Logos & Images

Logos & Images

Here you will find the MCI logo in its various forms as well as a selection of MCI images. These may only be used in the context of cooperation projects or after consulting the marketing department about the respective purpose of use. Information on the source of the images, which must be quoted with each publication, can be found directly with the images.

For further information, please contact +43 512/2070-1500 or marketing@mci.edu


The MCI logo's protected area is the "M" (of MCI) height and defines the minimum distance between the logo and all other elements (including text, images, graphics, illustrations, page margins).


MCI has three defined corporate colors: orange and blue for the Entrepreneurial School in general, red for Executive Education. The color codes can be found below.


RGB 244 / 155 / 0
CMYK 0 / 57 / 100 / 0
HEX #ff9900


RGB 0 / 73 / 131
CMYK 100 / 56 / 0 / 34
HEX #004983


RGB 130 / 17 / 49
CMYK 8 / 100 / 60 / 38
HEX #821131


Schriftart Univers

print materials like presentations, poster etc

Schriftart Roboto

web communication like website, mailings etc


The images listed below are available for download free of charge to the press as well as partner companies for editorial or cooperative purposes.

MCI Buildings

Legal notice

The images of the MCI are protected and are available exclusively for use in connection with the MCI. Alteration, modification or addition to the images is not permitted. The copyright stated in the title must always be quoted with the image.