Prof. Dr. Sabrina Schneider

Management, Strategy & Innovation +43 512 2070 - 3134
Prof. Dr. Sabrina Schneider

Professional work experience
  • 10/2016 - 02/2021
    Assistant Professor - University of Kassel
    Technology Management
  • 01/2014 - 03/2016
    Project manager - Deutsche Bank AG
    Strategy & Organizational Development
  • 09/2012 - 08/2015
    Scientific Co-ordinator - International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM)
  • 02/2011 - 12/2013
    Research Assistent - EBS Business School
  • 04/2006 - 09/2009
    Project manager - Commerzbank AG
    Strategy & Business Development
  • 01/2005 - 02/2005
    Internship - COSEA Ltd. Singapore
    Wealth Management
  • 03/2003 - 03/2006
    Trainee - Commerzbank AG
    Risk management
  • 09/2019 - 09/2019
    Copenhagen Business School
    Research Visit
  • 02/2019 - 03/2019
    Victoria University of Wellington
    Research Visit
  • 09/2013 - 12/2013
    IESE Business School
    Research Visit
  • 02/2011 - 12/2013
    PhD - EBS University for Business and Law, Oestrich-Winkel, Germany
    Business Model Innovation
  • 09/2009 - 01/2011
    MSc. - Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
    Strategic Project Management
  • 09/2009 - 01/2011
    Master Universitario - MIP Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
    Strategic Project Management
  • 09/2009 - 01/2011
    M - Umeå University, Sweden
  • 07/2003 - 12/2003
    Universidad de Viña del Mar
    term abroad
  • 09/2002 - 04/2006
    Bachelor - Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
    Business Administration/ Finance
  • 08/2002 - 07/2004
    IHK - Commerzbank AG
Teaching (faculty internships etc.)
  • 09/2019 - 09/2019
    Copenhagen Business School
    Guest Lecture: From Business Models to Business Ecosystems
  • 11/2018 - present
    Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, France
    Digital Work
  • 04/2018 - 04/2018
    University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
    Strategy and Industrial Evolution
  • 05/2015 - 05/2015
    Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
    Case Study: Organizational Development at Deutsche Bank
  • 09/2013 - 02/2021
    University of Kassel
    Business Model Innovation, Technology Management, Digital Management
  • 09/2012 - 08/2013
    Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
    Research Methods
Competitive Research Award
  • 06/2022 - 06/2022
    SIG Innovation: Best paper award nominee
  • 12/2021 - 12/2021
    Best Paper in Track "AI in Business and Society" Award
  • 12/2020 - 12/2020
    Best Paper in Track Award "IS in the Workplace and the Future of Work"
  • 12/2020 - 12/2020
    2nd runner up Best Conference Paper
  • 06/2019 - 06/2019
    Claudio Ciborra Award Nominee
  • 08/2018 - 08/2018
    Academy of Management, TIM Division
    Distinguished Reviewer Award
  • 06/2015 - 06/2015
    European Academy of Management, Innovation SIG
    Best Conference Paper Award, 2nd runner up
  • 11/2013 - 11/2013
    University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
    International PhD Student Competition Winner
  • 08/2013 - 08/2013
    Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Division
    Distinguished Reviewer Award
Editorial board service
  • 2022 - 2022
    ICIS 2022 Future of Work Track, Associate Editor
  • 2017 - 2020
    R&D Management, Special Issue Editor
Positions in professional/academic societies
  • 01/2018 - present
    Co-leader of the Special Interest Group on Digital Disruption and Transformation - International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM)
  • 01/2017 - 12/2018
    Co-leader of the Special Interest Group on Responsible Innovation - International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM)
Peer reviewed journal article
  • Freisinger, E., Schneider, S. (2024). Decoding Decision Delegation to Artificial Intelligence: A Mixed-Methods Study on the Preferences of Decision-Makers and Decision-Affected in Surrogate Decision Contexts, European Management Journal, in-press,
  • Freisinger, E., Unfried, M., & Schneider, S. (2023). The AI-Augmented Crowd: How Human Crowdvoters Adopt AI (or Not). Journal of Product Innovation Management, 1-25.
