Digital MCI Badges for Extracurricular Activities

Date 2019-09-09

The Entrepreneurial School®, a pioneer in e-learning - digital badges for additionally-acquired skills facilitate career planning and a career start– fostering of extraordinary student commitment

Regina Obexer (left) and Brigitte Huter (right), initiators and project leaders of the Digital Badges at MCI. Photo: MCI
Regina Obexer (left) and Brigitte Huter (right), initiators and project leaders of the Digital Badges at MCI. Photo: MCI

In the academic year 2018/19, around 60 students at MCI took advantage of the opportunity to acquire additional skills and knowledge, parallel to their regular studies, in subjects such as Responsible Management, Digital Communication, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Scientific Data Management, International Career Skills, etc. Due to the considerable importance of the internet and social media, these extracurricular skills are no longer certified through conventional means, but rather with "digital badges", which provide major advantages for a successful start to a career.

Digital badges" are digital certificates that describe and qualitatively document acquired skills. In contrast to traditional certificates in paper form, badges can be collected in a virtual backpack and distributed online as required. For example, badges can be imported into a personal LinkedIn profile at the push of a button; interested employers or project partners can use the badge to find out more about the skills that they have acquired and the corresponding verification, and the issuing institution itself. This is not about grades, but rather about skills that the badge holder has acquired.

MCI students are delighted with this new opportunity to acquire interesting and valuable skills in addition to their studies, and to receive a digital certificate that can easily be incorporated into social media profiles: "Badges help broaden your horizons, allow you to take on different perspectives and develop commitment to self-responsible learning," sums up one enthusiastic participant.

Like other badge pioneers in America and England, MCI's badges are designed to motivate students to engage in extracurricular activities and further education. Students have the opportunity to expand their personal competence portfolio with various key competencies during their studies. The extra-curricular courses are designed and organized by Brigitte Huter (Student & Career Center) and Regina Obexer (Learning Solutions).

Mag. Susanne Crawford | Leave of Absence Marketing & Communications
Mag. Susanne CrawfordLeave of Absence
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