First Family Business Day at MCI

Date 2018-05-16

A new symposium successfully launched at the Entrepreneurial School® provides a platform for science and business to meet as well as scientific input and an opportunity for family entrepreneurs from the DACH region to exchange ideas

Podiumsrunde beim ersten Tag der Familienunternehmen am MCI. Foto: MCI
Entrepreneurs share their experiences on the first Family Business Day at MCI (from left to right): Anita Zehrer (MCI), Martha Schultz (Schultz Group), Martina Entner (Hotel Entners am See), Manfred Pletzer (Pletzer Group), and Dieter Unterberger (Unterberger Group). Photo credit: MCI

Establishing a link between science and business is one of the most important strategic goals of the Entrepreneurial School®. Consequently, MCI has now initiated the first Family Business Day. The focus of the opening event was on how to handle the issues of transition and succession, which present a special challenge for family-owned businesses. Family entrepreneurs from all DACH countries (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) readily accepted MCI’s invitation to participate in the event. Financial support was provided by the Raiffeisen bank (Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG) and Standortagentur Tirol (agency for the promotion of Tyrol as a location for business).

The program was both diverse and interesting: it offered scientific input and a broad range of expertise with regard to not only strategic and legal questions, but also to funding, recruiting, and personnel development. In a panel discussion, successful entrepreneurs from a variety of sectors shared their experiences with our guests. The event culminated in the presentation of a best practice example: Klaus Ortner, CEO of the internationally operating association of technology companies IGO Industries, demonstrated how a more than 110-year-old family enterprise could be transformed into a globally successful multi-billion-euro business.

Participants unanimously agreed: the event should be repeated. What they appreciated most was the variety of scientific perspectives offered on the highly relevant topic of succession.

“I was motivated to study at MCI by my wish to learn more about the management of our own family business. It is great to see that MCI now also hosts a center specifically designed for family-owned businesses,” Daniel Deflorian, Deflorian Tiefkühlspezialitäten Ltd.

“I am delighted that MCI is increasing its focus on family-run businesses,” Thomas Falkner, Teamgeist

“The event presented a very diverse program with a lot of input and ideas on takeover and succession,” Katharina Oberbichler, business consultant

MCI Rector Andreas Altmann is happy that the new platform has received such positive feedback: “As the Entrepreneurial School® we are strongly committed to providing a link between the worlds of science and business. We know about the challenges family businesses are faced with and are happy to be able to make this knowledge available to entrepreneurs.”

Anita Zehrer, head of the MCI Family Business Center, points out that family entrepreneurship is a major area of research focus at MCI: “We continuously work with entrepreneurs to identify particularly pressing problems and develop solutions in our research projects. Most recently, our work has focused on the issue of company succession. We can now present entrepreneurs with highly relevant research findings and thus support them in leading their business to success.”

With the Family Business Day, MCI provides a new platform for science and industry to meet. The series of events is designed to provide insights into current challenges and the opportunity to discuss, as well as solve, problems relating to family-owned businesses. The platform is primarily geared towards family business owners and relatives holding a responsible position in the enterprise. It also – and in particular – addresses (future) entrepreneurs facing the issue of succession. The event will take place on an annual basis and will be complemented by additional events, each focusing on a specific topic.

Mag. Susanne Crawford | Leave of Absence Marketing & Communications
Mag. Susanne CrawfordLeave of Absence
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