MCI Master of Technology with a double degree in Genoa

Date 2018-12-13

The Entrepreneurial School® cooperates with renowned Università degli Studi di Genova - double degree option for students of the MCI Master Degree in Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering

Look forward to working together: from left Prof. Marco Rupprich und Aldo Gionvannini (both MCI) und Prof. Marco Fossa (University of Genoa)). Photo: MCI
Look forward to working together: from left Prof. Marco Rupprich und Aldo Gionvannini (both MCI) und Prof. Marco Fossa (University of Genoa)). Photo: MCI

Subsequent to the signing of a double-degree agreement with the University of Genoa, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Italy, selected MCI students now have the opportunity to obtain a degree from both universities.

This double degree will be awarded to students of the Master of Science in Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering at MCI who, in addition to the Master of Science (MSc) degree from MCI, can earn a Laurea Magistrale in Energy Engineering from the University of Genoa.

This is realized through a curriculum developed jointly by both universities, which combines the areas of energy technology and chemical engineering under the title "European Master in Engineering for Energy and Environmental Sustainability". In contrast to the regular 4-semester Master's program, the English-language double degree program comprises five semesters.

The first two semesters are spent at the MCI, the third and fourth semesters at the technical campus Savona of the University of Genoa. For the fifth semester, students can choose the place of study themselves. The students not only profit from this cooperation academically, but are also provided the opportunity to significantly improve their linguistic and intercultural competences.

Founded in 1471, the Università degli Studi di Genova is one of the oldest major European universities and one of the most-highly-rated universities in Italy. Located in the heart of the city of Genoa, home to the medieval and baroque heritage of Europe's largest and most productive port, students will find plenty of cultural offerings.

Prof. Marco Fossa, Coordinator of the MSc in Energy Engineering at the Università degli Studi di Genova: "In MCI, we are pleased to have found a partner who prepares our students for competition in the international labor market. The double degree program offers a great perspective for students from both universities. "

Prof. Marco Rupprich, Ph.D., Head of the MCI program “Environmental, Process & Energy Technology”: "The cooperation with the Università degli Studi di Genova, one of the most prestigious universities in Italy, offers our students unique advancement opportunities and international career opportunities."

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