  • Kokshagina, O., & Schneider, S. (2023). The digital workplace: Navigating in a jungle of paradoxical tensions. California Management Review, 65(2), 129-155, 10.1177/00081256221137720.
  • Remane, G., Schneider, S., & Hanelt, A. (2022). Digital business model types: Understanding their mechanisms as recipes to commercialise digital technologies. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2240019.
  • Leyer, M., Schneider, S., Strohhecker, J. (2022). Measurement and performance impact of team mental models on process performance. Current Psychology, 1-15. doi: 10.1007/s12144-022-03293-7
  • Leyer, M., Schneider, S. (2021) Decision augmentation and automation with artificial intelligence: Threat or opportunity for managers? Business Horizons, 64 (5), September - October 2021, 711-724.
  • Schneider, S., Kokshagina, O. (2021) Digital Transformation: What we have learned (thus far) and what is next, Creativity and Innovation Management, 30 (2), June 2021, 384-411.
  • Schlecht, L., Schneider, S., Buchwald, A. (2021) The Prospective Value Creation Potential of Blockchain on Business Models: A Delphi Study, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 166, May 2021,
  • Güler, M.S., & Schneider, S. (2021) The Resource-Based View in Business Ecosystems A Perspective on the Determinants of a Valuable Resource and Capability, Journal of Business Research, 133, 158-169,
  • Ritala, P., Schneider, S., Michailova, S. (2020) Innovation management research methods: Embracing rigor and diversity, R&D Management Journal, 50 (3), 297-308.
  • Schneider, S., Leyer, M., Tate, M. (2020) The transformational impact of Blockchain technology on business models and ecosystems: A symbiosis of human and technology agents, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 10.1109/TEM.2020.2972037.
  • Klein, S., Schneider, S., Spieth, P. (2020) How to stay on the road? A business model perspective on mission drift in social purpose organizations, status: Journal of Business Research, 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.01.053.
  • Schneider, S., Clauss, T. (2020) Business Models for Sustainability: Choices and Consequences, Organization & Environment, 33(3), 384-407.
  • Schneider, S., Leyer, M. (2019) Me or IT? Adoption of artificial intelligence in the delegation of personal strategic decisions, Managerial and Decision Economics, 40, 223-231.
  • Schneider, S. (2019) How to approach business model innovation: The role of opportunities in times of high levels of exogenous change or in the absence of exogenous change, R&D Management Journal, 49 (4), 397-697.
  • Spieth, P., Schneider, S., Clauss, T., Eichenberg, D. (2019) Value drivers of social businesses: A business model perspective, Long Range Planning, 52 (3), 427-444.
  • Tynnhammar, M., Kokshagina, O., Schneider, S. (2018) Composing the Innovation Management Symphony - A note on the 2017 ISPIM Innovation Conference in Vienna, Technovation, 74-75, 66.
  • Spieth, P., Schneider, S. (2016) Business model innovativeness: Designing a formative measure for business model innovation, Journal of Business Economics, 86 (6), 671-696.
  • Schneider, S., Spieth, P. (2014) Business model innovation and strategic flexibility: Insights from an experimental research design, International Journal of Innovation Management, 18 (6), 1-21.
  • Schneider, S., Spieth, P. (2013) Business model innovation: Towards an integrated future research agenda. International Journal of Innovation Management, 17 (1), 1-34.
  • Schneider, S., Spieth, P., Clauss, T. (2013) Business model innovation in the aviation industry. International Journal of Product Development, 18 (3/4), 286-310.
Editorial-reviewed journal
  • Kokshagina, O., Schneider, S. (2024). How hybrid work is reinventing management, The Conversation, 11.04.204,
  • Kokshagina, O., Schneider, S. (2024). À l'ère du travail hybride, de nouvelles « tensions paradoxales » apparaissent, The Conversation, March 18, 2024.
