MCI welcomes Tyrolean state funding 2021-2025

Date 2020-08-28

Wirtschaftliches Fundament für die nächsten Jahre gesichert | Technologie, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Praxisrelevanz als strategische Stoßrichtung

MCI welcomes Tyrolean state funding 2021-2025
MCI welcomes Tyrolean state funding 2021-2025 Photo: MCI

The Entrepreneurial School ® is described as “A Leading Academic Institution Within our Region”, marked by the occasion of the decision made by the Tyrolean government to provide the MCI with 44 million Euro’s in funding through the academic years of 2021-2025. The Province of Tyrol is thus making a substantial contribution towards the 26 Bachelor and Master’s programs, offered in full-time, part-time and online. This funding will also help with the expenditure to our infrastructure. With 3,550 enrolled students, alongside 12,300 graduates who have achieved over a hundred practical and research projects, several successful startup companies, and furthered the continuing education programs, the MCI plays an integral role within the disciplines of business and science as a well renown University in Innsbruck.

Rector Andreas Altmann is accordingly pleased about this development, as stated in a recent release: "The decision taken by the State of Tyrol at the proposal of the Science Councilor Bernhard Tilg, lays an important foundation for our future framework and for which we must expressly thank him and the State of Tyrol. In conjunction with the 'MCI Development Plan 2021-2025', which was adopted several months ago along with the 'MCI Campus Construction Project', which is due to start in autumn 2021, the state funding has now been approved, offering planning security and stability for the further development of the Entrepreneurial School® over the next five years. Our team is ready to master the challenges ahead, prepare young people for the future, and make companies fit for the winds of global competition”.

The state funding was decided on at the request of Bernhard Tilg, the State Science Councilor, who has also successfully supported MCI since 2008 as Chairman of the MCI General Assembly: "The state funding is intended in particular to ensure the continuation and high-quality furthering development of the study programs with a special focus on technology, life sciences, tourism, and social & economic sciences. Consistent digitization, ongoing innovation, and a high level of business and practical relevance are among the declared strategic thrusts". For Bernhard Tilg, the MCI "...has developed into the mainstay of the Tyrolean education and university landscape. With the adoption of the MCI's strategic development plan from 2021-2025 and the current decision to co-finance the operation of the MCI, the province of Tyrol is living up to its responsibility to the MCI. In addition, all the necessary steps are being prepared for the speedy realization of the new MCI campus with construction scheduled to begin in the fall of 2021. The ball is now in the Federal Government's court to adjust the financing of study places, which has remained unchanged for years, to compensate for the annual loss in value and to provide additional study places in order to meet the enormous demand"

The Mayor of Innsbruck, Georg Willi, emphasizes: "It is impossible to imagine the state capital of Innsbruck without the MCI. I am very pleased about the sustained commitment of the province of Tyrol to the MCI. I am convinced that by providing the capital city of Innsbruck, with its beautifully situated sites in the heart of town, the construction of the new MCI campus will be taking a major step towards securing the future of business, education, and science here. My special thanks go to Bernhard Tilg, State Councilor for Science, and the MCI team for their commitment and successful work".

Christoph Walser, President of the Austrian Economic Chamber Tyrol: "The MCI has become an indispensable pillar for Tyrol as a business location and a reliable partner for local companies. They benefit from highly qualified graduates and an impressive innovative strength in research and development. I am thrilled that the MCI is pulling together and I would like to thank the State of Tyrol for its sustained commitment and to the work of Bernhard Tilg, Provincial Councilor for Science, in this regard. I am convinced that, in view of this success story, the Federal Government will not be able to avoid securing the value of the MCI and providing additional study places".

Christoph Swarovski, President of the Federation of Austrian Industries Tyrol: "The MCI as an 'entrepreneurial university' is of central importance for the Tyrolean industry. When it comes to research and development projects, our companies particularly appreciate the competence, flexibility, and proximity of the MCI. By enabling industry-oriented doctoral programs, the university could become an even more attractive partner for industry. With the state funding that has now been approved, the success story to date can be continued”.

Wolfgang Eichinger, Chairman of the “Träger- und Förderverein Technik”: "Thanks to the consistent investment, the MCI has also developed into an internationally renowned technical university in recent years - with internationally sought-after degree programs in mechatronics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and medical technology, process, environmental and energy technology, biotechnology & food technology and software engineering. The MCI has thus triggered an enormous technological and innovative boost from which our science and business location benefits enormously. With the state funding approved by the application of Bernhard Tilg, the State Councillor, and the new construction of the MCI Campus planned for 2021, the success story can be powerfully continued and further expanded”.

Mag. Susanne Crawford | Leave of Absence Marketing & Communications
Mag. Susanne CrawfordLeave of Absence
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