25 Study Places for Medical Technologies at the MCI

Date 2019-08-06

Good News: Ministry of Science supports STEM programs in Austria - Entrepreneurial School® with 25 federal-funded study places for Master Medical Technologies* - Start of studies in autumn 2019 - Applications always possible!

The MCI was successful in the last Austria-wide round of expansion of federally funded study places with 25 new beginner study places for the master program 'Medical Technologies'. Photo: MCI
The MCI was successful in the last Austria-wide round of expansion of federally funded study places with 25 new beginner study places for the master program 'Medical Technologies'. Photo: MCI

Another success can be registered by the Entrepreneurial University® in Innsbruck. As the Ministry of Science has just announced, the MCI was successful in the last Austria-wide round of expansion of federally funded study places with 25 new beginner study places for the master program "Medical Technologies"*.

The MCI Master's program Medical Technologies is already starting in fall 2019 due to a special funding from the state of Tyrol. The accreditation procedure is in progress. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. Click here for detailed information:

With the present round of expansion, the Ministry of Science promotes programs with a high degree of relevance to innovation, digitization, internationalization and regional importance. The focus was primarily on innovative projects in technology fields such as Industry 4.0, Information Technology, Digitalization, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security and E-Government. Special attention was also paid to cross-cutting issues, cooperations, job friendly and dual study programs and support for women in STEM.


Tyrolean governor Günther Platter: "I appreciate the decision of the federal government to create additional college places in Austria and I am particularly pleased that the MCI, as one of the mainstays of the Tyrolean higher education landscape, has now received federal funding for the new Master's degree program 'Medical Technologies'."

Science and Research Secretary Bernhard Tilg: "These 25 new study places at the MCI deepen the existing competencies of the Tyrolean university landscape in the focus of medical technology. These additional students will give impulses for the further development of the scientific location of Tyrol. This decision of the Federal Government is a great recognition of what forward-thinking policy, ambitious universities and gifted students can jointly contribute to innovation and research.

MCI Rector Andreas Altmann: "The decision of Minister of Science Iris Rauskala and the Austrian Federal Government is an important change for the future of our country and ambitious young people. I am very pleased that we can meet the enormous demand for our study programs a little better", MCI-Rector Andreas Altmann expresses his delight. And further: "Currently, we receive four times as many applications as we have study places at the MCI, and many highly qualified candidates cannot be admitted to the program. The situation with regards to MCI graduates is similar, where the urgent demand of the economy cannot even be met. I am grateful to all decision-makers in the Austrian Ministry of Science and the Tyrol for this important decision for the future.

*subject to accredidation


Mag. Susanne Crawford | Leave of Absence Marketing & Communications
Mag. Susanne CrawfordLeave of Absence
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