Chapters in books
  • Schneider, S. (2023). It Takes Two to Tango - Ecosystem Engagement and Coopetition Paradoxes. In Joshi et al., Exploring Business Ecosystems and Innovation Capacity Building in Global Economics, IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6766-4
  • Schneider, S. (2019) The impacts of digital technologies on innovation for sustainability, Bocken, N., Ritala, P., Albareda, L., Verburg, R. (Eds.), Innovation for sustainability - Business transformations towards a better world, Palgrave Studies in Sustainable Business In Association with Future Earth, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Schneider, S. (2018) Digitale Plattform-Geschäftsmodelle: Zunehmende Relevanz einer umfassenden Ecosystem-Perspektive, in P. Rott & K. Tonner (Hrsg), Online-Vermittlungsplattformen in der Rechtspraxis: Sharing Economy, Online-Vertrieb, Geschäftsmodelle; Verbraucher und Recht: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Verbraucherrecht, Nomos: Baden-Baden.
Peer reviewed academic/professional meeting proceedings
  • Schneider, S., Som, O., Rhomberg, M. (2023). Ecosystem emergence facing technological and political uncertainty: A longitudinal perspective. Proceedings of tte XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference, held in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 04 June to 07 June 2023. ISBN 978‐952‐65069‐3‐7
  • Baiyere, A., Schneider, S., Klein, M.-K. (2023). Digital Work: A Conceptual Clarification. Paper presented at the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Science, January 2023.
  • Freisinger, E., Unfried, M., & Schneider, S. (2022). The adoption of algorithmic decision-making agents over time: algorithm aversion as a temporary effect? 29th Innovation and Product Development Conference, July 17-19 2022, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Schneider, S., & Leyer, M. (2022). Decisions made by AI: In whom we trust? 38th EGOS Colloquium "Organizing: The beauty of imperfection", July 7-9 2022, Vienna, Austria.
  • Schneider, S., & Freisinger, E. (2022). Overcoming Algorithm Aversion: The Power of Task-Procedure-Fit, Proceedings of the 2022 Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle, August 2022.
  • Freisinger, E., Unfried, M., & Schneider, S. (2022). The adoption of algorithmic decision-making agents over time: algorithm aversion as a temporary effect? Thirtieth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2022) Research Papers, 82, Timsoara, Romania.
  • Güler, M., Karakayer, Y., & Schneider, S. (2022). Me versus us: Experimental evidence of strategic behaviors in business ecosystems. EURAM 2022 "Leading Digital Transformation", 15-17 June 2022, Winterthur, Switzerland.
  • Soier, S., & Schneider, S. (2022). Contributing to Sustainability: Using Digital Technologies in Real Estate Development, Proceedings of the XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference "Innovating in a Digital World", Copenhagen 5-8 June, 2022. ISBN 978-952-335-694-8
  • Freisinger, E. & Schneider, S. (2021). Only a Coward hides behind AI? Preferences in Surrogate, Moral Decision-Making, Proceedings of the Forty-Second International Conference on Information Systems, Austin 2021.
  • Schneider, S., Kokshagina, O., (2020) Digital Technologies in the Workplace: A Ne(s)t of Paradoxes, Proceedings of the 2020 ICIS Conference.
  • Hanelt, A., Nischak, F., Markus, N., Hodapp, D., Schneider, S. (2020) Building platform ecosystems for IoT - Exploring the impact on industrial-age firms, Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Marrakesh, Morocco.
  • Schlecht, L., Schneider, S., Buchwald, A. (2020) Creating value through blockchain technology: A Delphi study, Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Marrakesh, Morocco.
  • Leyer, M., Schneider, S. (2019) Me, you or AI? How do we feel about delegation, Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden, June 8-14, 2019.
Presentation of a paper at a conference, workshop or seminar
  • Schneider, S. (2024). Dynamische vs. statische Struktur: Die Grenzen von "one size fits all" im Kontext paradoxer Spannungen in digitaler Arbeit, Schaffarei Konferenz 2024: Technikfolgenabschätzung aus Arbeitnehmer:innenperspektive, Feldkirch, 21.11.2024.
  • Schneider, S. (2024). When knowledge becomes more - not less - important: Exploring students' perceived implications of AI on education, 40th EGOS Colloquium 2024, Milan, 04.-06.07.2024.
  • Schneider, S., Kaiser, C., Schallner, R. (2024). The influence of Generative AI on information search and retrieval in consumer decision-making: A multi-method perspective, ESSEC Workshop "AI and Emerging Technologies: Beyond the Hype", Paris, 16-17.05.2024.
