MCI announces agreements with leading universities

Date 2019-01-09

Stockholm, Sao Paolo and Newcastle as destinations for students of the Entrepreneurial School

One of the new top-class partner universities: Universidade de Sao Paolo, Brazil. Photo: Marcos Santos/USP Imagens
One of the new top-class partner universities: Universidade de Sao Paolo, Brazil. Photo: Marcos Santos/USP Imagens

The Management Center Innsbruck lives up to its reputation as one of the most international universities in the German-speaking world. With the University of Sao Paolo in Brazil, the Northumbria University in Great Britain and the Stockholm University in Sweden, the Management Center Innsbruck has recently been able to acquire further top-class partners.

The University of Sao Paulo is one of the largest universities in Brazil and Latin America. Besides its main location in Sao Paolo, there are also university locations in five other Brazilian cities. With over 90,000 students, the university has a somewhat different profile than the MCI and therefore ideally complements the Entrepreneurial School®. In renowned university rankings such as the Shangai Ranking or the THE Ranking, the University of Sao Paulo is regularly the best-ranked Latin American university. Sao Paolo is regarded as the economic center of Brazil and considered as more European as the capital Brasilia. As is the case with most partnerships, the University of Sao Paulo also offers the possibility of a mutual exchange of students. One student from each of the MCI's Bio- & Food Technology programs and the Master's program in Food Technology & Nutrition can spend a semester at the South American university.

As study places in Great Britain are particularly sought after by students, MCI is expanding its range of British partner universities despite Brexit. The Newcastle Business School at Northumbria University, like MCI, is AACSB accredited and is located in the vibrant city of Newcastle in the north of England. The exchange study places are within the field of tourism, with the rugged beauty of northern England proving a popular tourist destination in its own right.

Additionally, MCI is further expanding university partnerships in Scandinavia. The third new addition is Stockholm University. The Swedish university is one of Scandinavia's most important universities in terms of both size and quality. In the Shanghai Ranking 2017, Stockholm University is ranked 74th worldwide. The cooperation with MCI takes place via the business faculty, the "Stockholm Business School". Sweden is regarded as a pioneer in many social issues. This is one of the reasons that the Swedish capital and Stockholm University prove such exciting destinations for young people.

Susanne Lichtmannegger, Head of International Relations at MCI, is delighted: "We have succeeded in concluding agreements with the best universities in the world. This is proof of the MCI's success story and, of course, a gift and a special opportunity for our students who can spend a semester there.

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Mag. Susanne CrawfordLeave of Absence
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