DFK Advancement Award 2018 for top MCI students

Date 2018-11-05

The German Circle of Friends of the Universities of Innsbruck Association supports excellent students in their professional and academic development - Three outstanding award-winners at the Entrepreneurial School®


Visibly pleased: Award winner Christopher Raggl with MCI-Rector Andreas Altmann (left) und Yorck Schmidt, Chairman of the German Circle of Friends of the Universities of Innsbruck (right). Photo: Andrea Frischauf.
Visibly pleased: Award winner Christopher Raggl with MCI-Rector Andreas Altmann (left) und Yorck Schmidt, Chairman of the German Circle of Friends of the Universities of Innsbruck (right). Photo: Andrea Frischauf.

Last week, for the tenth time now, the German Circle of Friends of the Universities of Innsbruck Associaton (Deutscher Freundeskreis der Universitäten in Innsbruck - DFK) presented the advancement award to students with excellent academic achievements during their annual conference. Further honours were also presented to High Potentials of the Leopold Franzens University Innsbruck (LFU), the Medical University Innsbruck and the Management Center Innsbruck (MCI).

The highly coveted award, which celebrates its tenth anniversary this year, honors young talent with above-average academic achievements and in addition to recognizing their achievements also serves to realize committed future projects. During the selection process, the professional and personal careers, academic achievements and future prospects of the candidates are taken into account.

Heike Ganzhorn, Melanie Prieler and Christopher Raggl from MCI convinced the jury with their impressive careers to date, and ambitious plans for the future. Last week, DFK Chairman Yorck Schmidt presented the awards in a festive Tyrolean setting. MCI Rector Andreas Altmann: "I am delighted for the award winners at this recognition of their achievements, which ultimately reflects the quality of their training at MCI".

Heike Ganzhorn, a graduate of the Master's program in Strategic Management and Law, impressed with an average grade of 1.25 and a wide range of international experience. The GCFUI Advancement Award will support her in the implementation of her Master's thesis.

Melanie Prieler, who studies in the Bachelor's program for Social Work and has an excellent average grade of 1.17, would like to use the GCFUI Advancement Award to finance her internships abroad in the field of refugee social work in Ethiopia and Uganda.

Christopher Raggl, a Biotechnology and Industrial Engineering Master Degree student, has already received several awards for his outstanding academic achievements. He will use the GCFUI Award to finance his double degree at MCI.

At the LFU, the prizes went to Sebastian Baron, Magdalena Costa, Miguel Steiner, Alexander Neuschmid and Lucy Neumann. Theresa Auer and Mustafa Yildirim are the happy winners at the Medical University.

The MCI offers our warm congratulations to you all.

Mag. Susanne Crawford | Leave of Absence Marketing & Communications
Mag. Susanne CrawfordLeave of Absence
Weitere Informationen
  • German Circle of Friends of the Universities of Innsbruck Assoc. (GCFUI)
  • Bachelor's Degree in Social Work
  • Master's Degree in Strategic Management & Law
  • Master's Degree in Biotechnology
  • Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management
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