  • Schneider, S., Kaiser, C. (2024). ChatGPT in consumer decision-making: GenAI's influence on information search & processing, NIM Research Seminar, Nürnberg, 11.04.2024.
  • Som, O., Schneider, S. (2023). Künstliche Intelligenz aus wirtschaftlicher, rechtlicher und gesellschaftlicher Perspektive, Fachvortrag, Rotary Club Hall in Tirol, Mils, 26.07.2023.
  • Schneider, S., & Leyer, M. (2023). Whom do we trust in decision-making? Perceptions of managers and politicians vs. agentic AI. Paper presented at the 21st European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 24-27 May 2023, Katowice, Poland.
  • Bartosch, V. & Schneider, S. (2023). The paradox mindset - Influenced by personality, influencing intrinsic motivation? Paper presented at the 21st European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 24-27 May 2023, Katowice, Poland.
  • Schneider, S. (2023). Künstliche Intelligenz & Gerichtsbarkeit? 101. Treffen des Arbeitskreises Gerichtsvorsteherinnen und Gerichtsvorsteher, Innsbruck, 17.03.2023.
  • Schneider, S. (2022). The human-algorithm connection in decision-making: In whom we trust, Paper presented at the 1st NIMCon - NIM Market Decisions Research Meeting 2022, September 25-27, Nünberg, Germany.
  • Schneider, S. & Leyer, M. (2021) In whom we trust? Acceptance of decisions made by AI, Presented at the International Society for Professional Innovation Management Conference 2021, June 20-23, Berlin/Germany.
Supervised bachelor theses
  • Biller Tizian (2024): The Synergy of Minds and Machines: Exploring the Impact of AI-enabled Decision Support Systems on Human-Machine Interactions in Automotive Supply Chain Risk Management - a German Perspective
  • Meier Sarah (2024): Predicting the Future of the Gemstone Industry: A Delphi Study on Sustainability and Changing Market Trends by 2040
  • Erharter Daniel (2024): Digitalisierung im Bauwesen
  • Raum Lukas (2023): Internal Barriers for the Implementation of a Circular Business Model - A Multi-Level Perspective of a Traditional Business.
  • Matt Nicole (2022): Green Meetings & Green Events - Potential von nachhaltigen Veranstaltungskonzepten für Vorarlberger Unternehmen
  • Rhomberg Marielle (2022): Challenges Arising From Actors' Expectations in Emerging Innovation Ecosystems
  • Fellerer Lisa (2022): WhatsApp im Recruitingprozess
  • Fernsebner Hannah (2022): Virtual Reality Transforming the Digital Learning Environment - An Analysis of Students' Acceptance
  • Soier Stefan (2021): Environmental Sustainability Through Digitalization in the Real Estate Industry
Supervised master theses
  • Larcher Verena (2024): A(I) War for Talents
  • Huemer Katharina (2024): Digital Change Management: How Digital Change can be Perceived in a Positive Way - A Case Study Conducted With SOS-Kinderdorf Austria
  • Lindauer Theresa (2023): The Influence of Digital Technologies on Sustainability in Hotels During Digital Transformation
  • Pavel Ole (2023): Successful Scaling of Social Enterprises in the DACH Region
  • Padoan Claudia (2023): ChatGPT for Managers: A Quantitative Study of User Acceptance
  • Zeiher Christina (2023): The Impact of Human Interaction on the Competitive Advantage of Service Companies in the Digital Era
  • Kaltenbach Annalena (2023): Knowledge Sharing Behaviour in Current Times: Revolution or Same Procedure as Always?
  • Pranger Victoria (2022): Organizational Development of Utilities in the Digital Energy Market to Develop Dynamic Capabilities
  • Bartosch Victoria (2022): Key to Success? Individual and Organizational Factors Shaping the Paradox Mindset
  • Millen Thomas (2022): Employee Responses to Digital Transformation: A Case Study of the Non-Profit Organization SOS-Kinderdorf
  • Faißt Rebekka (2022): The Influence of Personality Traits on Trust in Artificial Intelligence