decade in Germany

Vogl Manuel (2018): Nachfrageanalyse für den Onlinevertrieb regional erzeugter Lebensmittel

Kofler Clemens (2017): Die Herausforderungen und Chancen von Wissensmanagement in Dienstleistungsunternehmen am Beispiel der Lebenshilfe Tirol

Mader Andrea (2017): Die Rolle des Controllers in der Zusammenarbeit mit dem Management