MCI welcomes increase in study places

Date 2019-05-02

Federal Government finances 330 additional study places from 2020/21 - focus on technology, digitization & IT - sensible investment in the future - securing innovation, competitiveness and prosperity

The MCI is pleased about the additional nationally financed study places which are facilitating an essential investment in the future of the country. Photo: MCI
The MCI is pleased about the additional nationally financed study places which are facilitating an essential investment in the future of the country. Photo: MCI

“It was with great pleasure that we learned of the announcement from the Ministry of Education and Science to establish a further 330 nationally financed study places in the MINT field. With this increase, Minister for Science, Heinz Faßmann, is facilitating an essential investment in the future of our country," said MCI Rector Andreas Altmann in a press release. The Ministry of Science is launching the next round of expansion of universities of applied sciences and is providing financing for 330 additional new study places for the academic year 2020/21 to alleviate the bottlenecks in the availability of academically qualified experts in the fields of STEM and digital transformation. The call for proposals focuses on innovative study programs such as Industry 4.0, Information Technology, Digitalization, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber ​​Security and E-Government. Planned cooperation with the business sector, vocational and dual studies as well as the training of women for MINT professions are to be given special consideration. There are currently three to four applications for every study place available at MCI, and many exceptionally qualified and highly motivated young people cannot be enrolled due to a lack of space. A similar picture emerges in the demand for MCI graduates from the labor market. Here, too, the enormous demand of the labour market cannot be satisfied. 

Tyrol's Governor, Günther Platter, is delighted for the state of Tyrol: "I welcome the federal government's decision to create 330 additional university of applied sciences study places in Austria. Tyrol will also benefit from this, because more study places not only increase the future prospects for young people, but also mean a further strengthening of the domestic business and science position. The future will be shaped by digital technologies and working practices. That is why it is important to prepare young people for the future as well as possible by means of practical and scientifically sound training."  

Bernhard Tilg, Science and Research Secretary of Tyrol, is also pleased about the additional study places for the region: "A structural change towards a knowledge society characterized by research, technology and innovation can be seen in the world of work. Mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology form the central economic innovation sector as MINT departments. These university graduates ensure that Tyrol can continue to participate in technological progress as well as in the growth impetus and productivity gains of the high-tech sectors."

"The decision by Minister Heinz Faßmann and the Austrian Federal Government represents an important step for the future of our country and for ambitious young people. There is hardly a more sensible measure to promote innovation, competitiveness and prosperity and to secure social cohesion," said MCI Rector Andreas Altmann, in expressing his joy.

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