Old bread baking technology meets the latest nutrition technology

Date 2018-08-28

Bread baking on a scientific basis - Joint research project "FoodFlour" by M-Preis-Bäckerei Therese Mölk and MCI The Entrepreneurial School® -Optimized bread-baking process for higher digestibility - Bread as a high quality food in the most original sense

FoodFlour Kickoff Meeting. Photo: Therese Mölk
FoodFlour kick off meeting, from left to right: Mathias Mölk (Therese Mölk ), Elisabeth Jehle (Therese Mölk), Roland Fuschlberger (Lanser Hof), Christoph Furtschegger (Bioalpin), Ruldof Korneck (Therese Mölk), Katrin Bach (MCI), Manuel Kraler (MCI). Photo: Therese Mölk

In cooperation with the Therese Mölk bakery of the grocery retailer M-Preis, MCI, The Entrepreneurial School®, recently launched the research project FoodFlour. The aim is to eliminate constituents of bread, those of which can burden the human organism, during the production process. Old baker's wisdom has been proven by scientific studies, according to which, the key to tasty, and at the same time healthy and digestible bread does not seem to lie solely in the ingredients, but especially in its method of preparation. The more time bread dough gets to ripen, the more digestible the bread is as a general rule.. These and other questions will now be explored in a joint research project.

As part of the research project, MCI will contribute Know-how in the field of food technology and accompany the manufacturing process with the necessary analyses in its laboratories. The baking process will be analyzed and further developed in the Therese Mölk bakery. This way, the best possible match between high-quality baking ingredients and high digestibility is to be found through an optimized slow baking process. The project is planned for a period of two years and is supported by state funds within the framework of innovation promotion.

The bakery Therese Mölk, founded in 1925, still relies on the philosophy "nature. Craft. Time. Nothing else. "The claim is, as in the past, to produce pure bread without artificial additives. Scientific research has shown that bread produced according to old, slow methods is much easier to digest than many modern types of bread, which are baked relatively quickly. In addition to high quality - very often organically grown and produced - basic products, Therese Mölk therefore focuses on the baking process, which differs significantly from industrial production. As a result, numerous types of bread are now once again "long term managed", i.e. the doughs are given sufficient time to ripen. Ingredients that can burden the human organism are largely degraded during this maturing period.

This is exactly where the cooperation between MCI and Therese Mölk begins. In this joint research project, the basic ingredients of the bread are first analyzed and optimized in the MCI laboratories with regard to quality, ingredients, production and technical properties. The "Bio vom Berg" initiative is also on board as a local supplier of high-quality organic cereals such as wheat, rye and spelt. Bread is then produced from such optimized ingredients according to the recipes and baking processes developed by Therese Mölk, which is then examined and tested at the MCI. The aim is to bake bread, which is characterized by valuable ingredients and high digestibility and at the same time convinces through good taste, perfect consistency and a pleasant texture in the mouth. This all results in bread, which fully lives up to its original role as a valuable food and nutritional pillar of a health-promoting diet.


Mathias Mölk, Managing Director of Therese Mölk: "Almost since time immemorial, bread has been the staple food of the people. At Therese Mölk we bake bread with high standards of quality, taste, wholesomeness and sustainability. We want to give it back the importance that it deserves in a modern and healthy diet. This project will take us a big step forward. "

Christoph Furtschegger, Product Manager at Bioalpin: "The 'FoodFlour' project fits in perfectly with our 'Bio vom Berg' brand. With more than 20 organic farmers, we are working on the revitalization of the Tyrolean cereal crop. Even old varieties such as Tyrolean Kolbendinkel or Obernberger Schwarzhafer are back in the spotlight: particularly high-quality cereals that fully meet the need for a wholesome and wholesome diet. "

Katrin Bach, Head of Master Studies and Research Area Food and Raw Materials Technology at the MCI: "We are very happy to be working together with Therese Mölk on this wonderful project. We will carry out the necessary analyses and tests in our laboratories and contribute our Know-how in the fields of raw materials, analytics and product development. "

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