Industriemagazin ranking: MCI on top once again

Date 2018-03-12

The Entrepreneurial School® again achieves excellent rankings this year: seven study programs in the top ten.

Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski mentors four students
The Entrepreneurial School® again achieves excellent rankings this year: seven study programs in the top ten. © MCI

MCI’s strong commitment to the highest quality standards has paid off once again. The current edition of the Industriemagazin, Austria’s specialist journal for entrepreneurs and decision makers, ranks seven MCI study programs among the top ten best courses: the study programs in Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering (Bachelor and Master), Industrial Engineering & Management (Bachelor & Master), the Bachelor degree program in Tourism Business Studies, the Bachelor degree program in Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management, and the Master degree program in International Health & Social Management.

On behalf of the Industriemagazin, the market and opinion research center interviewed 560 executives of Austrian industrial companies as to their opinion on the quality of relevant university of applied sciences programs. A total of 335 programs were considered in the survey, which was carried out between January 15 and February 10, 2018.

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