MCI tops European Graduate Ranking once again

Date 2018-07-26

The Entrepreneurial School® has once again been ranked at the top of the renowned 2018 Trendence Graduate Barometer, with excellent reviews for professors, teaching, digital learning, practical relevance, career services, international orientation, student support and counseling

MCI-Studierende bescheinigen ihrer Hochschule im Trendence Graduate Barometer 2018 erneut ausgezeichnete Qualität. Foto: MCI
MCI at the top of European university ranking once again. Photo: MCI

MCI celebrates yet another international top ranking: in the recently published European Trendence Graduate Barometer, the Entrepreneurial School® excels with an impressive overall score of 1.9 on the scale of 1 (Very satisfied) to 7 (Very dissatisfied). It thus outperforms all other Austrian institutions of higher education with an average score of 2.2 as well as its own best results of the previous years (2.0 in 2017, 2.1 in 2016).

The recommendation rate of 93.5% among MCI students is also particularly impressive, considering that the value achieved from students surveyed Austria-wide was 88.5%.

While the overall result represents the students’ general satisfaction with their university and the study programs offered, several criteria relating to the students’ satisfaction with their individual studies at MCI were also surveyed. Students value MCI especially for its lecturers and professors, for the digital learning programs it offers and the career opportunities they create, for the practical relevance and international focus of the degree programs, for its career and counseling services, as well as student support.

The European Trendence Graduate Barometer is based on Europe’s largest survey of education, careers and employment. Almost 500,000 students from 22 countries and around 150 higher education institutions participate in the survey every year. In Austria, 10,322 graduate students of business, engineering, natural and information sciences answered questions about their future career as well as about their satisfaction with the institution of higher education at which they study and the services they provided. The survey was completed between September 2017 and February 2018, using a rating scale from 1 (Very satisfied) to 7 (Very dissatisfied). Converted into the Austrian grading scale where 1 is “Excellent” and 5 is “Not sufficient”, MCI’s score corresponds to the outstanding grade of 1.36; the average score of Austrian universities and institutions of higher education corresponds to the still very good grade of 1.57.

Mag. Susanne Crawford | Leave of Absence Marketing & Communications
Mag. Susanne CrawfordLeave of Absence
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