IKB agrees research cooperation with local universities

Date 2019-12-06

The core topics are energy, water, wastewater, swimming baths, waste management, internet/telecommunication/IT - Participating universities: University of Innsbruck, Medical University of Innsbruck, and MCI


From left: Rector Tilman Märk and Vice Rector Ulrike Tanzer (University of Innsbruck), Rector Wolfgang Fleischhacker (Meduni), MCI-Rector Andreas Altmann,  IKB-Chairman Manfried Gantner. Photo: IKB/Vandory
From left: Rector Tilman Märk and Vice Rector Ulrike Tanzer (University of Innsbruck), Rector Wolfgang Fleischhacker (Meduni), MCI-Rector Andreas Altmann, IKB-Chairman Manfried Gantner. Photo: IKB/Vandory

In the course of their 25th anniversary, the Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe (IKB) have announced that they will enter into a five-year cooperation for joint research projects with Tyrolean universities. The IKB Supervisory Board Chairman, Manfried Gantner, along with representatives of the University of Innsbruck, the Medical University and MCI, have recently signed an agreement to this effect.

The first research projects are to be announced in due course. The scope of the research is defined by the IKB's field of activity, which focuses on energy, water, wastewater, swimming baths, waste management, Internet/telecommunications and IT services. The promotion of up-and-coming talent will be at the fore in the awarding of the projects.

Initiator and IKB Supervisory Chairman Manfried Gantner emphasizes, "As a former Rector, I am aware of the excellence and know-how of our universities. With this research cooperation, we invite the members of Innsbruck's universities to accompany us along this path with their projects in research, teaching and further education for the benefit of the population.

MCI Rector Andreas Altmann adds, "Science, technology and innovation form the basis for competitiveness and prosperity. This is exactly where the research cooperation between the IKB and local universities comes into effect. The IKB should not only be congratulated on its exemplary success story over the past 25 years, but also for setting the course for the future; a win-win situation for the IKB, universities and the entire community".

Mag. Susanne Crawford | Leave of Absence Marketing & Communications
Mag. Susanne CrawfordLeave of Absence
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