Redesigning Work - Digital Conference on the Future of Work at MCI

Date 2020-06-16

Large MCiT Forum 2020 virtual for the first time | 25 top speakers in 14 sessions | new forms of work, concepts and cooperation


The MCiT Forum was a great success. Photo: MCI
The MCiT Forum was a great success. Photo: MCI

A first-class event for MCI students and graduates took place last week at the MCI: The MCiT Forum 2020 with the slogan "Redesigning Work - competing in unpredictable times" was deliberately held digitally, allowing experts from all over the world to join in and meet internationally experienced and renowned speakers. The event was organized by students of the master program Management, Communication & IT (MCiT) as part of the course MCiT Conference, held by course instructor Thomas Dilger.

Bringing together opinion leaders and young professionals, offering insights into the exciting fields of research at the MCI and its lecturers by creating a platform for exchange, inspiration and networking is the declared goal of the conference, which has been taking place for the last three years. This year's virtual event was dedicated to new forms of work, innovative cooperation concepts and networking with partners and pioneers in a highly competitive globalized world. In a total of 14 sessions, 25 internationally experienced experts examined future working worlds from a wide range of perspectives.

Impatiently awaited and a special highlight was Georg Fürlinger, Technology Representative of Austrian Foreign Trade, who joined the event directly from Silicon Valley. He is the author of the book "Away from Silicon Valley", researched innovative ecosystems at the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and works closely with a start-up company at Stanford University in California. In his function as Co-Director of the Open Austria office in San Francisco, he supports Austrian companies in their efforts to enter the US market. On the subject of "Future of Work", Fürlinger had the following advice for all participants: "Flexibilization of work is one of the mega trends that you can see - and this is divided into people, process and places".

Head of Studies Peter J. Mirski describes the background of the MCiT Forum: "We are in close contact with our more than 800 alumni and follow their life and career paths. With our MCiT Forum, we create a platform to inform ourselves about current topics and to stay in contact with our professors and discuss relevant issues. For our students, this is an excellent opportunity to experience the transfer of knowledge from theory to practice up close and live".

A big thank you goes out to all 25 speakers of the virtual conference, who made this innovative format possible through their participation, but especially to the students of the MCiT Master's program, who organized the technical and content part of this digital conference as part of their educational training, mastering this task excellently.

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